Originally posted by Illmatic67you see portraits of a white jesus and white God all through media and you think queen cleopatra was
white because she was portrayed by a white elizabeth taylor
This much is true...However, those older depictions of Jesus being white were the normal social & political interpretations as applied by the artists
during those (more recent) times. I agree that it was artistically inaccurate & I've noticed that artists during the past decade or two *have* been
depicting Jesus as being more bronze-toned.
However, Cleopatra *was* white! She had not a single drop of Egyptian blood in her veins...She was GREEK! As were all of the other rulers of the
Ptolemic dynasties! The entire line of Ptolemic rulers were orginally generals in Alexander's armies when they conquered Egypt! Dragging Cleopatra
into this particular discussion of race & color is both inaccurate & inappropriate.
Also, NC *is* correct that other races went to Egypt to live & some of them *did* acheive high positions within Egyptian society...At that point, they
*would* swear allegiance to Egypt & marry into the royal family. The royal family of Egypt were the caretakers of not only the Egyptian military &
trade, but also the political & *religious* facets of society. Pharoah was not only the secular head of state & the the last word in any questions of
justice, but only the Pharoah could authorize foriegn trade (He gave *some* temples that right) & he also was considered the chief priest over *all*
temples & conducted religious ceremonies for the entire country.
Unlike what you accuse other people of being, I'm not brainwashed by the *earlier* effects of such racism that *was* so deeply incorporated into the
art & society in earlier decades...However, you seem to be brainwashed by the exact opposite of that same coin. Jesus preached equality & harmony
among people, but you seem to be pushing the exact opposite with an extremist reaction to an (admitted) injustice amongst social mores, Illmatic. You
are displaying the same racism against others that you've been crying out against. Such extremism is something that I have never held any respect
"Affirmative Action" laws have only served to add legal definitions & distinction to differing races: It's because of this that many hard-working,
honest cuacasians have missed job opportunities because companies have a "quota of minorities" to maintain...Most such "Affirmative Action" laws
have only pushed for *more* racism & distinction between people, acheiving the exact opposite of their purpose. As the comedian Gallagher has once
said, "I have nothing against foreigners, but that's no reason to give them a job." A person's *abilities* & *qualifications* are what should be
considered for being hired, not *what race or citizenry* that person has.
Originally posted by Illmatic67judge not or you shall be judged first.. isnt that what it says?
truth i have no comment for that... you sound pathetic tying to sound like God all of a sudden giving me my relevation type judgment,
Originally posted by Illmatic67brainwashed is you in the mirror.
And here you use such a scripture to display your own judgments on others? Such hipocrasy doesn't deserve my respect, and it doesn't serve any
purpose for you to use such hipocrasy to gain the respect of others, either. If you *really* want to promote equality & eliminate racism/bigotry, then
stop practicing the very thing that you're preaching against.
You're discussion about racism & bigotry have effectively turned this particular thread away from being a *historical* question & turned it into a
debate on bigotry...The original question being "What happened?" into "What can I (Illmatic) turn this into?"
[Edited on 22-2-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]