This is really starting to annoy me, and I could go on and on with different subjects but I'd really rather stick to the subject of our
extraterrestrial buddies.
Why is it that people will not use their own brain when asking whether or not life other than ours exists?
I always hear people say "their is no science to back it up" or "show me the facts". Well besides the fact that their IS science to back it up
and PLENTY of high ranking military officials from all over our planet slowly telling us we are not alone, John Q. Public still has to wait for "his
man" to tell him.
This is kind of lame IMO. Did anyone here have the not so typical talk with their parents on "how murder is wrong"? I know I never did, but using
my BRAIN I didn't have to be told. Nobody ever told me "Don't jump off the roof, you wont be able to fly". I didn't jump because I used my
BRAIN and knew that I couldn't. Why on the extraterrestrial topic can people not do this?
If you a scientific explanation here is a simple one. Many scientists believe the universe is infinite (please, lets not argue about this one). Well
using my BRAIN on what infinite is that means that their is life elsewhere in the cosmos.
Main Entry: 1in·fi·nite Pronunciation: \ˈin-fə-nət\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English infinit, from Anglo-French or Latin;
Anglo-French, from Latin infinitus, from in- + finitus finite Date: 14th century
1 : extending indefinitely : endless
2 : immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive : inexhaustible
3 : subject to no limitation or external determination
4 a : extending beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than any preassigned finite value however large b : extending to infinity c : characterized
by an infinite number of elements or terms
Read the third definition. If the universe is infinite it is not subject to limitation. Thus using my BRAIN I can deduce that not only is their
other life throughout the universe, but it is limitless.
And I know, I know that is still not enough for people. Even those who believe that life is elsewhere believe "It can't possibly be interacting or
visited our planet". Lay aside your ego folks. I would venture a guess that everyone reading this has at one point or another heard of SPIES. As in
people from one country who blend in to another country to obtain information. Now if WE AS A SPECIES do this on a daily basis without ever being
caught (not saying that they don't get caught, but if spies always got caught that would mean there would be no spies) why is it so inconceivable to
so many that ANOTHER FORM OF LIFE wouldn't be doing this on a GALACTIC level. I mean we have spies on every level in our own country, not to mention
our own planet.
And yes I know I know even that wouldn't be enough to open anyone's eyes, because "how could they get here from there"? Let's go into the
possibilities because those are endless as well. Can we not assume that all planets have the same NATURAL RESOURCES. I mean, not even every
stinkin' country has the same natural resources. "But it would take to long". FOR WHO? For us, yes. But remember if the Universe is infinite
than the life that comes along with it is limitless as well. Just because we can't live for thousands of years doesn't mean other life can't as
well. Jeez people, Men and Women don't even have the same life expectancy.
I know I could go on and on all night so I wont I'm just kind of sick of the debunkers or skeptics or whatever you wanna call them. The people who
need to BE TOLD or basically have an information NANNY because they refuse to think. This does not just solely go along with aliens but with all the
topics on this board.
Does anyone have ALL THE ANSWERS? HELL NO!!! So why do YOU? You don't. And if your sitting on your computer or couch WAITING for someone to tell
you an answer to anything rather than figuring out the problem yourself using YOUR OWN BRAIN, than you probably don't understand what your being told
Sorry for ranting people, but I gotta go, John and Kate plus 8 is on