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posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:38 AM
Introductions are in order I suppose...

My real name is of no relevance, if you want you can call me whatever you like. Not that that isn't in quotations, as it would probably get tiring to type in 'hey whatever you like how's it going'.

My interest for joining these boards was mainly one of curiosity... I see there are lots of these 'paranormal investigator' types here, I can gladly say I'm not one. I'm mainly involved with... erm... reality than fiction (no offence, honestly). My profession isn't that of a scientists but I like to think of myself as one.

BTW I see a lot of these topics about outer-space and our exploration of it (and it's supposed connection to the... 'secret societies' that 'control the world'.)

I don't believe the government is even nearly intelligent enough to take control of a state, let alone a whole country, never mind the whole world.

I don't believe there is a single organisation that is powerful enough to destroy the human race. I DO believe that we are on a steady downhill in terms of making ourselves survive.

In my opinion, the biggest conspiracies are the conspiracies themselves. The conspirators may have good intentions, but all this talk of 'being awakened' is non sense. The government may be out to get you, or they may not be. There is no way to tell, and all this speculation is only hurting your own psyche. How do you know that the government wants you to think that they are much more powerful than they really are? I mean, wouldn't that make sense to you, if you were in a position of power, would you not want your 'minions' (for lack of a better word) to think you have the power to control their whole lives?

Don't get me wrong though, I'm thoroughly disgusted with the MSM and TPTB (see, I already have the lingo down
). It's all garbage, certainly, but that doesn't mean they're not as susceptible to damage as you or I. I believe that everyone should get this notion out of their head that the government is all powerful and all this. They are people like you or I.... or, in some beliefs, lizards unlike you or I, but that doesn't make them any less... well, human. Lizards are susceptible to many of the same things we are.

So, that's just my introductory rant....

flame away

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Sacrosanct

Hello and welcome from me.

How do you know what is really real? I mean really, real. What do you do to determine real from unreal? Do you assume that something is real because you saw it, because many people believe it, because you just know? Really. What is real anyway?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:04 AM

I'm all too familiar with these sorts of questions. My personal experiences with reality are... low to say the least. Yes, I engage in some activities most 'sane' people of society would consider below them. I also am a lucid dreamer (or trying to be one, anywho), I also am a meditator. Reality has no bearing on me, other than, I'm forced to be in it. Reality is what you make it, it's a perception, and thus, is subject to change, from person to person. I think this is the reason why the internet is such a wonderful, but also such a perilous place. It allows a limited connectivity between one reality to another. Your reality and mine. It's dangerous however, because as is all too evident, not only on this website but also in the MSM that realities are subject to change, unhealthy or otherwise. It can make people think that they really DO need to consume much more than they need to. This is the reason our planet (which I believe really does exist!) is running out of resources for us to use, which is why we always hunger for alternative energy.

The solution doesn't lie with perceptions though, it lies with what is really real, and what is really real can be fiction as well.

You want to know something? Of course you would, who doesn't want to know something. When you die, you don't REALLY go to heaven, or hell, or purgatory. You want to know what happens when you die?

Anything you want. There are no limits when you die. Do you want to know why? *SNIP*Warps reality, throws you into dimensions that only exist in your mind, which is as complex as the universe will allow it to be. *SNIP* If you so believe that you deserve to go to heaven, to heaven you shall go. If you believe you deserve eternal punishment, that is what you will go through. If you believe you deserve neither, neither will happen... and if you believe nothing happens after death... nothing happens.

So you tell me, what is reality?

Mod Edit: Terms & Conditions Of Use – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 7/10/2009 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Sacrosanct

Welcome to ATS. Good luck in your journey.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Sacrosanct

flame away

Welcome Sacrosanct..... and please note that there is nothing in your OP which I, personally, would "flame". You appear to be like many of us here at ATS...... people who are curious and desirous to discover "what's going on".

Maybe nothing is going on! Maybe, as you say, the TPTB are simply too ignorant, too "human", to be able to orchestrate global conquest and control! Maybe "the conspiracy" IS "the conspiracy" itself ! Whatever the case might be.... it would seem that you are among the ranks of those who simply want to know ..... the truth -- whatever the truth might happen to be.

While you are here, I would remind you that your experience might be made more pleasant and, similarly, the experience of others might be made more enjoyable, if you simply read and follow the ATS T&C.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:13 AM
I'm sorry, I'm just not used to this sort of kindness from moderators.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Sacrosanct

You'll find that ATS is quite a different environment when compared to the vast majority of discussion boards on the internet. We also have one extra little caveat that you might want to familiarize yourself with around here:

Mod Note: The SUSPENSION of illicit drugs/mind altering substance topics on ATS (The experiment failed) – Please Review This Link.

It just doesn't work for us.

Enjoy your stay.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:38 AM
Oh. I'm terribly sorry, I should have read this topic before I replied to the other one... where I may... have started a discussion about drugs...

if you would kindly delete that post ?


posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Sacrosanct

No worries... My poo stained fingers are capable of surgical precision...

The post lives!

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:43 AM
so are you part of a human extinction program?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:49 AM
VHEMT (pronounced "vehement) stands for "Voluntary Human Extinction Movement"

not a 'program' per se, I do not support the killing of others simply to lower the population count. However, I believe that there IS a problem of over-population and there IS a problem of over consumption and that if we do not stop having so many kids, that we are, essentially, setting ourselves up for disastrous consequences, not only for ourselves, but for all living things on the planet. We are making things worse simply by existing and the only thing that being in VHEMT really means is that I won't be having kids. Please don't mistake VHEMT for a terrorist organisation.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Sacrosanct

My real name is of no relevance, if you want you can call me whatever you like. Not that that isn't in quotations, as it would probably get tiring to type in 'hey whatever you like how's it going'.

Hey fluffy bottoms, how's it going?

Welcome to ATS.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:55 AM
Hey there, schrodingers dog. Your humour is appreciated

I also live in a Mostly Harmless place. I'd just like to point out (since this seems somewhat relevant considering your username...) that I'm really interested in Quantum Physics and all its implications...

and I simply cannot wait until the theory is unified with Gravity!

Which will probably never happen but if/when it does I'm going to just explode.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:57 AM
Your right your right they were all just coincidence

Welcome to ATS, i would you to take note that TPTB(as in a few old men) do like to use money to conquer. Money is what takes over the state and country, not a couple old men

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I don't disagree, that money has a tremendous influence over society, but myself have not seen the effect on a personal level. Perhaps there doesn't need at all to be an effect on a personal level. When I look at the streets and the houses I think of them as abominations and try to imagine what there was before I, or before these houses. If it weren't for money, I would still live in Iran and I probably would have been beaten to death by those fascist pigs...

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