posted on May, 24 2004 @ 12:07 PM
It's called a parabolic arch, it's a natural shape. I don't think there's any conspiracy about it in any way. It is this shape so that in can
support the height of it, and not need foundations. As you probably know, it is the worlds largest free-standing structure. It balances on two large
concret feet, as I remember the guide saying.
I've been on the arch! I used to live near there. The elevator/lift is strange, it's a tube, and it rotates a couple of degrees every few feet when
travelling up and down to compensate for the shape as it rises.
A plane did fly underneath it while I lived there, it was a local nut in a Cessna. Also, I personally witnessed parachutists passing under it at the
1983 US festival there.
It moves from side to side in the lightest breeze. When I was there, it was moving about a meter side to side every 10 seconds or so. It was most
vomit inducing.
I guess it could be a huge alien radio doodad, but I noticed no heavy power equipment in the building or hum of electronics when at the top of the
arch, which there would surely be if it was a giant radio.
But, it could equally be an alien radio thingamajig installed by Tesla for the Aliens working for the Illuminati as well, I suppose
[Edited on 24-5-2004 by Zzub]
[Edited on 24-5-2004 by Zzub]