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*SNIP* ElevenY earsA g o,He 'dTh ou ghtI tWasB a dEnoug hThatS eren aBu tlerHadU surpe dHisPr imaryP os it ionAft e rAllHe HadWo rkedToA cco mplish. N owT heWholeJ ihad WasAbout ToBe Ruin edBy AnA bsurd PeacePr opo sal.ItC ouldNev erWork. HowC ouldKe atsAndT heOth erSecon da rie sHav eFailedS oUt terly? Didn't TheyUnd erstandW hatTheyH a dDo n e?
Bibulus altogether, and taking the two names of Caesar to make out the
tracts of cultivated land, the slopes of the hills and the mountain
him on business of common interest, he would state the particulars that
You will not use your membership at The Above Network, LLC site(s) for any type of recruitment to any causes whatsoever. You will not post, use the chat feature, use videos, or use the private message system to disseminate advertisements, chain letters, petitions, pyramid schemes, or any kind of solicitation for political action, social action, letter campaigns, or related online and/or offline coordinated actions of any kind.
Bayesian filtering takes folders of known spam and known ham and identifies words or phrases ("tokens") that only show up in spam and tokens that only show up in ham. When a new message is being scored in the future, if it contains a lot of spammy tokens, it spam score goes up. If it contains a lot of hammy tokens, its spam score goes down. This is a much better approach than static phrase identification as it handles the case where "Nigeria" might be a legitimate word in an email to a travel agent's office, or "breast" would be legitimate in an email to a women's clinic.