posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Why must we attribute all the woes of civilization upon an invisible TPTB or on Secret Societies?
Since time memorial mankind has done this. The ancient peoples blamed the Fates or facile gods and goddesses. Then we would blame a divine antagonist
in the form of the Devil. Then we would blame groups of people who had a different culture or race. Then, we started believing them to be far more
organized, blaming specific fraternal groups. Now, we are beginning to move towards blaming an invisible omnipresent guiding hand in everything that
goes amiss in the world.
Why is it so difficult to recognize that no one person, family, group, or race, guides the destiny of the world, or holds it in their hands?
Why must we rationalize that someone must play the roll of Puppeteer behind the scenes when it is clear looking at the fiasco and folly of World
Governments that no one controls them, and never could.
Of course, that doesn't stop any family, group, or race from trying.
We used to attribute the woes of a civilization on Tyrants, who did justly deserve such, even if they weren't entirely to blame. However, now many of
us realize that the lifespan of any Dictator or Tyrant is limited and that they could not mastermind a plan to control anything beyond their own
Besides, to bring about change, especially in Democratic Republics, takes time...far more time than any Dictator or Tyrant has at their disposal.
I suppose that is why we evolved our Conspiracies to be of bloodlines, groups, and entire races. A part of our subconscious recognized that to bring
about any certain amount of change in the world takes time, time that passes far too slow for one person to conceive, implement, and bring to
fruition. So, we unconsciously recognize that to achieve these ends it would be multi-generational, spanning perhaps hundreds, if not thousands of
years. Thus, we began suspecting any bloodline, group, or organization that had been around for a couple of centuries as being masterminds behind all
that transpires in the world.
Ever play Tug of War? Well, that is pretty much what goes one between these families and groups, these Bloodlines and Secret Societies with everyone
else. They pull on the strings and another group, say Corporations or Lobbyists, pull in the other direction...and they go back and forth.
Let's extrapolate that a step further since there are literally hundreds of different groups with differing agendas and equate it to a Web. Have you
ever looked at a large Spider Web tethered to different branches with hundreds of gossamer strings? When one branch is tugged, the others tug in the
opposite direction and the whole of the web remains intact, unaffected by any tether pulling it towards any one direction.
So is the world unaffected when any one family or group or race were to attempt to pull the strings? No, it does not. Like the web, it will sway a
little back and forth, but remains firmly anchored betwixt numerous tethers linking to numerous Bloodlines, Groups, Organizations, Corporations,
Special Interests, Lobbyists, Governments, Nations, and Races, each with their own agendas, each as ineffectual in their lust for power or control
than the next.
Those who seek power or control over anything in Life will only find the illusion of power or control. No one is exempt from this.
None of this is to say that there aren't Bloodlines or Groups or Organizations that aren't attempting to implement their agenda, or to seek power or
control over the Masses of the World. However, we give them far more credit than they deserve and fear when fear is not necessary.
Let these Bloodlines, Groups or Organizations chase after their Great White Whale like Captain Ahab, pursuing World Power, Control and Domination if
that is what they seek. They will not achieve their goal, and will meet the same fate as Ahab. Their desire for something they can never have will be
their own undoing.