posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by PriamsPride
Hi PriamsPride,
I logged in just to reply to your post.
I agree with what you said, the only way the dark cabal will be taken down is through the 'white hats' that are working in that very same cabal..
The 'average joe' does not have a chance at changing anything that goes on at the top.
And like I've said before, it's just as easy to think positive as it is to think negative....but I think some people are addicted to negative,
'doom and gloom' thoughts..
Also I think this 'end of the cycle' event will be a manifestation of ones thoughts.....people who are focused on loving, harmonious positive
thoughts will experience just that.......and those who are in a fearful negative mind-set will get exactly what they are looking for...
The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades..