Originally posted by FouL-LiveR
There is no such thing as good and evil. NO SUCH THING.
The world isn't black and white. A good deed for one person is an evil deed to another.
Say you pass a homeless man begging for change.
What is the right thing to do?
1. Do you give the starving man money?
2. Or do you not give him money so we won't buy his drug that keeps him on the street?
Which is the good deed and which is the bad deed? Which will give you good karma and which will give you bad karma? Everybody would have their own
Say somebody killed your family. Would you kill them? Would that be good karma or bad karma? You avenge your family or let their killer run free?
Again, another example, there are endless amount of examples.
Meaning good and evil is 100% subjective, not objective.
The world is gray not black and white.
We can't talk of good and evil in a objective way you are, as everybody has their own idea of what is good and what is evil.
[edit on 21-10-2009 by FouL-LiveR]
Hello! Great points!
I can agree with everyone having their own idea of what good and evil would be, therefor there is no concrete answer to what the two opposites would
really consist of. But to say there is no difference in doing what is good or what is bad is a tricky line.
In the bigger picture, all things are opportunities to learn from. Both ends of the spectrum (if you will) give events and behaviors for a person to
But to assume giving a homeless person money is bad....is too general. There are true homeles people that need help and its not to support their drug
habit. I have had hard times before and have received help for things my family needed. In return, I have helped people get food and pay bills.
Do I give my money directly to a person? I try to pay what is needed directly, like taking them to the store to get the food....or taking them
directly to the utility company to pay the bill.
Is helping someone get food a bad thing? Is helping someone stay warm a bad thing? When you are the person in need of it, yes, I think its safe to say
you are doing a good thing. Even if the person is a lazy person that just isnt willing to word hard....I am still showing that person someone does
care. What are we forming as a species by allowing many people to think someone doesnt care while we live in the high life of luxory?
To say pride is = to selflessness....I cant agree to that.
To say greed is = to sharing...I cant agree to that.
To say taking a life is = to giving a life...I cant agree to that.
To say that stealing =giving...I cant agree to that.
As a species, as a whole, I think there are general guidelines that the majority should set. We are rough around the edges to say the least.
Imagine a world that works together to make sure all general needs are met for all people and by that being the goal, all people must do an equal
Imagine a different world that only one nation gets to enjoy extra things in life while the rest of the world sits with dirty water and hardly no
Surely there is a difference of a 'better' way in the last two scenarios. Surely the first would be considered a better way.
Now with saying that, I obviously think there is a difference in 'good' and 'bad'. But I still dont think souls are inherently evil in any way. I
dont think someone is born to be a murderer and I dont think someone is born to be a giver. I think life forms us, the environment forms us.
To think that a suicide bomber would of never thought about ever taking his own life or anyone else's life if he would have been born into a
different environment....that is an eye opener to how our environments must change.
Just because someone is desensitized to empathy, guilt, regrets doesnt make 'good' and 'bad' the same thing.
Sure there are things that are good for another but bad for someone else. But to say love is the same as hate....just makes no sense.
Some find it harder to love then to hate....does that mean the easy choice is the right one?
There is defiantly issues in forming such a spectrum, but I believe that there are guidelines nature gives us to follow, if we look.
If we have no guidelines at all....then heck, we are doing great blurring the two opposites, and we dont need to work on anything at all. For now, Ill
hold hope that we do need to work on things, to better this world (our home) and better our species as a whole unit.
Even though the end result uses both ends of the spectrum for us to learn....surely there is an ultimate way things can be done and should be done,
while here in the flesh, in a material world.
Would love some feedback....