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Arctic temps warming rapidly

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posted on May, 18 2004 @ 03:38 PM
Maybe this is what all those scientists are
doing in the arctic.
Global warming must be progressing much
faster than they are letting on.
Any body see that move "The Arrival" with
Charlie Sheen?
Anyway in the movie, the aliens are like the
ones in 'They Live".
They are already amoung us, using shapshifting
to give a human appearance, and have infiltrated
top posts in the government.
Charlie discovers them, and their plan to EXCELLERATE
global warming.
Turns out they like it hot. Reminds them of home,
which was destroyed.
Oh. well I guess we'll find out "The day after tommorow"

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 05:56 PM
What does a fictional movie have to do with real life events? Why do people post over and over about fictional movies as though they are real?

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by spangbr
What does a fictional movie have to do with real life events? Why do people post over and over about fictional movies as though they are real?

Ok, well, evidently you didnt check the link before you ran your mouth.

This is undoubtedly gonna be one of the most censored stories of the decade.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by aware
This is undoubtedly gonna be one of the most censored stories of the decade.

I don't think so..I've known that the arctic was heating up faster than everywhere else for some time now. It was pretty big news last summer as I recall. The BBC did a 2 hour special which mentioned the arctic warming trends(both south and north). This was also the time when all those heat related deaths in Europe were happening. Most people know Climate Change is here. Alot of people disaggree on the potential impact as well.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:59 PM
umm global warming and climate change is hardly censored. and i did read the article. what does the fictional charlie sheen movie have to do with reality? now if you want to talk about the art bell book global superstorm or something like that then that would be more relevant.


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