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Gene Simmons Rocks on!

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posted on May, 16 2004 @ 10:53 PM
Aging rocker Gene Simmons of Kiss has ignited something of a firestorm with comments about Muslims made in Austrailia:

"This is a vile culture and if you think for a second that it's willing to just live in the sands of God's armpit you've got another thing coming," Simmons said during an interview on Melbourne's 3AW radio Thursday. "They want to come and live right where you live and they think that you're evil."

Don't you just love it when pop culture figures weigh in on political topics?

[Edited on 5/16/04 by Seth Bullock]

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 11:57 PM
Yeah!!! Way to go from a hard rocker...its about time more celebs step up and tell it like it is....

Now we can see why KISS rocks the world over and the Dixie Chicks suck....

"Rock and roll aint noise pollution, to me it makes good good sence
good sence, lets go"

"you cant trust freedom when it's not in your hands, when everybodys fighting for the promised land"

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:00 AM
This is why rock stars are rock stars and not political science teachers.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by heelstone
This is why rock stars are rock stars and not political science teachers.

Exactly, he's been doing this for over 30 years. BUT WHAT IS HIS POLITICAL BASE? Entertain, and shut up. Because he can play bass and sing, he can have a voice in international politics? I love Kiss, but I hate these artists that stand up and say #, because they're popular, then say "__________________"

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:15 AM
You never know, he was a school teacher for a while....
He could of taken a swing at poly sci.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
You never know, he was a school teacher for a while....
He could of taken a swing at poly sci.

No he couldn't, he was more concerned with getting laid. That's OK for a rock star, not so much for a politician, unless your name is Clinton.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:24 AM
Why would anybody listen to a man that would let Shannon Tweed go? (and as an aside-- a reason to like Canada)

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:30 AM
Simmons is entitled to his opinion, and in fact, more people will listen to him than some taslking corps of a politician of either party.

You might not think he's "qualified" to comment, but he has every right to make his thoughts known.

Didnt Sean Penn say he'd leave the USA if we went to war?
Hmm, mabey his Hollywood mansion was too comfortable to have to bother to stand up to his words.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:35 AM
I've been following Sir Gene for 30 years. Do a search to see why he isn't qualified for anything other than ROCK GOD. Sean Penn? HAHAHA.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:35 AM
Everyone is entitled to thier own opinions.

Though, I do remember when Dixie Chixs denouced Bush, and that created an outrage and asked to take back those comments.............

Freedom of speech my ass.


posted on May, 17 2004 @ 02:29 AM
Much of the outrage against the Dix Chix was from the public....shortly after, Fear Channel and others yanked them off play lists..

I doubght anything like that uproar will come about Gene's statement

You think he was saying "KISS off" to the terrorists...LOL
I wish they'd make a kick butt song about kicking some butt against terror

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 05:39 AM
I wandered around this Topic on today's posts before it struck me: what has the fork-tongued one got to do with the war on terrorism?

For every Gene Simmons that regards Islamism as a "vile culture", there are probably one billion Muslims that regard Kiss as "vile culture". Oh, and probably a billion or so Christians too, LOL.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 05:47 AM
the western world went over the periode of the INQUISITION but the islam world wants to keep their believers right into the mid evil situations by putting fear on them.
and by the way there is only 1 islam,yes ?

so if somebody for the islam thinks he have to blow himselfup with as many non islam people possible than this still is for the benefit of the same intolerant islam other people like to tell us how nice it is to live for that.

you can not say that yasser arafat is defending another islam than the saudis are doing by buying F-15's from the usa or saddam's islam calling his special forces to do suicide attacks when the usa was in desertstorm operation...

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by NOGODSINTHEUNIVERSE]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 06:05 AM
well i am a big kiss fan and gene simmons rocks. also nogodsintheuniverse you need to learn some english boy.

as for his comment. i'm not sure if its true that they just want to kill everyone who is not them because i'm not very educated in the ways of islam. but gene simmons has as much say as anyone else i guess. as any guy posting on a conspiracy website would. just his influences is probably greater.

also gene simmons is jewish i'm sure that will affect his opinion on things. if someone hates you usually hate them back.

[Edited on 5-17-2004 by hmmm]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:04 AM

there are dictionairybooks online if you have a problem understanding my postings !

oy mate !
consida yaself heppy that am no australian geiser filing upheer ya shachy metal hippo

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:14 AM
I agree, Simmons and every other entertainer are allowed their opinions, just like us. However, they have a fame platform from which to speak, and there are idiots out there that will listen to them beacuse they are fans.
I've only heard one actor/entertainer open his mouth that actually had some kind of background (college major, poly-sci) and that is James Woods. Still I'd prefer he not use his fame to spread his politics, either.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 08:38 AM
As does Gene Simmons. The only one who ever pulled off theater rock was David Bowie.
Since Simmons used "Muslims" and not "Terrorists" to denounce a vile culture, the quote does nothing but prove his drug induced ignorance!

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:49 PM
That when it's a radical leftist celeb like Barbara Streisand or Alec Baldwin, neither of which have any education beyond acting classes, shooting their mouth off about "Bush sucks", and "I'll leave the country if Bush is elected!" (BTW, I'm still waiting on all who said that to make good on their promise!), you libs cheer them on. But when someone with a college degree, regardless of what he does afterwards, has an opinion, you jump on him because his opinion differs from yours.

You know, Sting was a school teacher as well before he became a star. If he came out against the war, would you say that he should keep his mouth shut as well?

I think'd be cheering him on ....

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by Affirmative Reaction]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 04:17 PM
An STD spreading drunken and drug adled makeup wearing self described man-whore calling an entire culture the dregs vs. Sting pushing for his political platforms and raising millions? Hmm? Which one is worth a shiite?
You neo-cons would cheer satan if he promised a tax cut !

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
You neo-cons would cheer satan if he promised a tax cut !

Hey, leave Kerry out of this. This thread is about Gene Simmons.

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