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How 2012 "Enlightenment" Will Lead To Genocide

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 12:55 AM
This is a video I made for you all. I think you will really hate it, but I do hope you hang in there till the end, (its only 22 mins). Its basically the culmination of my 11 years of research on 2012. Please watch it, I think it is very important.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by Amenti]

[edit on 23-10-2009 by Amenti]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:24 AM
A fresh new outlook is very appreciated

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:42 AM
Ok,you had me interested untill you started going on about the anti Christ and how somehow "true"Christians are the most moral people in the world.(I bet george w thought that he was)They are like everyone else.But I do think that we should be suspicious of 2012 and its sellers.And I thought that most of the sellers are stating that some big superwave is coming from the central sun,I havnt heard this nebula theory.Channeling is a crock.But blessings to you my friend because God wants us to feel everything out for ourselves and not have others tell us what hes thinking.You bet the PTB are controlling this just like everything else,that said, theres a part of me that hopes its true.That Mankind wakes the hell up and learns how to live with, and love one another.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:42 AM
Hey its you, cool! The info is presented clearly and the videos are to the point I must say. Not many people looking into 2012, nwo, ufo's e.c.t really hear what comes from the minds and mouths of Tsarion, Maxwell, Wilcock and the rest of the group. Its an unpopular stance, but one I admire and lean towards myself. I have to remind myself when I'm afraid to say the name of Jesus to another that it is not God who keeps us in fear...It is Satan who keeps us afraid to serve Christ (at least me anyway).

Great work!

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:37 AM
I predict that the only 2012ish enlightenment will come on Jan. 1st, 2013 when peeps realize they've been duped by this steaming load of BS. I also predict that its chief proponents will go on believing. Neither rational thought or the bone-jarring slap of reality will phase them.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:05 AM
Very well done Amenti and I thank you. I have had many rambling thoughts along the same lines as those you present. There are indeed many paths that are seemingly headed for convergence. For the PTB not to try and work those to their advantage would be ridiculous.
I try to not take any subject like 2012 too seriously but if the rest of the world does then I better look ahead at where the ride is taking us.
Very well presented and thought out.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:31 AM
yup. we are screwed even if we aren't christians or any other religion. you will just be killed because your worthless to the new age.

your right on.....its just a matter of when this will happen.

i am thinking by 2020, the earth will start to rebuild after mass genocide and wars.

i wonder how they will kill people when this thing comes from our own planet most likely. rockefellers had ufo's built in area 51 and it will be all staged with actors and every thing. how much you want to make a bet they will be human looking?

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Moreonethananyone
and how somehow "true"Christians are the most moral people in the world.(I bet george w thought that he was)

Thats just the point of the entire video, consider that you are the one who has been brainwashed in this one regard (let me explain), do you really think a guy who did the skull and bones initiation and goes to bohemian grove rituals is a christian?, or is it more likely that you are just supposed to think that for some reason. I mean if he was a satanist, then doing evil stuff with a christian mask on would generate the necessary hate to pull off something like I am describing in the video It wouldnt be the only thing needed but it would play a major role, If I am right about this then you must consider that this is not a side issue but of primary importance to a new global "utopia" because of what that utopia will try to do. watch it again if you have time, and consider that your hate for Christians was manufactured and sold to you by the NWO.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:15 AM
2012 is too late. Our planet is already dieing. If we wait until 2012 we won't be able to repair it. We must takeout the planet blocking our light and wipe all the aliens off our planet as soon as possible.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 12:39 PM
Most Excellent video ! However what most assume is "enlightenment" only scratches the truth ! This is however a very probable path. Last night I heard mention that the "anointed one" will be attending the conference in Copenhagen to be crowned king of the world or whatever ! It truly is an incredible time we live in !

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by trueset

S n F op! This is exactly where my own independant research over the last 10 years has lead too.

Mannn, strange and exciting times, particulary with phoney Blair being made chief criminal in europe soon without as much as an election, just in time for the Eco summit in December where, in effect, we have a world goverment at the stroke of a pen.. Just in time for when the pagan world celebrates the birth of thier false saviour at the winter solstice ( Yeshua wasn't born in December, Xmas is a pagan tradition that has it's roots in Babylon starting on mothersday, where Semiramis became pregnant with her bastard son who was deified and became Adonis etc, and 9 months later the kid is born on the winter solstice, a sort of type of anti messiah).

Good presentation op!

[edit on 013131p://f39Friday by Selahobed]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:27 PM
Did you make Zeitgeist? hehe very much resemblance. It was a good watch though

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Amenti

Originally posted by Moreonethananyone
and how somehow "true"Christians are the most moral people in the world.(I bet george w thought that he was)

Thats just the point of the entire video, consider that you are the one who has been brainwashed in this one regard (let me explain), do you really think a guy who did the skull and bones initiation and goes to bohemian grove rituals is a christian?, or is it more likely that you are just supposed to think that for some reason. I mean if he was a satanist, then doing evil stuff with a christian mask on would generate the necessary hate to pull off something like I am describing in the video It wouldnt be the only thing needed but it would play a major role, If I am right about this then you must consider that this is not a side issue but of primary importance to a new global "utopia" because of what that utopia will try to do. watch it again if you have time, and consider that your hate for Christians was manufactured and sold to you by the NWO.

My friend I dont hate anyone,were all in this together,just because you think you are more moral and higher than non Chriatians is trully where you are missing the point,God loves everyone including non Christians.Did not Jesus say love thy neighbour,that means EVERYONE,NO EXCEPTIONS

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by prettyflowers

nah our spiritural enlight ment will conect us all and we shall preveil over evil, , i kno cause i am one of the masses. . .

. . .i can feel it. . .i kno others do too. . i and i are not afraid

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:30 AM
i dont know how this anti-christ BS is getting programmed..... wacky

i suggest.....

Nightline Face-Off: Does Satan Exist?

WATCH: 'Healthy People Don't Need Satan'
Satan Face-off 1: Deepak Chopra and Pastor Mark share their opening statements.

now.... please dont tell me.... i'm possessed n bla bla....

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:45 AM
I wish I could just keep a post simple and say "no."

But seriously.... no.

2012 Enlightenment will lead to nothing except hippie cults which smart people avoid in the first place. 2012 will come and go and HOPEFULLY take most of this crap with it. I can't prophecise, and thank Heavens...

What is a "True Christian"?

Is that not a contradiction?

I blaspheme in the name of the True Christ. ME!!! And anyone else crazy enough to claim the title of the Em Effing Messiah. Christ is Lucifer. Duh.

Hail Satan... in the name of God!

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by dunwichwitch
What is a "True Christian"?

Is that not a contradiction?

I made this to answer that question.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by erasedhistory
2012 is too late. Our planet is already dieing. If we wait until 2012 we won't be able to repair it. We must takeout the planet blocking our light and wipe all the aliens off our planet as soon as possible.

Are you being serious?

WTF is going on with you?

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 08:10 AM
link on your effort

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:12 PM
I'm nearly finished video 2, and the points in this are worth noting, however I still don't agree with all of your reasoning, but that is perhaps because I've been an experiencer all my life, at least since around 4-5.

The idea that there is some kind of conspiracy amongst the new age people, to actually further the elites plan for a global government is logical, and some of the points in the video lend to this. I see the elitists as prodding nature with a stick, exploding 9 nukes a year ago Novemember in the arctic ocean where the earths core is buldging closer to the surface, and I really think the huge hole in our shield reported a year ago December and the subsequent earthquake tremors at yellowstone and all sorts of problems, including an enhanced pole shift that is taking place, is happening as a result of this. I even believe Africa is being targetted and that they have probably screwed the core of this planet, as with their HAARP like technology that they've been playing with since Tesla. I believe a Vrill type, Nazi euginics and world fascist system, with huge depopulation is what they would LIKE to achieve. And I believe that some of the new age information diverts attention from them and attracts the more idealistic people, which is done deliberately.

I don't believe that they will succeed however.

Now, theres another side. I've been an experiencer since aged 4. Our family had sitings of crafts and my brother missing time, and I've had many experiences all my life.
We do have a very large cosmic presence around earth, both negatives and positive, and there are many underground bases that have been here for some time, ages. And I've had experiences related to different groups.

Now, the ascension process, which I had treated exactly the way you see it, as a conspiracy, playing us into elites hands, is a very real thing. Whether it actually leads to a physical ascension, to a higher density body or not, it does lead to raising your frequency, which equates ehanced psi and meditaional experiences. On July 3, due to the vibrations and meditations I saw the most incredible light ship, a huge craft that appeared, that was at least 80 times bigger than the average craft, some tr3bs, that we had seen. That occurred after a kind of postcard contact, images and communcation that occurred at the end of the meditation. Then the craft. There is something to all of this.

The biggest thing you have to understand is we are all fractals of the Creator. This is a fractal hollogram universe, Ideas can be manipulated, but they can manipulated to try and move people away from the truth, just as so many ashtar sites exist and are ridiculed to move people away from the federation or asking them for help under the stars, when the federation exists, or in reality, quite a few different federations exist.

I believe we need to wake up, meditate and raise our consciousness and psi, meditate in nature and hold the peace and light and awareness over this planet. You showed the law of attraction, well that is one thing that actually works. All you need to do is some meditation each day, a journal to record your experiences and to do some work, practice, for 1-2 weeks, to begin to prove to yourself that it works. You can look online for simple excercises, such as manifesting a parking space when you normally walk many blocks because they're all taken. Or, as I did, creating shapes in clouds, shapes youve never seen before, mine were hearts. The reason I thought of hearts is the sky was a strange color. It was a pink, dark and stormy pink. Then it had an overlay of tthin dark, black sheet clouds quickly moving over the pink clouds quickly. I didn't like the look of it, but the pink reminded me of hearts.

So I decided to try manifesting. I spent about 20 minutes at the door concentrating and imagine pink hearts everywhere. Then I gave up, found myself at the door 20 minutes or so later, maybe a half hour, and there were pink, and white hearts, of various shapes and sizes, some abstracted, some quite clear, all amazing since I had never seen anything that even remotely resembled hearts before or since.

You can practice all kinds of skills and excercises and prove to yourself. In fact I suggest everyone does. There is a Creator, though some think only as "the Force" as in Star Wars, but I believe in a Fractal Universe, that the original still exists. But if we go high enough through the levels of our higher selves, the highest level is the Creator of this Universe, here, although this probably goes further as there are probably even more universes in a seemingly never ending progression.

The main thing is, it takes faith, visions, manifesting, and our metaphysical abilities to overcome whatever damage they have done to this world, and to basically, peacefully throw them out. We need to do this, its urgent.

And if they stage a false flag ufo event, time will tell about that. Hollograms don't interact with people, redistribute world goods to everyone and heal. That is what a good group of ets coming in large numbers here, such as the Federation, would do.
Anything else is either a hollogram or Vrill.

I was told by my adviser while a technician was checking on my health that Africa was the symbol for this planet. Anthra Andromeda lists things that are basic lowest level admissions into the federation, to join as newbies. They are requirements. What he doesnt say is that money systems are considered slavery in the cosmos, and corporate rule pyramid systems as well, though advanced ets do live in one world systems, which are actually still run in regions, but have global governance as well. They are run from the bottom up, certainly not run by bloodlines, and policed by the people. There are no elites there.

And they're very telepathic so there is a lot of transparency.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by Unity_99]

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