What would you do if you were on Millionaire and the Million Dollar Question was:
"Who is the man considered largely responsible and currently still in hiding that the FBI want to question over the events surrounding September the
"A. Osama Bin Laden. B. Dick Cheney. C. Nick Rockefeller or D. George Bush *Crowd laughs*"
Obviously the 'official' answer is Osama Bin Laden, but anybody with half a brain would want to pick the brains out of the last three under
interrogation. Would you go with A to make a quick buck or would you stand up for what you think is right?
Just a stupid hypothetical question, but I thought it might be quite entertaining to see the responses to this.
I would pick 'The Republican Party', because ---years--- before 9-11-01, their own document, called 'The Project For A New American Century' said
that if only another Pearl Harbor happened again, then the American people would back them on attacking and invading Iraq, which they had been
obsessed with wanting to do.