Ohh it seems we are in very interesting times. The senate and house have finally begun actually talking about issues that affect all Americans.
Primarily healthcare.
Now we have seen the propaganda and the harsh rhetoric from all sides come and go these past few months. We've even needed to create a new board to
contain it all, but yet, the smartest of you have been dupped!
Public Option Health Care.
It is your best idea...ever.
However, the government, proposed the idea, out of attempting to do what is right, and from the looks of it has completely made a 180 degree turn for
what it wants.
Obama was touting as far as last year that he wanted a Public Option, since it would keep insurance companies in check and provide coverage to all
Now I won't make this a debate about why or why not Public Option VS Private Option is better and vice versa, this about the obvious attempt to
destroy any sort of long lasting "change" in the Health Care sector.
So what have they done so far?
Well they have argued and accused each side of propaganda and partisan tactics, they've come up with 5 bills that nobody will ever read, and have put
in all these kinds of things like:
* You need to purchase insurance, or go to jail, or be fined.
That's only one example of how they will attempt to blindside you.
Since everybody is now AGAINST the public option, including Mr Obama himself since he's stopped talking about it all together, you now have Private
Run Healthcare as the only option.
Now it doesn't matter what the coverage costs, if ALL americans are forced to purchase the insurance, they can drop it by 30% in price, these
companies will make MORE money since 300 million people will be forced to buy from one company or another.
So you see ATS, this clever back and forth between Reps and Dems has only served the business interestests and lobysts once again, as they do not care
about you, or what kind of value you are getting for your buck.
They only care that EVERY American will be REQUIRED to get healthcare, or else be in contempt of the law.
A public option will actually force the government to do something positive with tax payer money. It would force them to provide quality health care
since the people are paying for it.
Now the systems aren't perfect, nothing is. I am Canadian, I enjoy what most call a "socialist" health care system, that works really well for me
and my wallet, most of the time.
I urge you all to take a good look at what has transpired here in order to remove this veil the MSM and the government have over you. They are lying
so they may do less work and reap more of the benefits.
Edit To Add: I apologize if my ideas seem a little sporadic today, I quite smoking and this is day 3, I am a little on edge
[edit on 10/17/2009 by tothetenthpower]