posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 12:12 PM
posted by Reheat
reply to post by theonlyrusty
Twin towers = symbol of economic strength
Pentagon = symbol of military power
Bin Laden has outlined this, as well in one of his videos. He was striking at symbols to accomplish his objective.
Unfortunately for you that was not Usama bin Laden in those videos. Osama is out as the official US Government mastermind of 9-11 and Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed is in.
Just like he stated originally way back in 2001, Usama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9-11, and the tortured liar Khalid Sheikh Mohammed did not
The American people and the people of the world have endured a steady stream of lies and manufactured videos and audios from the
US Government
falsely presenting Usama bin Laden as the mastermind and financier of 9-11, and now even the
US Government indirectly admits it was all a mass
of lies, and now claims KSM was the real mastermind of 9-11.
Since many world intelligence agencies and many world governments now admit that Usama bin Laden most likely died way back in December of 2001,
SOMEBODY faked those Osama confession videos and audios, and that
SOMEBODY with the
most to gain from the falsehoods would be the
US Government and the Bush Regime.
"cui bono?" means "Who benefits", or more literally: "For whose benefit is it?" It is a very good question
throughout life's encounters and is often used by experienced criminal investigators.
The entire
9-11 OFFICIAL STORY is built upon lie after lie after lie.