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It's past time for cALL TO ARMs by the TRUTH Movement

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:38 PM
It's past time for a CALL TO ARMS, and a challenge to be met;with new thinking and direction to the Truther Movement. Regardless of which side a person is on the issues, it's time to end the madness of energy shot in a thousand different directions, and focus on simple issues in order to bring the 911 disputes to a collective and powerful forefront.

The effort to get a 911 investigation into the Voter arena failed against TPTB in NYC (the powers that be) and that doesn't surprise anyone, does it? But it was a good and pure effort, and now from it's ashes, a Phoenix can rise renewed because this precise moment marks a Waypoint for all who support the ideals of Truth.

NYC-CAN issued a letter marking the end to their legal effort and outlined some of the lessons learned. It was a clear call to consolidate, consolidate, consolidate everything: leadership, ideas, funds, EGOs, and every other potential asset in a call for ideas, thoughts, and suggestions for a new direction.

Any idea although somewhat whacky on its face has the hidden valve to potentially trigger another idea in a different thinker. So to get the ball rolling here are a few observations from me in hope that ATS members will dig deeply into the brilliance I often see in these pages and shout it out.

The current 911 "catch-phrases" have not worked (or have worn out their welcome) on a National level; and thus, new catchy (or crazy) phases are needed. A slogan and a few simple "talking points" to focus a single message repeatedly for the better good of a united movement. It's time to lead, follow, or step aside

A central headquarters as a one stop fund raising destination with the money used strictly to finance the kind of high-powered advertising and media campaign that once, and for all the marbles, brings focused issues to the public. REMEMBER: FOCUS-ISSUES-PUBLIC.

A central clearing house to consolidate a simple straightforward agenda intended to harness the pent-up energy of the unemployed and under-employed of the Masses. People are angry and increasingly desperate and that makes for plenty of idle brainpower and emotional energy just waiting to be tapped.

People want change and aren't getting it, and once these folks realize that help (or permission) won't be coming from the tptb they need to know that avenues exist which would quickly bring TBTB to their knees. Avenues effective work through the system with a figurative "pen" that is mightier than any sword. Bring the power of this simple knowledge to the people that need it the most.

Centralized effort, national fund raising, and single-minded goals in a media campaign. What else????

Who among us remembers the publicity stunts people pulled in the 30's and 40's to advertise their messages? Pole sitting, wire-walking, Spiderman climbing buildings and living for weeks on billboards and bridge tops.

Let's turn previous liabilities into present assets. The uninitiated continuously shout "crazy, crazy, crazy" in their ignorance; but isn't it time for all Patriots to recover from the fear and shock those accusations falsely imply, and at least consider a whacky scheme or two? Just how many other choices are there?

Set aside the parades and signs for awhile and instead let's coordinate a series of live stunts around the country to introduce a national contest, with a large cash prize, to put people up on billboards in tens of dozens of communities around America, to live there in the Public Eye drawing attention until the longevity prize(s) is/are won?

Some people are prepared to do anything for the Movement (or the publicity) so let's bring all the nuts together in a concentrated effort to move the Truth Movement to the next level with publicity.

If ATS members can intelligently pose "original" ideas for advancing the cause of Truth, then please air them here Thank you.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by swami don]

[edit on 19-10-2009 by swami don

[edit on 19-10-2009 by swami don]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:53 PM
Theres already more people that believe the OS is at least partially fraudulent than not, so lets not set that back 20 years. How about if you write a letter to your congressperson? Or do some research and make some flyers?

I'll never answer a call to arms where someone isn't in danger of losing their life, sorry.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:53 PM
double post again sorry.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by jprophet420]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
Theres already more people that believe the OS is at least partially fraudulent than not, so lets not set that back 20 years. How about if you write a letter to your congressperson? Or do some research and make some flyers?

I'll never answer a call to arms where someone isn't in danger of losing their life, sorry.

Hmmmm....define "life..." Is it living when one is in a 1984 scenario? When one has no rights or freedoms?

I don't define MY life in those terms. And all the efforts of 9/11 were done to promote voluntary giving up of rights for "security," and pooling power to the Exec. And to go to war to profit the Haliburtons of the world.

And the road we're on is headed for 1984...

So I think I would heed a call to arms (and already do what I can) against the encroaching 1984.

Someone once said... "Give me liberty or give me death..." There *I* stand.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
I'll never answer a call to arms where someone isn't in danger of losing their life, sorry.

I think he may have been typing too fast for his brain.

Basically, what it says here is that he'd will answer a call if someone was in danger of losing their life.

But the tone I get is that he's against that.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:53 PM
I've been in favor of something like this for a long time, but I think what is necessary is for certain carefully defined legal issues to be concentrated on. Just like in military strategy, to make a breakthrough it is necessary to concentrate a massive amount of force on a position where the opposition is weak.

This is what the Wermacht did in 1940 in the Ardennes when they implemented the von Manstein plan for the invasion of France. Yes I know it is not politically correct to cite the WW2 era Germans as examples of anything good, but if the 9/11 truth movement is going to get traction they better start thinking jurisprudential blitzkrieg.

What kind of legal issues need to be crushed under massive force?

The question of Larry Silverstein and insurance fraud. His story is full of holes and would not stand up in court, in my opinion.

The question of Giuliani and the clean-up of evidence after 9/11. Were statues violated? Why were they violated? Were orders given to violate them?

The question of the air quality in Manhattan post the collapse. Who said the air was OK? Were procedures violated in a rush to get business, the financial district particularly, back to work?

The question of whether Saudi Arabia is a "state sponsor of terrorism". Huge, huge, huge pressure should be brought to bear on the FBI and the CIA in this regard. Their eyeballs should be popping out from behind their shades from the pressure to come clean on this so that the victims of the 9/11 attacks can sue Saudi Arabia for damages.

As Shakespeare wrote, "By indirections we find directions out."

Don't underestimate what a few well placed kicks in the groin can accomplish.

Edit to add: The legal groin! The legal groin! I'm not talking about assaulting people. D'oh!! Maybe it was a poor choice of words.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:15 PM
What rights have you lost personally since 911? How is your life closer to a "1984" scenario now than it was in 1999? I have not personally lost any rights, nor do I know anyone through the grapevine nor internet. The guy who got his laptop smashed for having a "911 was an inside job" bumper sticker on it is the kind of thing I hear about.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

Check out the video Liberty Bound or any of Alex Jones's videos. Also look into the way the Patriot Act was rushed through the legislative process or how legislators were attacked with US Army weaponized anthrax.

When your legislators lose the right to due process, you lose the right to elected representation.

Here is Liberty Bound (if the embed works):

Google Video Link

Here is a link to it:

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:26 PM
Sorry. Double post.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by swami don
Some people are prepared to do anything for the Movement (or the publicity) so let's bring all the nuts together in a concentrated effort to move the Truth Movement to the next level. If ATS members have an "original" idea for doing this then please air them here Thank you.

Well, for one thing, you need a leader, and I mean a good and honest charismatic leader who's well spoken and can inspire people to flock to his/her pulpit, not those weirdos you people have dredged up so far, like that disgusting shrew Rosie O'Donnell or that drug addict Charlie Sheen. That definitely does NOT include that paranoid, "the gov't is out to murder us all" nutcase Alex Jones, either. It doesn't say much for your grass roots organization that your main players so far are people who think Jesus Christ came down to Earth to visit the American Indians, or college kids making internet videos in their dorm rooms. It's a case study on how NOT to conduct a grass roots movement.

Of course, that will never happen, becuase you truthers are all but getting into fistfights amongst yourselves over what the "secret conspiracy" is to begin with, and your myriad groups are introducing so much sheer bull headed fanaticism and zealotry in promoting your "I'm right, everyone else is wrong" conspiracy stories that no unified leader will ever be able to emerge. That's not even including that no charismatic, intelligent, well spoken leader would ever touch your conspiracy stories with a ten foot pole to begin with.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Tell you what - before you go all crazy maybe it would be best to actually take a good measure of the "grass roots" that you think you have.

Hire a pofessional, reputable polling company and ask actuall "truth movement" questions. Not those vague "do you think you know everything there is to know about 9/11" type questions. Put your cards on the table and ask outright -

"Do you think the government faked the plan crash at Shanksville including using voice morphing technology to mimic the voice of the alleged passengers"?

"Do you think agents of the US government planted explosives in the WTC towers and then remotely controlled the planes into the buildings"?

And so on.

See what you get. I think you may be suprised - and not pleasantly.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by hooper

I don't think that's a plan. It would be like polling people around John Gotti's neighborhood and asking them if they thought John was being given a rough time by the cops and unfairly accused. Polls don't matter when it comes to crime, except for one poll, the jury vote.

I realize that a lot of people don't care about the truth of 9/11. To most Americans it is a shame what happened to 3000 New Yorkers on 9/11, but really most of them don't care. They are happy to be alive themselves.

You want to see a change in attitude to 9/11 that the polls can measure? Simple. Re-institute the draft. All of a sudden Joe-I-don't-care lurches to attention and cares. Because 9/11 has consequences for him.

You can't run a country by taking polls to see what the nation's couch potatos want to do about every issue, particularly an issue like 9/11. The thing to do is to enforce the law where the law is broken. Everything else will take care of itself.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
reply to post by jprophet420

Check out the video Liberty Bound or any of Alex Jones's videos. Also look into the way the Patriot Act was rushed through the legislative process or how legislators were attacked with US Army weaponized anthrax.

When your legislators lose the right to due process, you lose the right to elected representation.

Here is Liberty Bound (if the embed works):

Google Video Link

Here is a link to it:

If I have to look at a video to tell me I have lost something I most certainly have lost nothing.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by jprophet420

I really hope you do look at the video. Particularly be sure to get past the first ten minutes. The little gal from Texas who made this movie did an outstanding job. If the first victim incident doesn't get your blood boiling, nothing will.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by ipsedixit

Tell you what - before you go all crazy maybe it would be best to actually take a good measure of the "grass roots" that you think you have.

Hire a pofessional, reputable polling company and ask actuall "truth movement" questions. Not those vague "do you think you know everything there is to know about 9/11" type questions. Put your cards on the table and ask outright -

"Do you think the government faked the plan crash at Shanksville including using voice morphing technology to mimic the voice of the alleged passengers"?

"Do you think agents of the US government planted explosives in the WTC towers and then remotely controlled the planes into the buildings"?

And so on.

See what you get. I think you may be suprised - and not pleasantly.

Thats exactly what you want to happen because its biased as hell. There should only be ONE question: "Do you think the governments investigation into 911 is complete and accurate?" If the answer is "no" then a new investigation should be spawned.

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