Other than posting on ATS, what are you
YOU DOING to be the changes you wish to see in the world? This thread is intended to have each
of you who are DOING something(s) to BE the changes that you want to see in our world. The intent of this thread is to have those of you who are
actually DOING things to effect positive changes in our world to post what you are doing, so that others may be inspired to emulate, if they can.
What are you DOING to be the changes that you wish to see in our world?
Everyday, we are flooded with news of all kinds, much of it negative; pressured to work to scratch out a living, in a era of declining jobs and
economic activity; pressured to keep our heads above water with ever-increasing costs of living; worried about the changes that are coming at us at
faster and faster paces, threatening to overwhelm us in tides of changes that seem to be insurmountable.
What are you doing that you feel good about, that you think that is helping in small or large ways, that you feel that is contributing -- small,
though it may be -- to positive changes in our world that we can believe in, that we can have hope about?
Hope and change is not about Obama: it is about YOU. WE. US.
Every positive act, no matter how small, effects the morphogenetic field in which we share; the more of us act/feel/think in positive ways, the more
positive the world becomes and the more of the change that we want to see will manifest.
We all are already quite familiar with how negative our world
seems (negativity is hyped by the media; positivity is under-emphasized) to be
and, since the world is a perfect mirror of the state of the mass-mind that the world is in, it is clear to me that we have more than enough
negativity BS going on in our world, so the only truly effective anti-dote to all that fear-based negativity is the opposite -- love-based positive
So what you you doing? Please share, so that others may be inspired to do what they can to help us all.
Me? Ok. It's just a small step, but I've begun to make a strong effort to not get angry, to get really pissed of to the point of breaking things.
I've lost count of how many times that I've exploded in anger/rage to things, such as what the bloody PTB elites are doing to us and many other
awful things that are going on in the world.
I've come to realize that my anger/rage was feeding the negativity monster that seems to be engulfing our world, so I decided that I had better start
doing the opposite -- to not get pissed-off, in the first place, then to send light to those whom I see as being "evil". I haven't yet gotten to
the place of forgiving the elites, but I've stopped flying off into temper tantrums (every time I got pissed off, my personal energy field would
collapse and I would feel very tired suddenly) and have made an effort to not get angry any more. This little, tiny step has helped me enormously.
My personal morphogenetic field is now brighter and stronger and I know that this is contributing to the positive changes that I wish to see in our
Another thing that I have done was to pass out fliers about ending the Fed -- here's the thread about that action...
...and I had a lot of fun passing those fliers out in my own, little personal effort to get people to wake the hell up about the Fed.
Another thing that I've started to do was to meditate nearly every day. This has helped me enormously, has helped me get centered, to calm me down
and to actually start to feel like that I'm radiating the positive energy that I wish to see in our world.
It's the little changes that can effect the big changes. Oceans are but zillions of drops of water, yes? Does one drop of water in an ocean think
that it is insignificant? I think not.
We are all part of an ocean of consciousness, so what we do/think/be has effects on that ocean.
What do you want?