posted on May, 17 2004 @ 02:32 PM
All wrong, I have a feeling that the real reason we went to war in Iraq now has nothing to do with oil, WMD or even Saddam.
The US is positioning troops in mass in the middle east because of a number of threats or hotspots that could possibly turn ugly.
The ground forces have been very reserved in their use of firepower against most targets. And while the losses are hard to bare at times at less then
800 killed it is less then two weeks of action in Vietnam.
IRAN and Syria both could be potential targets and the US needed in theater troops to have immediate response times in those countries. There could be
a new Israel/ Lebenon/ Sini war brewing and with Iran declaring (subversily) nuclear weapons that could spell disaster to the whole region. Israel
Nuking, Iran Nuking, Syria launching Chemical attacks against Israel (thanks to Saddam's WMD) etc. Why do you think Libya gave up its WMD's ???????
Because if they did then the US would promise them protection in the event that this new Sini War goes down.
I will bet there is some pretty strange cargo going into Iraq right now, out in the desert in preperation for something big. Field stations, mobile
launchers, command center support gear, possibly even mobile Laser Anti- ICBM weaponry.
Think about what if the insurgent issue is a diversion to keep people focused on the fighting in the cities. While the army moves material out to the
Think about what if Israel pulling settlers and troops out of Gaza Strip is preperation to use Gaza as a beach head, thinking that Syria might try and
land troops there. Allowing IDF to reposition tanks and artillery to the Lebenon border.
I bet there are some heated issues going on right now, that the general public has not been informed of. Causing this potential meltdown in the middle
east region.