posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:16 PM
Let me opine;
The ancients had a very different understanding of the cosmos. For some reason, they had very advanced knowledge of a very complex subject, for
cultures that were basically "stone age +"...
The movement of the cosmos and tracking it, was what they based their culture on. We don't!
Seer's and prognosticators, in general, were one of two things; charlatans, or pseudo-science/religious practitioners. A lot of hokus-pokus, mumbo
jumbo, zimm-bamm alakazam...behold the miracle crap!
Oracles, and soothsayers had hit and miss accuracy records...with some of their more notable predictions coming true. Why? I don't know.
When it comes to Nostradamus, or the Mayans 2012 predictions...I will go about my daily business without trepidations. Should some rogue comet or
planet come screaming though our solar system, destroying the Earth, all I can say is: "Que' Sara' Sara'!" There isn't anything any of us can do
about it.
So why worry, fret, or get your intestinal juices stewing?
Go about living, loving, and trying to make the world a better place.
The only thing you really have to worry about, is the rotten, scheming rats that call themselves our elected misrepresenting Representative...they are
the one's who'll destroy everything, if you let them.