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Swine Flu Jab is Prep For the Veri Chip!!!!

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posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 04:55 PM
Think about it....

What are they really doing?
Setting up the world to take something through fear of getting a virus.

The Govt are monitoring our reactions to having the Swine Flu jab and now Obama has declared a national emergency people will be more and more conditioned to taking the jab.

Everything thats happening just dont seem to fit. Why all the panic and preperations before its even a pandemic.

And they say it effects most of us like a normal flu but might kill you if your weak or old or young.

I dont think they even care about the consequences of this. IMHO i think they know this isnt going anywhere.

It will die out like Mad Cow disease (and FFS please stop blaming the animals, wasnt aids from an animal too!!??)

In the end they will have conditioned us into accepting something on a major scale!!

This is just a set up in preperation for the Veri Chip... mark my words.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by spirit777child]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:09 PM
They're probably already chipping you when you get the vaccine. You would never know, and the doctors actually administering the vaccine wouldn't have to know either.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Raverous

As far as i know the Veri Chip would be too big to fit through a syringe.

i dont think they have the technology yet to gat a chip small enough to fit into a syringe and then be injected but with these people you can never be too sure!!

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by spirit777child

I like this theory...

It's like a trial run for the real thing.

This whole Swine Flu thing is not anything that is gonna depopulate millions of people. The vaccines, aren't going to kill people on a massive scale.

So what other purpose could it serve? We obviouly know the whole thing is a conspiracy (The H1N1 was man made... it didn't come from a Pig in Mexico)

$50 Billion dollars for Big Pharma is a start, but there is a much bigger picture here.

This very well could be practice.

I know Hurricane Katrina was practice.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:32 PM
What if the chip isn't a chip at all.
What if a specific chemical signature is being added to our makeup.
Think about it.
Most Americans have been vaccinated against certain strains of viruses and diseases and because of the changes to our makeup, we are uniquely identifiable by not only our blood and other materials, but by our DNA.

What if some other method, that is far more specific has been developed.

We could speculate all day, and never know the real motive.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:43 PM
According to my sources this is all driven by the Reptilians. The H1N1 vaccine changes our DNA so that we become a more viable food source for the Reptilians. This is just phase one because for some reason the vaccine is ineffective in some humans. Phase two is determining which humans have become successfully altered and THOSE humans are then chipped. This allows the Reptilians to quickly identify suitable food source and acquire it. My source is emphatic that we NOT blame Obama, his hads are truly tied. He was given a choice of large scale human culling or targeted. Millions of American lives will be lost but thanks to Obama's negotiations with the Reptilians it means many millions will be saved. This is actually why he won the Nobel.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:52 PM
RFID on Good Morning America

This guy is demonstrating the RFID implant, and he already has one in his own arm.

So smile america and take your vaccine with your implantable chip already enclosed.

Just to give you another FYI, this is may be like the implants found in UFO abductees, where the nervous system will attach to the chip and you can all be mind controlled.

I personally am so ready for my LORD and Savior to deliver HIS people out of this world, because we could not possibly get any closer than this before the rest of Revelation takes place and it is NOT going to be a joy ride.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 07:02 PM
Yes, I think we are being preped for the verichip. To think we all know this and yet the TPTB are still caring out their agenda.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by ljib777
RFID on Good Morning America

This guy is demonstrating the RFID implant, and he already has one in his own arm.

So smile america and take your vaccine with your implantable chip already enclosed.

Just to give you another FYI, this is may be like the implants found in UFO abductees, where the nervous system will attach to the chip and you can all be mind controlled.

I personally am so ready for my LORD and Savior to deliver HIS people out of this world, because we could not possibly get any closer than this before the rest of Revelation takes place and it is NOT going to be a joy ride.

Just curious, what did he save you from? Sounds like you are in hell..

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 07:53 PM
Just to make everyone calm down.

They can't put the chip in the vaccine.

It's too big, and requires electrical current to work, which means it has to be EMBEDDED in the skin.


posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

I hope Katrina was practice. Then I have a couple of days to get out of dodge when the SHTF.

But there's no forced vaccines. They don't have enough vaccine to force it on anyone.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Doomsday 2029
They don't have enough vaccine to force it on anyone.

That I don't believe.
Stockpiles are something that would be unwise to divulge.
I have always been under the impression, that if they wanted to change us to make us more docile, then all they would have to do is put something in the water supply.
Oh!! Wait a second!?!??!

[edit on 10/24/2009 by reticledc]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by reticledc

I am having a hard time believing that part

what you wrote made my hands numb, but anything could be true.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Could you be more specific?
First or second post?

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Hi all thanks for your input.

jus to add i work for the NHS in London.
They have distributed an information fact sheet on getting the vaccine via our internal intranet.

I will try and get a copy on ATS at some point on Monday or Tuesday.

They have some bizare facts in it including that the vaccine has mercury inside it and remember this is coming straight from the National health service in the UK.

My bosses boss has been harping on about the flu pandemic hitting us hard and everytime i see him he talks about the same thing.

He was excited about this when it had died down after the initial buzz like he knew something was coming.

Now the movement has stepped up a gear and the NHS have stated that the vaccine is not mandatory.

i wonder how long it will take before they realise no one wants the vaccine before they start imposing it on us.

Everyone at my work place is very scepticle about it , i also wonder how long it will take them to change their views once the media condition the world into accepting it is normal to take the vaccine.

whatever their agenda is i think whatever they do there is always more than one prong to their attack.

I still think the Veri Chip will be administered in the same manner and as David Icke puts it Problem, Reaction, Solution.

The problem would be a stock market crash the reaction would be panic and the solution would be to take the Veri Chip.

Isnt that how the swine flu is set up?

problem (Swine Flu) Reaction (Panic and fear) Solution (Vaccine).

Only the Oligarchy are not getting much of a reaction from the people as they are awakening to the lies.

The spiritual battle is well and truly under way and as we resist they will enforce.

Who wins? well there are more of us than them, the only advantage they have is that they are organised.

We too have weapons and knowledge but tptb have managed to divide us and are slowly conquering us.

We have to group together and formalise plans to counter attack them when the time comes...

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:40 AM
Hey Spirit,
You need to check out this article,which someone else posted in another thread:

VeriChip Corporation and RECEPTORS LLC Announce Webcast Details for Today's Event to Unveil Development Details of Virus Triage Detection System for the H1N1 Virus and In Vivo Glucose-Sensing RFID Mic

Heres the thread it is discussed in:

So it seems Verichip are involved in at the very least,trying to profit from the swine flu,and using it as a push to get their products under our skin.

The implications of the article are pretty scary IMO.

The chip will diagnose you...and then you probably will not be able to travel,work etc(If the US national emergency is going to be used as it is stated).

Happy days or what?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by ljib777
RFID on Good Morning America
This guy is demonstrating the RFID implant, and he already has one in his own arm.
That syringe is huge.
I think people will be alarmed to see a needle as fat as a pen coming at them for a flu shot.


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