posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by vkey08
I think my point was why do we even need rights groups to begin with, women's , men's or purple people eater's.....
We need rights because humans are no doubt animals, and they have their instincts. Mix instincts with emotions we have humans, a very bad combination,
I guess that is the reason why they decided to have laws.
Why do we need wo/men rights? I guess the same reason why we need human rights.
Although these groups are not necessary, as you point out, either neither groups should exist, or both should to create a balance. Without that
balance you can expect man's rights to be diminished.
Of curse diminished is a far stretch, but if we have a good think we would come to the conclusion that if one group exists alone then that group would
have no competition, just like a judge with no lawyers. Competition is needed, or no competition at all.
I guess your point is no competition which I agree with also.
Thanks for your time