Disgusting. Who the hell authorized this? It's similar to the communist propaganda movies of the 80s. Be happy, believe what in we believe, it's a
happy world after all. Yeah... sure... those were the happy times.
Well, that doesn't surprise me one bit. I cannot believe I totally missed this thread from earlier. That's what I get for missing ATS for a
few days.
I knew I hated that show.. Won't let my kids watch it. It wouldn't surprise me if we hear of the schools showing it to the kids unbeknownst to the
parents, just part of their "curriculum" for the day. If my oldest had seen it, she would have been trying to tell me that she wanted to go get the
shot, and I would probably have had to hear about it all day too.
At first, I thought that this was just a normal music video for kids to not to be afraid of doctors and vaccines (against known diseases and proven
But this really is a FLU-VACCINE AD (or PROPAGANDA)... They never mention the word "flu" but it is still terrible. Lol, I can imagine children
asking their parents "Hey, mum please can I get the shot?"
The damn thing should have a warning-I found myself humming the tune for hours after I watched it...It must have some secret mind control algorythym
embedded in the music.
Damned annoying as well as blatant propaganda.