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Himalayan Bigfoot Undergoing DNA Test

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posted on Oct, 3 2009 @ 08:15 PM
Making big news in China is the story of the Himalaya's legendary Yeti or Bigfoot. For centuries there has been a rumor of a half man, half man that roams the upper Himalayas. The creature is said to stand 9 feet tall. Many locals, as well as hikers visiting the area have witnessed this creature roaming the mountains.

In Chinese a Yeti is called a "Xueguai."

A number of locals living near the Nepalese border claim that not only have they seen the creature, but also have collected a couple strands of hair. A team of scientists have collected these hair samples. The scientists have confirmed that the hair samples do not belong to a mammals that are know to roam the mountainside.

The scientists plan on doing further tests on the hair samples.

One theory that the scientists have on the Yeti sightings of the supposed cryptid a is that it is a rare bear living in the area unknown to them. The scientists hope to settle this mystery with further DNA tests.

(visit link to see more information)

Himalayan Bigfoot Undergoing DNA Test

[edit on 3/10/09 by Mak Manto]

posted on Oct, 3 2009 @ 08:18 PM
Pretty cool! So, already we know it's not a mammal known to inhabit the area!

And for the author's sake, it would be a Yeti.

If it's situated in the Himalayas, the term "Yeti" is used. If it's in China, it's normally called a yeren.

But still, exciting news!

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:54 AM

Scientists in the US who have examined hairs claimed to belong to a yeti in India say that in fact they belong to a species of Himalayan goat. They say that DNA tests on the hairs - obtained from the north-east Indian state of Meghalaya - show that they are from a goat known as a Himalayan Goral.


Can't find anything else on this though.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by GMSkel

Scientists in the US who have examined hairs claimed to belong to a yeti in India say that in fact they belong to a species of Himalayan goat. They say that DNA tests on the hairs - obtained from the north-east Indian state of Meghalaya - show that they are from a goat known as a Himalayan Goral.

Well, this information does not rule out the possibility that the YETI
consumed the mountain goat and didn't clean up all the hairs of it's dinner Entre'

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:40 AM
Aren't you guys tired of this "hair-strand / footprint / chimpanzee-mother-in-law-look-a-like" crap?

Someone needs to shoot and kill the dam thing.

If anything, at least tranq it and haul it in.

I really want to spot one of these things, all we ever encounter are deer, elk, and the rest of the forest dwellers...

Maybe these creatures are outcasts/rogues, and the rest of the population lives underground...

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
For centuries there has been a rumor of a half man, half man that roams the upper Himalayas.

If he is half man and half man, I think its safe to say that it's a man…

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 10:14 AM
Heh, I saw the goof, but that was the web site's fault.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 07:27 AM
Dont cross out the possiblity that the yeti could have eaten an animal in the area. I bet alot of animals in that area have white coat so it is possible either way.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:07 PM

I really want to spot one of these things, all we ever encounter are deer, elk, and the rest of the forest dwellers...

Someone needs to shoot and kill the dam thing.

If anything, at least tranq it and haul it in.

This is why it hides from you!

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 05:54 AM
Take it from me, being just the 'half-man' part is enough!!

Seriously though, I believe you aren't gonna catch one of these
creatures using the techniques tried today.
It seems to me, that it is obvious that these beings aren't as
'animal-like' as we think.
They can out-think man for a start, you ain't got a corpse,
a decent photo or video of them, there's always, always
inconclusive information regarding hairs found... they're
out-smarting us up to now!

It's the documentaries of Bigfoot investigation teams I love.
We show up as a group, light a fire... a fire! and set out our
large, colorful tents. In our orange and blue waterproof outfits,
we trample our way through the forest and ponder where to put
our spy cameras. The wildlife flees from this cacophony of sound
and we're left, wrapped in our nice smelling clothes with our non-
scented deodorant, puzzled and perplexed.

There's the spokesperson for the group, who explains to the poor
inexperienced viewers that when traveling in the NorthWest woods,
it's prudent to be as quiet as possible.
Really?... THEN SHUT UP THEN!!

You can spend years in there, and I can assure you... with this
'city-like' view on hunting, you're gonna come up with nothing.
Oh!... wait a minute?... we HAVE nothing.

The only other explanation is that all of these sightings are
hoaxes and that TV and other agencies are exploiting the niave
hopes of some of their fellow man.
Not quite a Bigfoot trait, so the hairy woodsmen may not be
that close to us on the family tree!

The Bigfeet must be rolling around on the pine needles killing
themselves laughing at our hunting prowess!

[edit on 21-10-2009 by A boy in a dress]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Yeti = bipedal goat?

Can there be a bipedal goat? I don't think so... maybe people mistake rearing goats for yetis.

Hm. I don't think that this could be mistaken for a yeti. And I don't think that this is a case of DNA contamination. I think someone found some hair/fur in the woods and decided it belonged to a yeti and had it tested.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:10 PM
It couldn't be a goat. It doesn't match any animals that roam near the mountain.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Mak Manto

"The Himalayan Goral is found in the forests of the Himalayas and Hindukush, usually between 1000 and 4000 m in elevation."

Actually, they live on the mountains.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:41 PM
There was a supposed yeti skull cap that is in a temple in the general area there.
They released it for study and the geneticists who worked on it stated it also belonged to a goat.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
reply to post by Mak Manto

"The Himalayan Goral is found in the forests of the Himalayas and Hindukush, usually between 1000 and 4000 m in elevation."

Actually, they live on the mountains.

But how much do you want to make a bet that they didn't check the goat just to make sure?

Even the article said that they checked all animals that roman the mountainside.

I don't think they would overlook a goat.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Given the fact that this has happened before, and it ended up being a goat, I would surmise that the likelihood of this sample being a goat is fairly high.

I could be wrong. I do apologize, I thought that this was the same incident. Apparently this is a different DNA test.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
Pretty cool! So, already we know it's not a mammal known to inhabit the area!

That really doesn't take as that far, does it? Mammals are not really the only creatures to have fur..

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto

The scientists plan on doing further tests on the hair samples.

Himalayan Bigfoot Undergoing DNA Test

[edit on 3/10/09 by Mak Manto]

Your thread title gave me the impression that we had news of a yeti getting his mouth swabbed. I guess that would be too easy and maybe a little redundant.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch
That really doesn't take as that far, does it? Mammals are not really the only creatures to have fur..

Can you please give an example of a non-mammal that has true fur or hair?
Thank you

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Spinotoror
This is why it hides from you!

lol, well I won't lie, if we do spot one, its going down, but after I shoot it and haul it in, I'm only gonna post 1 blurry picture and an amature dna test for you guys


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