well, i see only pixels moving on the image. Who is able to tell you what those pixels are?
But, if an object is located in the depth of field interval of the lens, then, it will appear clear, focused.
I guess from some experience, that an amateur telescope can have the depth of field - when focused to infinite-, starting about a few hundred of
meters away, or even starting a few kilometers away..depending on focal length, aperture, senzor resolution. So, anything beyound let's say a few
kilometers away, but still in the earth atmosphere, will appear focused. And when i say a few kilometers, i include the posibility that the moon is
not high in the sky, above your head, but more close to the horizon.
Distant birds could be VERY WELL. Virtually anything in the Earth atmosphere could align with the moon, even distant meteo baloons.
For sure, nobody could tell you what a pixel is.
Here an example of distant moon, plane and a building, all appearing in focus:
There are depth of field calculators, for example:
but, we need "circle of confusion" value and telescope parameters to make some calculations...for other well known cameras, the calculations can be
[edit on 18/10/09 by depthoffield]
[edit on 18/10/09 by depthoffield]