Before I start bear in mind I don't have pictures, well that is to say my cell phone takes such terrible photos that I just threw them out, since
after all if its dark grainy and indiscernible it must be fake right?
Approximately three or so weeks ago I was making a trip from Colorado to Minnesota. I was driving with a friend of mine to go visit some other
friends. We passed through Colorado and most of Nebraska with little to no problems almost ran out of gas a few times but that was it really. At
around 9:40PM - 9:45PM I happened to notice a few lights over the road ahead ( I figured it was an airplane but hey I'm always ready to get beamed up
) What had caught my attention of the Unidentified Object was how low it seemed, not only that but the fact that we weren't all that far off from
Omaha and that there were several other cars around made the size in relation to the ground easier to discern, I pointed it out to my friend with I
believe the phrase " Holy BLEEP dude is that a BLEEPing spaceship?" keep in mind I was excited I mean its not often you get to see something even
slightly out of the ordinary much less something so extraordinary. When we finally came up on it
Let me segue for a second and explain that this whole time I stared at it until we got to it, it did not move from my my point of view, although I had
several trees get in my way, I managed to keep sight of it ( although it's not like it was trying to hide ) So from when I first saw it to about 3
minutes later when we were close enough to see it in detail it stayed stationary as far as I could tell
Now back to my narrative; When we were what I would guess to be about 250 yards away from it, I noticed that it had the strangest design or shape or
whatever you wanna call it. Ive honestly never heard of anyone describe an object like this before best I can think of to describe it is to take a
star wars T-wing the ones that are a solid line and then fold into a cross and then take the cockpit of the millennium falcon throw in an engine from
a jumbo liner jet and finish with the most flush body I have ever seen in my life.
Firstly the the top of it had a look somewhat like the engine of a jet only sleek and beautiful really, the body went lower for ( for purposes of
picturing lets just say it was about 30 feet tall maybe ) about 5 feet when it sort of branched off and angled around to what I guess was a cockpit,
thats where I would put it anyways.
the body then continued on for another say 3 feet or so and then bulged out on the left for about 10 feet bulging to maybe 4 feet at the maximum,
finally ending in a point that looked sharp and pointy and yet at the same time almost round in a way, although I think that may have been the glare
from something else (I don't know lol )
It took us all of 10 seconds to pass under it and then a minute or so for it to disappear over the horizon, We think we might have seen it again at
some other point as there was a light moving in the distance that didn't seem natural I guess is the best way to put it...
Anyways I'm posting this in the hopes that maybe someone else had seen something along these lines or maybe even better has a picture of something
Its the craziest thing Ive ever seen and whether you believe me or not I really don't care I'm just trying to figure out what this thing was