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Why does god play favorites?

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posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:45 PM
Im a semi athiest. God plays favorites in the bible A example would be cain and able. If god would have showed cain that him and able where both loved equally cain probably wouldnt have killed able.

I dont think gods worried about earth earth in gods eyes is already destroyed. God knows how its gonna turn out. So i dont think hes worried about it too much.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 07:25 PM
I think that I understand what you are saying.

Regardless of terms;
The lack of detailing out that while we are separated from our "former" state of existence, we are also supremely connected to all things, can be a great disservice to those who do not understand what you are getting at. That is why I specifically used the "less than or equal to" sign and not simply the "less than" sign.

Do you understand me as well? God did not make us as God inherently, but God became like us so that we would become Godly. Those whose end is becoming Godly do have a beginning of Godliness (the spiritual is not bound by time), but we are bound for a time in the complex void which is our failing, limited and temporal world. More so, those whose end is returning to Void do have a beginning of Void, but they are also given longsuffering for a time so that their lives in the temporary miracle of this realm reflect Godliness in many ways and bring glory to Gods and Their Children.

Consider it this way, all things glorify Gods in their life cycles and completion, however some things are imaginary in the everlasting, and some things are everlasting in the imaginary. This life is an illusion, it is a declaration of the glory and riches of the Creators in their creation and conquering of Void which is nonsensical and fleeting relative to that which is Everlasting and truly "real."

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:01 PM
This is a very interesting post.

1. Does the fact that ones IQ being higher than the masses possible mean that those with higher IQ's than the masses might have a tougher time with being humble about ones means/beginnings thereby denying belief in a higher power/greater intelligence?

2. Does perhaps a High IQ also come with a built in B.S. charge that goes off because of all the false teachings, false beliefs, hypocritical rhetoric and alike?

3. Does Religion and Science conspire to keep us separate. To divide is to conquer. This is why we have so many sidebars in life, Democrat - Republican, Science - Religion, Conspiracy - Coincidence, etc.

Does the so called fact that those with a supposedly higher IQ do not believe in GOD because they are so much more gifted in a REAL UNDERSTANDING beyond what the dumber folk believe.

I personally have an IQ that is at around 138 and definitely on the side of the bell curve that is considerd higher than average IQ and yet I can tell you that if you were to ask me 10 years ago does GOD exist I would have had to say I did not know. This based on the fact that I had nothing but "church and religion" as my compass and what I did not know then but know now is that church and religion is of Satanic Design to separate, confuse, confound and control. Filled with hypocrisy and hysteria. Would not this cause ANY person let alone someone with a high IQ and extended education to not believe in what deep down we know to be true? After breaking free from church and religion only than are we able to find out the real truth.

When someone with a higher IQ goes through life you usually are indoctrinated into another type of "RELIGION and CHURCH". One that is anti GOD utilizing methods of deception that are unfortunately easily used when one sees how false religion really is. False religion to a thinking man makes Atheism the only seemingly viable option.

This is why Christ told us to 'Get out of false religion". We were also told that "All would be deceived". This means ALL of us! We all would be deceived and only through that understanding can one come to the final conclusion...

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:09 PM
God gives you every thing you need to further your eternal progression. It's up to you the choose the correct path. Some people need their hand held because if they don't they will totally go nuts and physico. Be grateful that you are not so week and pathetic. It amazes me how many people misquote scripture to further their own agenda. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by Lizardlover]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:18 PM
I think it comes down to "free-will" Vs. "Predestination". If you believe in free-will then why bother praying? God gave you free-will, you are the master of your own life. If you believe in predestination, why bother praying? God has a plan and its set in stone, you think a few whispers from you is going to upset his almighty plan? No.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by xelamental
God creates us all according to theists.
Recent research shows that the higher your IQ, the less likely you are to believe in god. But god made us.

Sure would like to see the CONFIDENCE INTERVAL on the stat/survey?

These 'believers' would disagree!

Johannes Kepler [1571-1630]
Astronomy/Laws of Planetary Motion
"I had the intention of becoming a theologian...but now I see how God is, by my endeavors, also glorified in astronomy, for 'the heavens declare the glory of God.'"
"I am a Christian...I believe... only and alone in the service of Jesus Christ...In Him is all refuge, all solace."
"Let my name perish if only the name of God the Father is thereby elevated."
"[God] is the kind Creator who brought forth nature out of nothing."

Blaise Pascal [1623-1662]
Scientist noted for work in physics, hydrostatics, vacuums; inventor of mechanical calculator
"Jesus Christ, I have separated myself from Him:
I have fled from Him, denied Him, crucified Him.
Let me never be separated from Him.
We keep hold of Him only by the ways taught in the Gospel.
Renunciation, total and sweet.
Total submission to Jesus Christ..."
[from a manuscript dated Monday November 23, 1654 and found in his own handwriting in his coat at his death]

"Knowing God without knowing our own wretchedness engenders pride. Knowing our own wretchedness without knowing God engenders despair." [Pascal - Pensees no 527]
*Also famous for "Pascal's Wager"--a powerful defense of the Christian faith

Robert Boyle [1627-1691]
Founder of Modern Chemistry/Gas Dynamics
Governor of Missionary organization for propagating the gospel in New England
Personally financed the translation of the Bible into Irish, Turkish, and Arabic
Author of "The Christian Virtuoso" reflecting on the study of nature for Christians
Author of Christian devotional book, "Occasional Reflections"
His will after his death financed the "Boyle Lectures" which were lectures in defense of Christianity
"From a knowledge of His work, we shall know Him"
"Christ's passion, His death, His resurrection and ascension, and all of those wonderful works which He did during His stay upon earth, in order to confirm mankind in the belief of His being God as well as man."

Sir Isaac Newton [1642-1727]
Mathematician, Physicist
Inventor of calculus
Law of universal gravitation
Newton's three laws of motion:
1) Law of inertia 2) Force=mass*acceleration 3) Principle of action and reaction
Published "Newton's Prophecies of Daniel"
after his study and translation of the Book of Daniel [in the Bible]
"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."

"There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history."

" This thing [a scale model of our solar system] is but a puny imitation of a much grander system whose laws you know, and I am not able to convince you that this mere toy is without a designer and maker; yet you, as an atheist, profess to believe that the great original from which the design is taken has come into being without either designer or maker! Now tell me by what sort of reasoning do you reach such an incongruous conclusion?"


Sir William Herschel [1738-1822]
Astronomist. Discovered Uranus, several nebulae, and binary stars.
First to accurately describe the Milky Way Galaxy
“All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more and more
the Truths contained in the Sacred Scriptures.”
"The undevout astronomer must be mad."

Samuel Morse [1791-1872]
Inventor of the telegraph [Morse's sketch of the railway telegraph above]
"Education without religion is in danger of substituting wild theories for the simple commonsense rules of Christianity."
First message sent by the electric telegraph:
"What hath God wrought"
[This is found in the Bible; Numbers 23:23]
[The message was sent from the Supreme Court Room in the Capitol to the railway depot at Baltimore; May 24, 1844]
[In one letter, Samuel Morse wrote "What hath GOD wrought" by capitalizing and underlining "GOD" twice!]

Michael Faraday [1791-1867]
Inventor of the electric generator and the transformer
Discovered Benzene--used to make plastics, nylon and dyes
Produced the first test tubes
Described Field Theory
*Hailed by Albert Einstein as the foundation for his own scientific discoveries*
Elder in his church for over 20 years
"Speculations? I have none. I am resting on certainties. 'I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.'"
"A Christian finds his guide in the Word of God, and commits the keeping of his soul into the hands of God. He looks for no assurance beyond what the Word can give him, and if his mind is troubled by the cares and fears which assail him, he can go nowhere but in prayer to the throne of
grace and to Scripture."
"Since peace is alone in the gift of God; and as it is He who gives it, why should we be afraid? His unspeakable gift in His beloved Son is the ground of no doubtful hope." --[1861 letter]
"The Bible, and it alone, with nothing added to it nor taken away from it by man, is the sole and sufficient guide for each individual, at all times and in all circumstances…For faith in the divinity and work of Christ is the gift of God, and the evidence of this faith is obedience to the commandment of Christ."

James Prescott Joule [1818-1889]
Described the First Law of Thermodynamics: The Law of Conservation of Energy
[American Biochemist Isaac Asimov said that the First Law of Thermodynamics is
"one of the most important generalizations in the history of science"]
Kinetic Theory of Gases
"Joule-Thomson" effect--the basis of refrigeration
A unit of energy [work] in physics is now called a "joule"

"It is evident that an acquaintance with natural laws means no less than
an acquaintance with the mind of God therein expressed."
"Order is manifestly maintained in the universe...governed by the sovereign will of God"
"After the knowledge of, and obedience to, the will of God, the next aim must be to know something of His attributes of wisdom, power, and goodness as evidenced by His handiwork."

James Clerk Maxwell [1831-1879]
Statistical Thermodynamics, Field equations of electricity, magnetism, light

" No theory of evolution can be formed to account for the similarity of molecules,
for evolution necessarily implies continuous change."

"Almighty God, Who has created man in Thine own image, and made him a living soul that he might seek after Thee,
and have dominion over Thy creatures, teach us to study the works of Thy hands, that we may subdue the earth to our use, and strengthen the reason for Thy service; so to receive Thy blessed Word, that we may believe on Him Who Thou has sent, to give us the knowledge of salvation and the remission of our sins. All of which we ask in the name of the same Jesus Christ, our Lord." [prayer written by Maxwell and found amongst his notes]

Maxwell was an elder in the church he helped establish near his home.

Louis Pasteur [1822-1895]
Father of Microbiology, developed "pasteurization"
"The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator."
"Science brings men nearer to God."

Jean-Henri Fabre [1823-1915]
Entomology, Biology
Author of 8-volume series "Souvenirs Entomologiques"
detailing the behavior and life history of many species

"Without Him, I understand nothing; without Him, all is darkness…Every period has its manias.
I regard Atheism as a mania. It is the malady of the age.
You could take my skin from me more easily than my faith in God."

Sir Joseph Lister [1827-1912]
Father of antiseptic surgery, first to wire fractures, developed dissolving sutures
"I am a believer in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity"

Lord Kelvin [William Thomson] [1824-1907]
Physicist, Laws of Thermodynamics, Absolute temperature scale, inventor
"With regard to the origin of life, science...positively affirms creative power."
"Overwhelmingly strong proofs of intelligent and benevolent design lie around us...
the atheistic idea is so non-sensical that I cannot put it into words."

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by OldThinker

Note that the "great thinkers" you mention are mostly hundreds of years old. Back when you were villified for not believing in the right god, sometimes killed, sometimes burned.

Regardless, the plural of anecdote is not data.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Lizardlover
God gives you every thing you need to further your eternal progression. It's up to you the choose the correct path. Some people need their hand held because if they don't they will totally go nuts and physico. Be grateful that you are not so week and pathetic. It amazes me how many people misquote scripture to further their own agenda. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by Lizardlover]

Firstly your post was hardly coherent. Secondly, what about people born with psychosis, or those who are biologically compelled to kill? Did god give them every thing they need?

High IQ isn't the only problem here, its biological predisposition. If you are born without the faculties to discern right from wrong, is that your fault?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by YAHUWAH SAVES
This is a very interesting post.

1. Does the fact that ones IQ being higher than the masses possible mean that those with higher IQ's than the masses might have a tougher time with being humble about ones means/beginnings thereby denying belief in a higher power/greater intelligence?

Regardless, they were created that way at least according to the biblical god. by him. That's not fair considering what's supposedly at stake.

2. Does perhaps a High IQ also come with a built in B.S. charge that goes off because of all the false teachings, false beliefs, hypocritical rhetoric and alike?


3. Does Religion and Science conspire to keep us separate. To divide is to conquer. This is why we have so many sidebars in life, Democrat - Republican, Science - Religion, Conspiracy - Coincidence, etc.

I would accept a creator given evidence. Religion would not consider the absence of a creator given ample evidence. I say religion is diversive, not science. Science seeks truth, religion thinks it has it. It may, but given a choice between something that claims truth, and something that adjusts depending on new information, I would choose the latter.

I personally have an IQ that is at around 138 and definitely on the side of the bell curve that is considerd higher than average IQ and yet I can tell you that if you were to ask me 10 years ago does GOD exist I would have had to say I did not know.

Agnostic is a much easier position than athiest.

This based on the fact that I had nothing but "church and religion" as my compass and what I did not know then but know now is that church and religion is of Satanic Design to separate, confuse, confound and control. Filled with hypocrisy and hysteria. Would not this cause ANY person let alone someone with a high IQ and extended education to not believe in what deep down we know to be true? After breaking free from church and religion only than are we able to find out the real truth.

As an ex-evangelist, I hang my head in shame at the minds I've lost to the dark side (religion)

When someone with a higher IQ goes through life you usually are indoctrinated into another type of "RELIGION and CHURCH". One that is anti GOD utilizing methods of deception that are unfortunately easily used when one sees how false religion really is. False religion to a thinking man makes Atheism the only seemingly viable option.

Athiesm is really the only likely answer to this mess. But it's entirely possible they were right all along. I would assign a p of 1/infinity to the biblical god being true.

This is why Christ told us to 'Get out of false religion". We were also told that "All would be deceived". This means ALL of us! We all would be deceived and only through that understanding can one come to the final conclusion...

That worshipping the world's first imaginary zombie isn't all it's cracked up to be?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 12:41 PM
Xelamental I see your point. Personally I am surprised that there are as many God fearing people as there are given all the bad in the last 1000 years that has been done in the name of god, a name that has been purposely changed from the original True Name by ALL false religions. I used to be a very "zealous" preacher/teacher/missionary myself involved in what I believed to be the ONLY way, the ONLY religion and I share with you my prior ignorance of misleading. I like so many I knew used to get that all too common personal high that came only from either converting someone or "discussing" theology until that person was at an impasse and had to accept or get pissed off and turn away. I realize now how self serving it all was. I felt it was a calling of mine. Do not get me wrong however, never would I put down another for their spiritual journey. I will tell you however that what I really did not see, admit, or accept was that I had a totally FALSE humility in the understanding of the name of God who I felt I COMPLETELY knew. I felt, "hay I am doing all this for the Lord right?" Well I realize now that the only thing I needed to do was declare his name and work on fixing and focus on MYSELF and not trying to fix others. My job is not to change your mind or anyone elses. You will or will not do that yourself. I do not need to declare my personal knowledge and studies to someone not yearning for it or pound into to someone how great I am, or tell you the earth is flat if you believe it is round or that evil Satan does exist and that Yahuwah has his appointed time because frankly it is not going to change a deep felt heart condition preset by where he/she grew up, preset by what school one went to, preset by the set of parents that raised them, preset by what bad/good was done to them in their life, preset by who they married and divorced or etc etc. Thats not my job, who am I anyway? Nobody, Just an imperfect guy. I am on a journey myself so how can I tell you YOU ARE WRONG? I realize that change is something that can and will ONLY occur at a stage in life that one might develop into. You are on a journey, we all are on a journey whether we like it or not. Finding the true truth is something that I believe can occur if we truly want it. It is up to us, like it was stated, Freewill. For me an my household we will serve Yahuwah! But my friend and regardless best wishes in your journey and may the outcome be true to you and for you!

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES

Thing is, you are still not addressing the argument. If god creates us, and if some of those creations are even a bit less likely to make it to heaven than others, then that is almost proof that there is no god, because no fair god would do that. It makes no sense that he would "predispose" some souls not to get into heaven, and some more predisposed to go. The stakes, according to the bible, are massive! Doesn't sound like "love" to me...

Take the extreme case: genetically evil serial killer. If god designed him this way, isn't that on god, not the "soul"?

Anyway, there is no such thing as free will according to god, as he knows the future right? If we have free will, god can't know the future.

Or if he doesn't know the future and we do have free will, then none of the predictions can be right, and he has a lesser part to play in the universe than christians think.

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