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Swine Flu Vaccination Begins In Britain

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posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 06:46 AM
I have asthma, but I will not be going to get this jab. I for one is cynical, with all the recent evidence comming out on you tube,, and elsewhere with regards to this vaccine.

I do not care if I am classed as mentally ill. I will refuse this. I willbe telling my family to refuse the jab also.

Until there is proven evidence that this jab works.

Kinda ironic, that those who produced this vaccine, will not be prosecuted if anything goes wrong, or if anyone dies as a result.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 06:55 AM
All anyone can do is give their opinion on the vaccine, you cannot stop anyone from taking it , all you can do is voice your concerns to them, let them make their own minds up, or better yet , instead of telling them not to get it, point them in the direction of the web, ask them to google 'swine flu vaccine'.
And let them make their own minds up when they come across pages and pages of people blasting it, there will always be spin in favour of the flu vaccine ,celebrities endorsing something for financial gain instead of compassion for the public.

If , and this is just MY opinion, if you get a letter from your doctor and you have to go to the medical unit just demand that you have the same flu vaccine as the German Goverment or any Government for that matter.
There is a 2 tier vaccine , one without all the mercury derivatives and adjuvants , for the upper echelons and oneWITH for the general public.
If the Government or medical staff demands that you HAVE the vaccine , YOU TELL THEM which one your prepared to have.

Tell the people you are concerned about to research it themselves, don't expect the information to be placed on a silver plate otherwise that makes them gullible to every other scam. And tell them if they are THAT gullible, to believe what is said without researching the real information first you know a lot of credit card fraudsters who would love to make their aquaintance.

I for one WILL NOT nor NEVER take the vaccine even if I weren't allergic to eggs nor will I stop any member of my family from having it, I'll just tell them what I have heard about it , and ask them to look online.
If they still go get it, then I'll treat each day with them like it's their last, thats all I can do.

[edit on 21/10/09 by DataWraith]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by daddysreturn
I was talking to my doctor a couple of days ago and he asked me if I would like to be put down for this jab and when I hesitated he told me that he was having his whole family done when they receive their vaccines at the surgery.

He told me that even with the “normal” flu jab there’s a risk, no more so than with this new one.

So I’ll probably have it done as I’m considered to be in the groups that need it

Or they make you think your in the group that needs it.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 07:12 AM
I'll have the vaccine upon being given payment of £1 million by the health authorities.

Other than that i am not having it.

[edit on 21/10/09 by Kram09]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Night_Hawk_Uk
My friends brother is a doctor and he was told that for every vaccine they give out, they recieve £6.00 bonus. Now that is just a p*ss take!

True story by the way.

I do not know about the exact figure but there is truth to what you are saying.

People need to start seeing what this is, a trial on the public with their consent.

They will not be forcing people to take this vaccination, just yet, people make the decision after the doctor propositions.

I already have 3 family members who have turned it down and have had no problems.

The thing is, how many people say "no", not many.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 09:24 AM
People's lives are worthless nowadays... it's all about the benjamins

Proven efficiency - No
Side efect - Death
Company that made it - GlaxoSmithKline ( involved in a lot of controversy in the past )

Nobody can force anyone to take this vaccine. You should be aware that you have rights no matter the country you live in.

The contracts involve huge amounts of money , it's all about money and not health.

A mandatory vaccine with no proven effeciency , death as a side effect , and developed by a company with a shady past ... no matter the country you live, you will win in court any rites taken by you on you refusal of taking the vaccine (plus morale damages) , for example leaving the country for vacation .

[edit on 21-10-2009 by charlie_the_loafer]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by charlie_the_loafer
People's lives are worthless nowadays... it's all about the benjamins

Proven efficiency - No
Side efect - Death
Company that made it - GlaxoSmithKline ( involved in a lot of controversy in the past )

Nobody can force anyone to take this vaccine. You should be aware that you have rights no matter the country you live in.

The contracts involve huge amounts of money , it's all about money and not health.

A mandatory vaccine with no proven effeciency , death as a side effect , and developed by a company with a shady past ... no matter the country you live, you will win in court any rites taken on your refusal of taking the vaccine (plus morale damages) , for example leaving the country for vacation .

[edit on 21-10-2009 by charlie_the_loafer]

sorry , i wanted to edit for gramar and i quoted it instead and now i can't delete it

[edit on 21-10-2009 by charlie_the_loafer]

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