There are several aspects here, whcih seems to be comparing apples and oranges.
OP: Who told you or what did you make believe that "The world ends on Dec. 21, 2012" ??
Looks like you are one of the millions out there who just picked up some worlds, puzzled them together and follows blindly - without proper research -
the zombie gang shouting for the end of the world.
Did you here about Jose Arguelles, John Mayor Jenkins, Ian Xel Lungold or Carl Johan Calleman ? If yes, then you might know that there have been
adjustments to the interpretation of the Long Count Calendar and our (current) Gregorian Calendar. It could well be Dec. 23. So give it a little
chance or a 48 hours window to happen - what ever it will be.
If you have followed Lungolds / Calleman's interpretation, than you already know that "doomsday" is set for Oct. 28, 2011. Just bear it it mind.
But none of the Gentlemen above have ever said "it's the end of the world". What they try to say is: "It's the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT"
(yes like the REM song). There are so many interpretations of the doomsday event, made by very different people, in different countries, at a
different time, but I personally still could not found the a.....hole who said we are all going to die. Hollywood and MSM are overexited by the hyphe
and the movie 2012 coming out in November from Roland Emerich (day after tomorrow) will certainly send more of you zombie-minded-MSM-followers to the
What the Mayans predicted was looking into the past. The Galactical alignment on Dec. 21 , 2012 is an astonomical fact. The Mayans only made a
Calendar to show you, that it happened before and certainly will happen again in 5,000+ years.
So, and here for your religious fanatics. Correct me if I am wrong. Not only the Bible has the Book of Revelation or a final judgement day. I was
teached that the Koran and of course the Tora have similar doomsday events described for their final days, but none of the books tell you a specific
And finally for those Y2K nerds. Y2K was a 100%-man-made problem. It was a software problem. Any dates given on our Gregorian Calendar, like 09/09/09
or 11/11/11 are just fantasies, because it's a man-made calendar. What is our first day: Jan 01. What's so special on that day? No solstice, no full
The Mayan long count calendar was based on planetary movements. Something which was accurate 2000 years ago, present and in the next few thousand
years, which are still to come.
I could go on and on, but I'm tired about both sides. The 2012 doomsday believers and the deniers. Don't you have a proper interpretation for "AS
Ahh, and here's a story dated Aug. 14, 1987 about the Mayan Calendar and Jose Arguelles. There he clearly states "I dont talk about the End of the
World, I talk about cyclical change." - And that boys and girls is "AS WE KNOW IT".,3591085&dq=mayan+calendar+end-of-the-world+2012&hl=en
Have fun and take your time to understand the true meaning of the Mayan Calendar.
PD: OP, I bet you dont know that the Mayans made more than one Calendar. RIGHT??