posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:26 PM
I think that people have a fear of the unknown, the unfamilar, they are insecure. Maybe it's in our genes when we were cave men, to be scared of the
other tribe. Where did it all begin? When did the first white man meet the first black man? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the ancient cities around
the fertile crescent, had mixed races. As opposed to the Europeans, who did not have such broad exposure. Then again, the English considered the Irish
to be a subspecies, as well as the Japanese to other Asians, and they are the same race. So it must be a fear of the different, of being scared. You
will hear a lot that 'white people will be a minority in America'. Who cares? The Constitution will be the same, the Bill of Rights won't change.
The colors on the flag will be the same. America is a beautiful ideal, and won't change no matter who is the 'majority'. But people are scared.
Scared that someone will take what they have. If it isn't race, it's religion, or political parties, or whatever. Some day, we will just be one
color, because of so much intermixing. I have no doubt we will find something else to be scared of.
EDIT: Great start so far, intelligent responses. How much longer before it turns ugly? I say, five posts.
[Edited on 17-5-2004 by curme]