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Accused of being a government Spy Agent

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 01:43 AM
Another ATS member has just now accused me of being A government agent. He did it in the comment section of "my ATS". He didn't leave much info as to why he felt that way. It was one of those hit and run type things.

I think he believed me to be a government agent sent here to spy and report on ATS members. But really not sure. Don't know what criterion he was using to come to that conclusion but, he was serious.

In thinking back, about a couple weeks ago another member (or possibly the same one) made a subtle comment suggesting the same.

Anyway, I assure you I am not A secret government agent but I am curious to know it any other members have had a similar experience of being wrongly accused?......

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by useless eaters

I get those u2u's from time to time I make it clear I am in the army I’m a 31E I am not here for dissinfo or to report back on what I find on this site. People can be silly sometimes just ride it out it will subside.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:03 AM
U2U's and Profile comments are still subject to ATS T&C. Calling someone a government agent/Dis-info Agent is no different to calling certain people crackpots. It's all ad hominem name calling and both should be policed equally.

I suggest you contact the good Mods at ATS and point them in the direction of your Profile... or Paste U2U into your complaint. Let them deal with this person.

However after inspecting your profile. I see nothing bad there.. and I noted the person who wrote in your profile is a friend of yours.


[edit on 8/10/09 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:18 AM
I had a couple recently and it seemed the reason for this was because I had posted a lot on one particular issue, was putting an opposing point of view and my membership was recent.
In fact I am actually quite well known on one other site and had been looking here for a while but due to a problem with my browser/software I couldn't log in.
What do you say to convince someone you are genuine? We could each of us be anybody and that goes for the most rabid conspiracy theorist as well as the person putting forward a mainstream view. It could even be the poster accusing others. And I am sure there ARE people lurking around. Heck there could just be 'sleepers' - they don't even have to join.
I'm afraid it sort of goes with the territory on sites like this. There are a vast number of intelligent, informed posters but also an element of the extremely paranoid who are suspicious of their own shadow. It's sad really but I don't know what can be done about it.
Years ago when I was on a (ahem) dating site, someone posted to say they had developed a system to verify the identity of those registering. Don't know if this ever went anywhere.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:25 AM
Have fun with them when they do that.

Tell them that you are watching them and that their computer is being watched at this very moment.

Inform them that the feds are aware of the illegal porn that is on their computer and they should expect a visit some time in the near future.

Or you can tell them if they honestly believe you are a spy then they need to be careful how they speak to you if they don't want to wind up in a very dark place.

Tell them anything to get their imagination running.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:38 AM
I get accused of that constantly, and it never dawns on these idiots that the government doesn't need spies to get info from ATS.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by useless eaters
Another ATS member has just now accused me of being A government agent. He did it in the comment section of "my ATS". He didn't leave much info as to why he felt that way. It was one of those hit and run type things.

Welcome to my world

Usualy they just say this when they have no constructive argument to one of your posts. I think I miht hold the record for most accusations actually, lol

Dont let it worry you, its just immaturity on their behalf

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I don't know everytime a stupid thread about how the military is bad and will turn on the citizens pop up I get accused several times.

Common sense= government spy.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by jd140
[Common sense= government spy.

If I were able to applaue in this forum, this statement would get one

Very well said mate

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:23 AM
As a conspiracy researcher myself, you are either with us, or against us.

If you are against us, then you are with them. Just like Mr. Bush's speech.

The fact that you people have all this informtation in front of you, and can't connect the logical dots is beyond me. I don't blame you, it has taken many years of conditioning for most of you. Maybe too apethetic to humankind to care, toting minds that are already made up. What's the point in listening to the THOUSANDS of voices on ATS who have all "on their own accord" came to many similar conclusions. I do feel sorry for your children's children, whom will get to experience the fruits of your apathy.

Lets all do nothing, believe everything is fine. OK, who is the crazy one again?

Good Day!

[edit on 8-10-2009 by sticky]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:27 AM
People should be able to say whatever they like - run to the mods - oh boo hoo.

Is free speech dead? Personally I think people should be able to say anything - racist, sexist - whatever - without someone running to an authority to police it.

Do we need a government to hold our hands? Do we need someone to police our thoughts and words?

If you say something that a great deal of people dont like - you will get hammered for it - let society decide what is appropriate to say and what isnt - dont hand over responsibility to some third party or government, how dare anyone else make rules about what is socially acceptable and what isnt.

If what you say isnt acceptable - then you will certainly be told so - if everyone rejects what you say, then you are in a society of one. Too bad - many lateral thinkers will never get acceptance from society - deal with it.

As far as being a disinfo agent - I have no idea, dont know if I have even read your posts. Its a bit stupid for someone to go and post on your U2U though - if I dont like something, I think its better to hammer it out on the boards in public.

There are quite a few on the ATS forum who just suck down whatever pro western propaganda the media is spewing at the time - they either dont know history, or interpret it to suit themsleves - and they are opinionated.

Sure - if you fall into that catagory - someone is bound to call you a disinfo agent - if they do - maybe you should try to understand why they said it - perhaps you might use it as an opportunity to expand your own knowledge and think in new ways - or if everyone hates it - and you wont change - then go find another group of people who share your views - the world is probably full of them.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:40 AM
I think it's silly to think there are government agents trolling ATS to spy on us. Even if there were, so what? It's their right just as it is our right. Not everyone in the government is the big bad wolf. Many don't even know the truth. And if you want to stand for the truth and you're not breaking any laws, then why care who comes here?
Some of you let paranoia get to you before any government agent would.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by TruthSeeker8300]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by useless eaters
Another ATS member has just now accused me of being A government agent. He did it in the comment section of "my ATS". He didn't leave much info as to why he felt that way. It was one of those hit and run type things.

I think he believed me to be a government agent sent here to spy and report on ATS members. But really not sure. Don't know what criterion he was using to come to that conclusion but, he was serious.

In thinking back, about a couple weeks ago another member (or possibly the same one) made a subtle comment suggesting the same.

Anyway, I assure you I am not A secret government agent but I am curious to know it any other members have had a similar experience of being wrongly accused?......

I'm sure, like me, you've been called alot worse by better.
Creep him out by telling him he should be careful what he says to you, after all Gitmo is still open.

Other than that, if i were you i wouldn't waste the brain power of giving it another thought.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 01:46 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone. like most of you pointed out, I regard the whole thing as humor and welcome it.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 07:32 AM
such idiocy is par for the course at ATS i am afraid

and will go one thurther than

common sense = govt. spy

logic = disinfo agent

facts = disinfo agent

i wish i had a quid for every time i was accused thus

and if i am a ` paid govt disinfo munkee ` there the fook is my pay check ???????????????????

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by sticky
As a conspiracy researcher myself, you are either with us, or against us.

If you are against us, then you are with them. Just like Mr. Bush's speech.

The fact that you people have all this informtation in front of you, and can't connect the logical dots is beyond me. I don't blame you, it has taken many years of conditioning for most of you. Maybe too apethetic to humankind to care, toting minds that are already made up. What's the point in listening to the THOUSANDS of voices on ATS who have all "on their own accord" came to many similar conclusions. I do feel sorry for your children's children, whom will get to experience the fruits of your apathy.

Lets all do nothing, believe everything is fine. OK, who is the crazy one again?

Good Day!

[edit on 8-10-2009 by sticky]

Posts like this make me nervous.
Why? Because this attitude represents the death of actual *thought*. "Believe what we tell you! There must be no questions! There is no place for skeptical thought!" These are the words of intellectual tyranny, whether they come from "The Powers That Be", or from the "Enlightened Ones". Same chains, different masters.

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