posted on Feb, 20 2003 @ 03:19 PM
Can't clone Elvis, he is still alive, so no body to dig up.
Besides, why clone him? He isn't important. Use cloning to say, clone someone who had a organ problem, then grow that clone and when ready for it,
organ transplant.(only works if person has long time to live) Or when a person is born, make clone of it, so if ever need a transplant, there you go.
Now, what if the clone would die? Well, to bad. I know, bloodthirsty, heartless, but a person is nothing more than a vessel for the brain, the
brain is the only thing you need. If u have heart problems, can replace it. If you have brain problems, you screwed.
Besides, the clone is just a vessel for organs, just like original person is. Just used for it's organs and blood and so forth. Sure, at first only
people with money can make clones. But bet there clones would match blood type of someone else, so there you go. One clone could save ten people.