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Very useful information for meditations, prayer, visualizations, etc.

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posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:45 AM
Ok, ATS,

This information on this OP is intended for those of you who wish to get maximal benefit and positive effect from your meditations, prayers, visualizations, etc. If you use it consistently, you will find that your meditations, prayers and visualizations will be far more effective and beneficial for you and your life.

The original discovery was done by a Berkeley University professor, Dr. James Spottiswoode, who examined 20 years of data and he was startled to find that, at a particular time of the day, people's psychic and related abilities jumped 400%! Yup, no kidding.

So here's a url for an article that I edited for David Wilcock:

Scroll down to "Galactic Position Affects Consciousness"

Sidereal time is the time that it takes the Earth to orbit once, relative to the center of the galaxy, rather than to the Sun. That‘s a little bit different than the time that it takes us to rotate around the Sun, because the solar system is moving through the galaxy: our relative position to the galactic center is changing, not just based on the Earth‘s rotation and revolution.

Sidereal time is not just something you can have fixed at a certain point of the day. It actually does change from day to day. So you need to keep checking it, if you‘re going to go looking for this.

Now it appears that at 13 hours, 30 minutes, Local Sidereal Time -- meaning sidereal time for you wherever you are -- your psychic ability shoots up by 400%!

So here's a useful url for you to use for your own Spottiswoode Peak time:

Here's how to use it:

1) Look for the "Location" box ... and find the city that is closest to you, click on that city; then,

2) Look for the "Local Time" box and make sure that that local time matches your current local time; then,

3) Make sure that the local date and time matches your current date and time; then,

4) Look for the box that says "the Local Sidereal time is" ... and see the time in that box -- the center of the Spottiswoode Peak is when that time in that box shows the time of 13:30. When that "Local Sidereal time" shows that 13:30 number, then make note of your real time at that moment and that's your target time for this peak.

Your target time is the mid-point of that peak time, so, the half-hour-long time of the 400% peak (400% increase in psychic abilities) is 15 minutes before and past that target time; then the 200% to 300% time goes for 45 minutes before and after the center of the peak, starting at the start/end of the 15 minutes of either side of the 13:30 center of the peak.

So, for example, if your Spottiswoode Peak time shows 13:30 right at noon on a day, then the start of the half-hour-long 400% part of the Spottiswoode Peak starts at 11:45am and goes to 12:15pm; the first part of the 45-minute-long, 200% to 300% part starts at 11am and ends at 11:45am; the second part starts at 12:15pm and ends at 1pm, after which the entire Spottiswoode Peak passes and you will have to wait until the next day for it to come around again ... 4 minutes shorter, though, as this Spottiswoode Peak goes backwards about 4 minutes every day in its daily precession.

I encourage you to use this Spottiswoode Peak as a time for mediations, a time for Contact with your Higher Self, a time to start to use it consistently (the best that you can) to start to visualize our Golden Age arriving NOW, not later, but NOW!

Let's start to use the power of our minds in this forum to shape our world to the way that WE want it to be. Period!

You want Peace?.......................Visualize it, meditate it, pray it.

You want Justice?......................Visualize it, mediate it, pray it.

You want Free Energy?................Visualize it, meditate it, pray it.

You want Love / Light?................Visualize it, meditate it, pray it.

You want ET/UFO Disclosure?........Visualize it, meditate it, pray it.

There's no better time in any day than during the Spottiswoode Peak than to use to visualize our new Golden Age arriving sooner and with less inconveniences than it otherwise would arrive.

You want a peaceful world? CALL IT FORTH!


posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:16 AM
S@F for you my friend.I love this,just working it out now.Will let you know how it goes.Looks like its about 16.00.NO no,its 4.00
Allways wondered why I wake up so early.

[edit on 21/10/09 by Moreonethananyone]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:18 AM
Thanks for sharing this S&F! I will try it out today bless

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

stuff like this just boggles my brain...
it's either the wording or my ability to comprehend.

your 'ex' quote says;

Sidereal time is the time that it takes the Earth to orbit once, relative to the center of the galaxy, rather than to the Sun.
That‘s a little bit different than the time that it takes us to rotate around the Sun, because the solar system is moving through the galaxy: our relative position to the galactic center is changing, not just based on the Earth‘s rotation and revolution.

Sidereal time is not just something you can have fixed at a certain point of the day. It actually does change from day to day. So you need to keep checking it, if you‘re going to go looking for this.

the explaination is that the sidereal 'time' corresponds to one's position on Earth as it orbits
the Central Sun = Galactic Center AKA- Saggatarius A...........
the problem i cannot work around is that the Earth orbits the central Sun-Galactic Center only once every 250 million years !

the suns orbit around our local Sun, as the Quote box continues, IS 'different'..
in that the Earth Orbit in this case is 365 days=1 solar Year...

as far as my mind works, the Earths 24 hr rotation, is the important factor rather than the Earth orbit position.
Because, each 24 hour rotational period one could theoretically have a 'line-of-sight' to see the galactic center, for some ammount of time...

just as we have a line-of-sight to see our local sun once each 24 hour rotational period.

could you point out a "Tuitorial" for the denser-brains among us members, especially myself.... thanks

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

[Wilcock said:]Sidereal time is the time that it takes the Earth to orbit once, relative to the center of the galaxy, rather than to the Sun.

as far as my mind works, the Earths 24 hr rotation, is the important factor rather than the Earth orbit position.

could you point out a "Tuitorial" for the denser-brains among us members, especially myself.... thanks

St Udio,

Your mind "dense"? Ha! I'd say that your mind is sharp, man! Thank you for pointing out this little flaw here. Yes, "orbit" IS the wrong word and the phrase "24-hour rotation" is definitely a better one, for sure.

Thank you very much for pointing that out and I'll let Wilcock know about that.

And, yes, it's the 24-hour rotation that makes any local area that is facing the galactic center to have the energy of the galactic center blasting the Earth, so, it is at that time when you want to be somewhere meditating quietly.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:22 AM
We need to talk. Send someone to pick me up.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:06 AM
What if the time ISN'T RIGHT?
mine is slow by an hour
(it says 2:03, it should be 3:03)

what do i do sir?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 04:49 PM
Question about daylight savings, living in Sydney Australia we are currently in daylight savings(we turn our clocks back one hour from the 5 October 2008 to the 5 April 2009)

So should i just pick Sydney from the list and not take into account daylight savings or should i change the time to THE current time our clocks read with daylight savings applied? So at the time of making this post it is 9:47am but the sidereal Clock page says its 8:47 am, which one should i follow to get the accurate Sidereal Time?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 04:09 AM
Okay, sorry for this stupid question, but I haven't slept in days, and I am a bit out of it right now for other reasons as well, but I find this interesting. However, how come the local sidereal time is constantly climbing while using this website? I'm a smart guy, but like I said out of it, so I probably should just wait til I sleep to figure this out correctly. But whatever, I guess I'll post and see what happens lol. Sorry once again for the stupid question...

Maybe I can answer it myself though... Do I have to wait for it overlap so to speak, so I can actually get to the time it is relaying? Haha sorry once again...

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Jonro
Question about daylight savings, living in Sydney Australia we are currently in daylight savings(we turn our clocks back one hour from the 5 October 2008 to the 5 April 2009)

So should i just pick Sydney from the list and not take into account daylight savings or should i change the time to THE current time our clocks read with daylight savings applied? So at the time of making this post it is 9:47am but the sidereal Clock page says its 8:47 am, which one should i follow to get the accurate Sidereal Time?


posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Jonro

Originally posted by Jonro
Question about daylight savings, living in Sydney Australia we are currently in daylight savings(we turn our clocks back one hour from the 5 October 2008 to the 5 April 2009)

So should i just pick Sydney from the list and not take into account daylight savings or should i change the time to THE current time our clocks read with daylight savings applied? So at the time of making this post it is 9:47am but the sidereal Clock page says its 8:47 am, which one should i follow to get the accurate Sidereal Time?



posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Have anyone had any success meditating or doing any other psi-related ability during this window of time?

If this is true there wouldn't really be a problem finding it out, I'm quite sure we have a bunch of experienced meditators/psychics here at ATS that would notice these kind of changes in an instant.

Edit: Of course you'd have to take their word for it but at least it would be an indication, especially if more than one hade the same experience, you'd get more people trying and so on.. if it's true that is, I'm sure hoping for it.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by TheLaughingGod]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:02 PM

Thanks for the Input Sir. I think u empowered at least a Few People in their Psychic Abilities with this Information. I will try it over the next Few Days, it encourages me to know there is a Way to Boost the Mind with the right Timing.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:51 PM
OP a great thread, a wonderfull subject with much truth in it.....

But (lol)... but...


As a long time meditator I have to add something here. I respect the credibility the research has given to what before would be labbeled as Psuedo Science. What is shown in this research is just western scientists agreeing with teachings thousands of yeras old.

As an early Western real study of these type of phenomina, also some of the lack of awareness of the Holistic or whole subject, gets confused with other distinct parts of relevant experiences/results.

I had to actually stop one type of meditation for a period last year after the pyschic thing got a bit out of hand. If you have control over it it is fine, but if it is very very strong and you cant control it it is very difficult to function in the "modern" world and society.

It was taking me soo long to just get into basic concentration as soo much from "out there" was pouring in, that by the time I had I would have been single pointed (as far as my abilities very little) for 30 mins before, and just finishing.

The problem I was having was that the Pyschic events were actually interfering with my progress or ability to meditate properly.

Now as said I am a LONG term meditator, so I know from personnel experience, teachings etc the differance between "spacing out" and real meditation. And also the stages, depths and levels of meditation there are. I have (just as you can with sustained practice) gone past certain stages or levels, or dyanas progressing in my concentration, focus and awareness.

(having said that I am still at a very basic level of true meditation, compared to further "levels" and experiences as experienced by thousands today and in history.)

Being pyschic openly at a moment in time, and wishing to meditate properly is a bit like trying to swim and smoke at the same time. It is a "Fruit" or sign on the path that you are progressing, but not the tree that creates the fruit as such.

It is like looking for the entire swimming pool in the water on your body as you dry off in the changing rooms, out of sight of the pool.

So many on the spiritual path get sidetracked by this, and think it is the destination without realising it just scenery on the way.

Like many parks and such like say, "leave this place as you found it"

The same should be said for meditators who are truley striving, and come across this aspect of the mind and reality.

Seeing some nice and attractive inviting, ego massaging studs or babe(whatever you fancy) through the window, on your train ride to your final destination, and jumping off the train to go and covert, fondle, like in real life be lied to and used etc, as well as loved helped, but then not know how to find your way back to the station to get ona again, being showed countless wild goose chases etc... well seems a bit foolish.

Especially when the final destination is total bliss. Its so similair to a drunken fumble that costs you your marriage or family.

It is a hinderance unless controlled properly to true meditation.

I have a friend who has reached much deeper states of meditation than I ever have, he has spent a lot of time in retreat, in India, in communities doing it nearly all day. He though gets no Pyschic Stuff. I am very very open even before meditating to this sort of thing. Since childhood.

This is written about by Yogis and Lamas and Teachers for thousands of years. Some can spend their entire lives in deep meditation and never have and Pyschic abilities or experiences at all, but still become enlightened.

Some can be very pyschic and have no meditation, or it flows out as a fruit to their practice. They though no matter how pyschic may not reach even a minute amount of the actual "meditation" as one who has not had any of these experiences.

Anyhow me and my friend recently were somewhere and I had a very very powerfull connection to some things in this place, and upon mentioning it a lot of "opne" people before me who I had never met or knew had described in exact detail as me the place, and type of enrgy that was there.

Later on my friend seemed a bit disheartened and said as he had not felt and percieved this situation as me,

I never get any of the pyschic stuff or the things you pick up on

Looking deep into his vastly more settled and still and single pointed mind though his eyes than mine I said

Lucky you!

There is truth in this. be carefull what you wish for. You might not want to experince tragedies just before or as they happen. You might get very freaked out by some of the types of personalities and energies not in the physical. You will if going to deep get your fingers burnt badly. It is not always good to know what others are thinking or feeling, if you are still operating from an "Ego based" or "mine mine" position.

Imagine being with your best friend and partner, and he starts having really lustfull thoughts towards her, and you are aware of nearly exactly what he is imagining etc.... but as well that is his thoughts and feelings, that person would probably never ever act on them.

Would you still think it was something to develop if you still operated in a Ego based or normal mind like you and me?

Imagine getting that sort of information and being drunk..... can you handle it?

Do you really want it?

As to visulaising your reality at these heightened times of Pyschic openness, well as far as I can tell that totally would be against the entire LOA principles, and you would not be focused on your "Intent" but picking up on those of others.

The times deswcribed are great for sitting down, doing basic meditation and opening yoursel up to recieve information or guidance on your journey, maybe for insight into a person or situation, to ask for closer contacts with guides etc... but as far as REAL meditation goes forget it.

The same for Visualisng the future ( unless you want to carry on what you have been doing all your life, that is create the reality based on OTHER peoples beliefs they imprint on you, or their wants of their desires)

How can you merge with, be in the act of receiving and having already as such your true desires and wishes (manifestation), if you are in a very open pyschic mind at that time?

I can see where this might seem as the way by those who have not had too many experiences or knowledge of this, but dont mistake the map for the actual journey.

Best time to meditate is when you either wake, straight away, the mind is in Alpha, and also the projection to the future, and clutter of the day is free. same for visualising.

For getting in contact with your pyschic abilities, for asking for guidance, trying to contact your spirit guide etc, as the OP.

Wonderful thread and research, Flag.

Had to add my 2 cents though and I hope some dont blindly make some mistakes I have and seen others do.

Kind Regards,


posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:12 AM

Thanks for this info. I recently used the sidereal time of the area where I live, an Asian city and I have been practicing the future memory technique for many months before that.

I performed the technique during the peak local sidereal time everyday for over a month now and I attempted to predict the exact 4-number winning combination of our national lottery 4-digit draw which is played 3 times a week, this as a sort of validation process for the technique. I recorded my predicted and actual results for every draw. Yes, as I have seen, there has been an improvement and consistency in my predictions which occurred after two weeks of doing the technique during the peak sidereal time daily. I correctly predicted 3 out of the 4 winning numbers for a given draw several times during the month of June, 2010. At times though, 2 out of 4 are correctly predicted Before that, the results were fluctuating. I will continue to use it daily.

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