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Louis Farrakhan: H1N1 Vaccine Developed to Kill People

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posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said the H1N1 flu vaccine was developed to kill people, UPI reported. "The Earth can't take 6.5 billion people. We just can't feed that many. So what are you going to do? Kill as many as you can," Farrakhan reportedly said during an event in Memphis, Tenn. "We have to develop a science that kills them and makes it look as though they died from some disease." The 76-year-old added that many wise people won't take the vaccine, according to UPI.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 10:01 AM
Who ever thought I would ever agree with anything Farrakhan said. But we shall see in the coming weeks when people start dropping like flies, all in the name of "population reduction control".

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 10:02 AM
Reading that and seeing your avatar was funny
Sad tho how the information is out there and people still choose to ignore it

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 10:06 AM
I just posted this in another thread ....

but I think it deserves repeating right here.

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?
CBS) If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.

In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That's according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation.

[edit on 093131p://bWednesday2009 by Stormdancer777]

I think this is the key fact here. I cant wrap my head around the idea that TPTB would infect millions and millions of people with a poison that would be easily tracked back to the vaccine (and quickly). But I certainly wouldn't put it past these people to exaggerate the fear and look to make a fortune in a short amount of time.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by LAUTERMILCH

While I can not stand Louis Farrakhan, I do agree with hi on this, The H1N1 Vaccine is a fraud. Listen to this, this morning while I was getting ready for work my mother-in-law called the house. She said a little girl at my kids school got the H1N1 virus. She started freaking out because of it (my wife) saying the kids needed the shot, (few weeks ago she agreed with me we will not take the H1N1 Shot as well as not taking the seasonal shot, which we never have) I reminder her of this while yes a few people have died from H1N1, a large Majority have survived it, I belive the H1N1 epdimic is a work up for big PHARMA companies.

As a kid my parents never ever got us the flu shots, as a child (18 Yrs) I got the flu one time, it was rough I was down and out for 6 days... However a friend of mine got the seasonal flu shot every year ( 18 Years) he had the flu 7 times the put him down for at lteast 3 days. 7 to one ratio over an 18 year period pretty good odds.

When I joined the Army at 18 getting the Flu Shot was mandatory. I was in the army for seven years. of those seven yearly flu shots I got the flu 5 times (with the shot) Thats a pretty horrible track record the flu shot has with me... I reminded her of this.

Now is H1N1 real yes it is, can you beat it you sure can no matter what name you put on it, its still the FLU, Pleny of rest, plenty of water and orange juice, and tylenol will help that along. This is my personel experience and it may differ from others, this is the reason I will not get any more flu shots nor will I allow my children to get them nor that crappy H1N1 shot.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:02 AM
The vaccine's sole purpose is to wipe out the population, however, if they do really think the world "can't" be fed because there's too many people, then they are mistaken.

So much money is going to the Military Complex, it's no wonder that 1 Billion people starve in the world.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

No you cannot always get over H1N1.

My otherwise healthy 14 year old niece was just admitted to our local hospital and is now in intensive care .

She's had H1N1 flu for 5 weeks and had Tamiflu, plenty of tylenol and a few gallons of orange juice. She has also had excellent care from her family.

I am very concerned about her. I pray your family stays well.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:38 AM
I truly believe the only people who die of the flu (any type of flu) died because they didn't take care of them selves or had no way of taking care of themselves and no one to care for them. If you are bad off enough to die from the flu, you could also die from the vaccine.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by theuhstuf]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

I am sorry to hear about your niece, I hope she pulls through it.. Maybe it was a poor choice of words, but people with the FLU have been hospitalized to... I hope she makes it.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by theuhstuf
I truly believe the only people who die of the flu (any type of flu) died because they didn't take care of them selves or had no way of taking care of themselves and no one to care for them. If you are bad off enough to die from the flu, you could also die from the vaccine.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by theuhstuf]

What are you smoking? That logic is like saying people with cancer only die because they dont take care of themselves or have nobody to take care of them.

You need to learn more about what the flu can do to people before you talk like that. If people have other complications the flu can be a death sentence. If I knew somebody that died because of the flu or h1n1 your reply would be taken as a major insult.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

No you cannot always get over H1N1.

My otherwise healthy 14 year old niece was just admitted to our local hospital and is now in intensive care .

She's had H1N1 flu for 5 weeks and had Tamiflu, plenty of tylenol and a few gallons of orange juice. She has also had excellent care from her family.

I am very concerned about her. I pray your family stays well.

I hope your niece gets better. It's important that people understand that Tylenol aka NSAIDs decrease the immune response, and an optimal immune system is necessary to fight any flu or disease.

As for Tamiflu, it has been banned in Japan for teenagers due to the adverse side effects. And this is another immune-decreasing drug. So if a patient is given medications or vaccinations that are known to increase their immune system, and they need their immune system to fight the flu, how are they going to fight the flu?? It's like asking -1 + -1 to equal 2. Here is some info regarding the Japanese Tamiflu ban:

Again, I hope the best for your niece but for anyone reading this, please do some looking into building an optimal immune system via diet and supplements such as Vitamin D3 to fight off any flu bug. There is no quick fix for this, your strong immune system is going to be your best defense.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 09:35 PM
Maybe they use many tools to depopulate the earth such as poverty,dieases vaccines and poor acess to health care. It just seems to many things are happening at once to be a concidence. The swine flu,the recession, costs increasing faster than incomes.

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: LAUTERMILCH

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said the H1N1 flu vaccine was developed to kill people, UPI reported. "The Earth can't take 6.5 billion people. We just can't feed that many. So what are you going to do? Kill as many as you can," Farrakhan reportedly said during an event in Memphis, Tenn. "We have to develop a science that kills them and makes it look as though they died from some disease." The 76-year-old added that many wise people won't take the vaccine, according to UPI.

August 8, 2021

What has the honorable Louis Farrakhan said about the Covid-19 Vaccine?

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