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Swine flu jabs starting next week (UK)

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posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:21 PM

The swine flu vaccination programme will get under way in the UK next week, the government has said.

Patients in hospital deemed at risk of the infection - including pregnant women and people with health problems - will get the jab from 21 October.

GPs will start calling patients in the week after until 13 million people in the priority groups are vaccinated.

Meanwhile, front-line troops in Afghanistan will also be offered jabs, the Ministry of Defence said.

The troops and staff supporting operations in Afghanistan - totalling 15,000 people - will be vaccinated immediately after the programme to protect those most at risk in Britain.

The quote says it all.

Our island is going to become a testing ground. Even those away on duty in other countries will become guinea pigs.

Next will be the ID cards and then the microchip.

ID compulsory, expect that in two to three years. Three ot six years we'll start microchipping the elderly, the infirm, the sick, the insane, our prisoners, our relatives, our children and our husbands and wives.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:25 PM
"There has been some concern about the situation regarding pregnant women as they have not been part of the clinical trial process"

ya... "some concern" LOL

As they used the word 'urged' it seems that it's not mandatory! Good for you =)

[edit on 15-10-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Like I said weeks ago, the only way they will be sticking that putrid slurry in my arm is when they chase me down the street, tackle me to the ground, and beat me unconscious.

When I wake up will be looking to put the poison toting offender over my knee so be sure to have a taser ready.

It is not happening and if the PTB try and make it mandatory I will pretend I have rejoined my ancestors back in the time of Wallace and they will actually have to kill me because to reiterate... I am not taking it and neither is any other person I know.

Good luck UK government if you try and make it mandatory because your country will boot you into the sea - after we have vaccinated you.

Wishful thinking I know...


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