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Interesting, but sad, mystery (swine flu)

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posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 06:57 PM
The local radio news today had an interesting, but very sad, story today about a young girl who had been sick since August with a mystery disease. She died last week and the coroner has confirmed it was swine flu. The Medical College of Georgia (the hospital she was at before they transferred her to Atlanta) has an extremely good reputation and very good doctors and yet, they were baffled by her illness. She had no other underlying illnesses and was totally healthy until August when she grew sick.

The interesting part is that she was tested at least 3 times specifically for swine flu and each time the tests came back negative.

This story broke today and, other than the radio news story, I've only been able to find one mention of it online. It's here: Columbia County Child Dies From Flu. (My search was complicated by the fact that her last name is Rockefeller combined with swine flu).

That story does not say that it was swine flu or that she had been previously tested several times for it though. The radio news personality that broke the story is the one that had confirmed the previous testing and the fact that she did die from swine flu. He has a good reputation as far as not breaking unconfirmed stories. He stated specifically that he had personally confirmed what he was saying.

So, does this mean that they really don't know the testing parameters for swine flu? It's interesting also that they only confirmed she had swine flu, after 3 previous specific tests for it came back negative, in Atlanta, where the CDC headquarters are located. I can't imagine that MCG didn't have the same information (or expertise for that matter) the CDC did, so what the heck happened??? Do they really know what this thing is AND how can they say that the vaccine for it is right if they don't even have a test for it that's accurate?

Remember, she was a totally healthy 11 year old girl with no complicating factors.

[edit on 12/10/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 07:45 PM
Its interesting as i keep hearing small snippets of news here and there on the net that kids are really starting to get sick with the virus and family's are urged to watch there children when they have the swine flu,

It seems to be passing child to child very quick,
One to keep an eye on thats for sure, I heard something also about a child in Mississippi? She had to have a lung op but was fine before she took the H1N1...

Im presuming that this angle of swine flu is being kept "hush hush" until they can fully determine whats going on in order not to panic parents.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 08:55 PM
The tests they were using at that time were not able to detect the h1n1 variant of swine flu. By the time they found out about the false negatives the official response was to implement the "no more testing" policy.

A lot of people who had the long time line version of the swine flu were not diagnosed because the Dr's never thought to go back and request new tests once the news about the false negatives came out.

Add to that the weird way in which Dr's are being told to look for a set of symptoms which is not correct. They are being told to watch for a high fever and intense coughing. A large number of H1N1 victims never develop a high fever until they go into the immune response known as a "cytokine storm" by which time its pretty much too late.

I managed to catch a report on CNN not long ago by Dr Gupta where he was telling people the hallmark symptom of swine flu is high fever.

The real indicator of swine flu is a very violent / painful cough with or without fever. Extreme weakness, muscle pain and confusion along with breathing difficulty are the symptoms to watch for.

I just don't know what the real truth is on this virus. When it first broke in the media I was in contact with some of the top researchers on pandemic viruses and they were scared to death. I'm talking doom and gloom prediction type stuff.

Now here we are coming into phase 2 and the fatalities just aren't there to match what these researchers were seeing early on. Its almost as if there is actually more than one virus at play here.

Combine that with our governments still warning us about a dire outcome and I really just don't know what to think about this. I know almost all the researchers and insider types are even more scared and refuse to talk now. Something / someone put the fear of God into those people - the question is who and why?

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by asala
Its interesting as i keep hearing small snippets of news here and there on the net that kids are really starting to get sick with the virus and family's are urged to watch there children when they have the swine flu,

It seems to be passing child to child very quick,
One to keep an eye on thats for sure, I heard something also about a child in Mississippi? She had to have a lung op but was fine before she took the H1N1...

Im presuming that this angle of swine flu is being kept "hush hush" until they can fully determine whats going on in order not to panic parents.

It's spreading like mad in the schools and daycares but thankfully it just hasn't been as fatal as we were warned it would be.

The description of the little girl's case sure fits with the early, long time
line variants. I would be willing to bet she died of a secondary lung infection such as pneumonia, possibly caused by damage to the lungs during a cytokine storm episode. She could have been on a respirator for the past few months in that case and will not be the last to chart that course.

I'm starting to see a pattern in the lethality of this virus, almost like a cycle. If there are a large number of long time line infected persons about to start dying of secondary lung infections the next phase in the cycle would be the "Mexico City" phase. We will see a substantial rush of patients coming into ERs with breathing difficulties and possibly lose a large number of them due to lack of equipment.

I'd guess we would start seeing this in urban areas within the next 2-4 weeks if my hunch is correct.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 05:03 PM
Sorry for not getting back sooner.

Originally posted by ecoparity
The tests they were using at that time were not able to detect the h1n1 variant of swine flu. By the time they found out about the false negatives the official response was to implement the "no more testing" policy.

A lot of people who had the long time line version of the swine flu were not diagnosed because the Dr's never thought to go back and request new tests once the news about the false negatives came out.

So what does this say about the the vaccine then? She only got sick in August, if they were using the wrong testing criteria in August and September (my assumption) then the vaccine, which was developed earlier than that, would have been developed with the wrong criteria too, right?

Sorry for my lack of medical terminology but I hope you get my drift here.


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