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Okay...Obama was not born in the what?

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posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by vor78
I've heard several bizarre comments that he's made on the subject.

Still, he claims he is a Christian and as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable passing judgement against him on that count. Its not my place to do so and I'll take his word for it.

Taqiyya is the tricking of non-muslims to believe anything in order to gain their trust, persuade and lead them down a path. Taqiyya and fard ayn are both the duty of muslims with the ultimate goal of converting everyone to Islam.
So Obama lying about his faith is just his duty and perfectly accepted in Islam because once you are a muslim you are always a muslim. He was born to a muslim father, raised in a muslim community and therefore will always be considered a muslim.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 12:27 AM
You're missing the whole point. The "Birthers" are protesting this because the president is black. Bottom line. He's a black man, they don't like him. therefore they're using this as a tool for either smearing him as a liar or trying to get him actually thrown out of office. Please see this issue for what it is. A racist attack and nothing more. Look at these birthers. Just by looking at them I can deduce that if they had their way that black people would still be in chains. It's so ludicrous that this country cannot get past such an issue. Heaven forbid we support and respect our president.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain
You're missing the whole point. The "Birthers" are protesting this because the president is black. Bottom line. He's a black man, they don't like him. therefore they're using this as a tool for either smearing him as a liar or trying to get him actually thrown out of office. Please see this issue for what it is. A racist attack and nothing more. Look at these birthers. Just by looking at them I can deduce that if they had their way that black people would still be in chains. It's so ludicrous that this country cannot get past such an issue. Heaven forbid we support and respect our president.

You might be on to something. I never considered that angle.
I'm not a Birther or racist but I know Islam and the implications of political leverage. Seems like I can't get through to the Birthers about the possibility of a Manchurian Candidate who will allow the US to be handed over to another power without much resistance.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by JJay55

So Obama lying about his faith is just his duty and perfectly accepted in Islam because once you are a muslim you are always a muslim. He was born to a muslim father, raised in a muslim community and therefore will always be considered a muslim.

That is a whole heaping pile of bs you wrote there.
Man I didn't know people could actually still say that Obama is a Muslim with a straight face anymore.

[edit on 10/18/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by JJay55

Oh believe me man, there is a definite veil of racism in all of the presidents critics. It's actually so obvious that I simply cannot understand why it isn't talked about. Oh wait, it's because the right wing controls the media. Duh!

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
reply to post by JJay55

Oh believe me man, there is a definite veil of racism in all of the presidents critics. It's actually so obvious that I simply cannot understand why it isn't talked about. Oh wait, it's because the right wing controls the media. Duh!

Nah, it's probably because the more racism is stirred the more it stays around. Color isn't that important unless someone wants to use it as an excuse. That's getting old and OJ played the last race card.

Meanwhile Islam is making great strides in advancement of the 7 phase plan. 2010 is right around the corner and it won't be pretty no matter what color you are.

I'm a ma'am btw. best wishes.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:50 PM
Well, see, here is the problem most people who know anything about USA have. Fed and State are supposed to be separate, this is no longer the case. and no where in the constitution does it declare everyone MUST have health care.... I am not African American but I'm going to use the words of KRS-1

When the cities controlled themselves, blacks couldn't be mayors, now they can be.

When states ran themselves, black people couldn't be senators/sit in the house, now they can

Now we have a black potus ,so with the above 2 mentioned, WHO is running the country?

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by vor78
reply to post by JJay55

I'm not too crazy about the idea of a radical Muslim president myself, but there's no technical reason why it should be disallowed. The first amendment protects free practice of religion, regardless of what that religion is.

What makes you think Obama is *radically* Muslim?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by mike3

Because Glenn Beck said so.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by mike3

Originally posted by vor78
reply to post by JJay55

I'm not too crazy about the idea of a radical Muslim president myself, but there's no technical reason why it should be disallowed. The first amendment protects free practice of religion, regardless of what that religion is.

What makes you think Obama is *radically* Muslim?

Heh. There's no such thing as a radical muslim. Maybe that's a western term you learned.
The first amendment didn't take into consideration a cult that calls itself a religion.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 08:30 PM
Every time I see this thread I want to scream.

It's against the law.
The law that he is in charge of upholding.

What is so hard to understand about something so basic?

If he lied about this -
He'll lie about anything.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:55 PM
So what??

Because one of the requirements of being the president, along with being at least 45 years old, is that they must be a natural born citizen. If he was not 45 years old he would not be eligable, there for, if he is not a natural born citizen, he is not eligable either.

Come on, all he has to do is just show us that little piece of paper and all this would be over, simple as that. You'd think that he would want to wave it in the air and rub it in the "birthers" faces... but he hasn't.

Besides, the reason for the need for the president to be a natural born citizen is to keep him/her from having an allegiance to another country/religion... why do you think there has only been one catholic elected to office... and it was his dad who bought the votes.

I mean if Obama could become president, then Arnold should, he has more allegiance to the U.S. than old Barry.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain
You're missing the whole point. The "Birthers" are protesting this because the president is black. Bottom line. He's a black man, they don't like him. therefore they're using this as a tool for either smearing him as a liar or trying to get him actually thrown out of office. Please see this issue for what it is. A racist attack and nothing more. Look at these birthers. Just by looking at them I can deduce that if they had their way that black people would still be in chains. It's so ludicrous that this country cannot get past such an issue. Heaven forbid we support and respect our president.

This has to be sarcasm. There can't possibly be someone that thick-headed.

Is this "You opposing Obama's agenda means you're actually opposing his color" thing still around? And here I was thinking there might be hope for America yet.

Every time I start feeling sorry for the left and actually believing in their good intentions, someone flaps this drivel out of their mouths.

As for Obama and the birthers, if he's exposed, the law needs to be the law. However, at this point, it's probably better to back off and let him continue rubbing the Democrats' status in the dirt. If their golden-boy achieves everything he wants, and it causes mass misery, it'll just be that much more proof that their ideas (while compassionate!) don't work.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 12:01 PM
How is it people don't understand the domino effect? Breaking one rule may not hurt initially, but sooner or later more will follow.

Just like ciminals, most of which will continue to do worse and worse things until caught. People WILL do what they can get away with until someone stops them. In any situation, under any circumstances. It's human nature, children do it, adults do it, hell I'd be willing to bet you could find animals doing it to until somehow they get hurt or eaten from it.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by menjo2000

Ummm. no. I'm asking you to look at the birthers. Take a good look at a majority of these people. Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other. I said nothing of the presidents agendas. I am merely stating the truth. The truth is that had Bush been born in Germany (allegedly) that these same redneck morons wouldn't have said a dam thing.
Of course I'm not saying that anyone against Obama's policies is racist. That would make me a moron like the birthers. I'm saying that there's an awful lot of it within his right wing critics. If you don't see it it's because you don't want to.

Can you honestly look in the mirror and tell yourself that the birthers with their silly evidence would be making this stink if the president were white? Can you do that and keep a straight face? I'm a white guy and I didn't vote for Obama either. Facts are facts though. Don't be afraid of the truth. It won't hurt

LOL didn't that hayseed congressman from South Carolina stand up and call Obama a liar when he was addressing the health care bill just a few weeks ago? Have you ever heard of anything like that happening? Do the math.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by spinalremain]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by spinalremain

Wow. Generalizations, assumptions, and outright prejudice. Because of an opinion about a birth certificate, someone is now a white, bible-thumping, gun-toting racist? I could just as easily say that everyone who disagreed with the patriot act was a skeevy, tree-hugging, liberal pothead.

How exactly have you managed to fool yourself into thinking you're that high on your pillar? I'm honestly curious what kind of mindset it takes to believe you're capable of making those kinds of judgements over such a large base of people.

To be honest, it sounds to me like you're projecting that racism a bit.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Ahabstar

so? i can use that as a basis for the noproofer movement.
and obama is not above the law. the 5th amendment is for a criminal not to have to bear witness against himself.

oh wait a minute... i get your drift.

but he is not above the 14th amendment.
how do you noproofers come up with this stuff??????

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by spinalremain

are you on drugs? if he was purple with spots,i wouldn;t care if he was on the up and up.
my point being that his approval rating wouldn't have dropped like a rock if you were correct.
that means that the people who didn't care what color he is elected him are starting to disapprove OF HIS TRAITOR LIKE DEDICATION TO DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY.
the muslims have always said that the destruction of america was going to come fron the inside.
so i don't think that making sure this isn't a plant by another culture isn't beyond sanity,as the noproofers think.

please give me one reason he shouldn't be held to the constitution.

i'm not racist,i hate the white half too.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by Spectre0o0

the muslims have always said that the destruction of america was going to come fron the inside.

Yeppers. You are exactly right. World domination in the form of Islam.
Welcome to the era of war with the machines.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by EsSeeEye

"someone is now a white, bible-thumping, gun-toting racist?"

If the shoe fits as they say. All I know is that where I live, nobody discusses such a mundane topic seriously. If the President was really born in Kenya, do you really think he would still be in the White House after nearly 9 months? Look, these people who are so emphatic about getting him impeached are doing so because they don't like black people. Is that so hard to believe? These people come from families who chained up slaves 150 yrs ago and whipped them. Was that a generalization? No, it's a fact. I'm not saying you're a bible toting redneck. Im saying the vast majority of the birthers are. You can't deny that man.
And just out of curiosity, why do you think he was born in Kenya? Or outside the US for that matter? Where is the proof for this? You're accusing me of generalizations, yet your entire argument is an allegation and conjecture at best.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by spinalremain]

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