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Do Not Take a Swine Flu Vaccine, It Could Kill You!

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posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Do Not Take a Swine Flu Vaccine, It Could Kill You!

I am making a plea to everyone who reads this, please, please DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINE THAT IS PURPORTED TO 'PREVENT' THIS FLU.

Remember 1976 and the so called Swine Flu outbreak that was purported to be a coming pandemic? It only infected recruits at Ft. Dix. Why? Because I believe that the so called Swine Flu virus infected the recruits due to the vaccines they were given. Whether the government developed the Swine Flu 1976 virus and infected the recruits as a means
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 10:22 AM
There is also a safety issue in any experimental vaccine, much like the one in 1976. Some people even feel that such a vaccine for pandemic strain might require more than one vaccination which could actually be a binary set up. The first shot might just add some genetic code that stays dormant in the body until one gets the second vaccine shot which then serves to only cause infection. It could trigger Guillain-barre syndrome, Typhus or some other condition.

An Influenza vaccine does not protect or prevent a person from contracting flu. It is purported to, maybe, prevent some complications of flu and maybe shorten duration. I am not even sure it does that. Personally, I feel the vaccine weakens our immune system and also sickens us due to contaminants in the vaccine. I feel that people can better protect themselves by washing hands often and thoroughly. People should also use protective gloves when out and about during epidemics. Don't be afraid of "looking odd." I would not be ashamed to use a mask and gloves. I see that the Mexicans are using them.

A big problem during a pandemic is that these simple supplies will become extremely scarce awfully quickly. Stock up now. Medical supplies. personal hygene supplies and don't forget fido, or any other pet. Once a pandemic hits, it will be too late to stock up. Water, too.

We may lose clean water and electric power, so be prepared.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 10:49 AM
This is from April 26. There has been tons of info about this since then....

Hardly breaking news. I think this thread should be closed.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 11:20 AM
Dont fly in an airplane: IT COULD KILL YOU
Dont cross that street: IT COULD KILL YOU
Dont eat that steak rare: IT COULD KILL YOU
Cesear Salad? yep IT COULD KILL YOU (If made right)

Life is not without risk and everything has a risk benifit ratio to it. The vaccine is exactly that.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 11:24 AM
Remember that cheerleader that got crippled from taking the vaccine?
A sign of what's to come!

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 11:29 AM
This is not breaking news. is an opinion site.

They have a lot of good opinions, but they are opinions, nonetheless.

I took the H1N1 vaccine and I'm very much alive.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by theresashep


What if you had children and decided not to give them the vaccination and one of them died from swine flu? You'd be thinking ''what if'' for the rest of your life. On the flip side you'd be thinking the same thing if you 'did' give your child the jab and there was a death.

That's the dilemma I and a lot of other parents face, but what if the fear mongering 'against' the vaccination is just hype in the same way the government is hyping the actual danger of this virus?

Here I am stuck in the middle and on each side of me there's a barrage of conflicting information and opinion, even health workers seem to be divided on the subject. I think the only option for me is to wait a few months and see how the already vaccinated have done, here in the U.K we've already started vaccinating the 'vulnerable' and there's a lot of them too. Surely if people don't start dropping dead all over the place followed by a reduction of swine flu cases it would mean the vaccination is quite safe.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Hawkwind.

I waited too long. My five year old is sitting here with a 102 temp, coughing and diarrhea. He's a strong boy but I'm sorry I fretted about it while selfishly getting it for myself.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus

I think this thread should be closed.

WHO ASKED YOU, we think it is important.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by emsed1


We think it is important!

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:19 PM
I was talking about the vaccine to an old Navy buddy who's now a doctor and he informed me that we both had gotten a swine flu vaccine back at NAS Miramar in the 70s.
I remember being lined up outside a hangar- this would be late summer- early fall of '76- and we had to get a shot or we didn't get our paychecks. We all got sick that night.
I never knew what the shot was- I asked but they wouldn't tell me. I've always wondered. He said it was, in fact, a swine flu vaccine.

Was anyone else there that remembers that and maybe knows anything certain?

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Hawkwind.

Originally posted by theresashep


What if you had children and decided not to give them the vaccination and one of them died from swine flu? You'd be thinking ''what if'' for the rest of your life. On the flip side you'd be thinking the same thing if you 'did' give your child the jab and there was a death.

That's the dilemma I and a lot of other parents face, but what if the fear mongering 'against' the vaccination is just hype in the same way the government is hyping the actual danger of this virus?

Here I am stuck in the middle and on each side of me there's a barrage of conflicting information and opinion, even health workers seem to be divided on the subject. I think the only option for me is to wait a few months and see how the already vaccinated have done, here in the U.K we've already started vaccinating the 'vulnerable' and there's a lot of them too. Surely if people don't start dropping dead all over the place followed by a reduction of swine flu cases it would mean the vaccination is quite safe.

It is MHO that, as I have thought the same myself, to eliminate the "what if's" and follow two things.

1) track record of vaccine
Obviously a good start would be researching the success of the mid 70's vaccine that was recalled. It is said that the 1918 pandemic could have started from the shots mandated to military personnel at that time.

2) follow the money
who profits from these innoculants? Typically, you can narrow down the profiteers to the same coven that runs big pharma, big government, big business.

The other device I personally contemplated was the fact that two of my family members who were given the annual flu shot just last year, both became ill with flu-like symptoms.
I, on the other hand had not had such a "preventive shot" and never had even the sniffles.

What does your common sense tell you? I have my own answer to this question as well.

Do your research and be comfortable with your decisions.
God speed...

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by emsed1

I waited too long. My five year old is sitting here with a 102 temp, coughing and diarrhea. He's a strong boy but I'm sorry I fretted about it while selfishly getting it for myself.

I hope the little fella gets well soon. Don't blame yourself for your Son's illness, you only did what you thought best for him, he'll soon bounce back and when he does he'll have some natural protection against this virus.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Hawkwind.

Originally posted by emsed1

I waited too long. My five year old is sitting here with a 102 temp, coughing and diarrhea. He's a strong boy but I'm sorry I fretted about it while selfishly getting it for myself.

I hope the little fella gets well soon. Don't blame yourself for your Son's illness, you only did what you thought best for him, he'll soon bounce back and when he does he'll have some natural protection against this virus.

I agree. Getting the flu shot probably does carry some risk. I can't say if it outweighs the risk of the flu itself.

A friend of mines 7 yr old daughter just got over the swine flu. It was no more dangerous to her than the normal flu or a normal cold.

That case may not be the same for everyone, it could aggrevate pre-existing conditions the same as the flu shot and the cheerleader.

Like I stated in another thread. My ex was allergic to the "regular" flu shot. And almost died when she was a small child due to it. There's risks in anything/everything.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:01 AM
Is anyone here actually willing to take the vaccine if they catch the flu?
second line.
[edit on 26-10-2009 by ADHDguy]

[edit on 26-10-2009 by ADHDguy]

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