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Report from CDC shows 28-of-100 pregnant women who contracted H1N1 virus died.

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posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:25 AM

Im sorry to be using Fox news as a source....but this is some SERIOUS information being released from the CDC!

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:28 AM
One thing that strikes me very odd is this quote: "Until now, the CDC has never really looked closely at influenza in pregnant women."

I mean WTF? If they havn't even bothered until now to see what the normal flue will do to pregnant women, what shortcuts are they taking with the vaccine??

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:34 AM
Nothing more than to create fear................Its amazing how they have these numbers when they were not even testing all summer and they are still not testing in my state..........

Lets build the hype for the vaccine..............perfect timing!!

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by bismarcksea

Why apologize for using fox news?


posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:44 AM
I really am having a problem with the H1N1 facts and figures. This is not targetted at the OP, just in general. Here is my problem. Any case that comes in with flu like symptoms is being recorded as H1N1, assuming it is reported at all. That means there may be tons of regular seasonal flu deaths that are being attributed to H1N1. I have to say, I don't think any of the numbers surrounding H1N1 can be trusted at all across the board.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 11:00 AM
Thanks for posting this article. The CDC is doing everything they can to get people to take this shot. I really like the first sentence in the article, "A stark reminder about how deadly the new H1N1 virus can be."

More scare tactics, this one focusing on pregnant mothers. At least Canada is going to some lengths to get unadjuvanted shots to lessen the risks to pregnant women.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by bismarcksea

No they have not because now is the big propaganda for the swine flu vaccine.

But children are also a big target to seasonal flu also, the most commonly used anti viral Tamiflu side effects also comes into question on how many have died after taking that antiviral.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by bismarcksea
Im sorry to be using Fox news as a source....but this is some SERIOUS information being released from the CDC!

We've already had five people in the Dallas area (three were children) die from it, and I lost a friend to it last month. It's quite serious, and the aftereffects can linger for over a month (my nephew had it and it was a month before he was entirely well.)

I haven't looked at the data to see how it compares to other flus, but I'm getting the H1N1 as soon as it comes available. I work in 3 different elementary schools and will be working out at the Texas State Fair... so I'm right in the crosshairs of that virus.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by bismarcksea
Im sorry to be using Fox news as a source....but this is some SERIOUS information being released from the CDC!

We've already had five people in the Dallas area (three were children) die from it, and I lost a friend to it last month. It's quite serious, and the aftereffects can linger for over a month (my nephew had it and it was a month before he was entirely well.)

I haven't looked at the data to see how it compares to other flus, but I'm getting the H1N1 as soon as it comes available. I work in 3 different elementary schools and will be working out at the Texas State Fair... so I'm right in the crosshairs of that virus.

I don't think you will find anyone who has followed the H1N1 virus disagree with you that the virus is not a deadly one............But the numbers do not add up if you compare it to Type A............

You can look way back in my postings on the Swine thread and you will see I have a little knowledge on this subject...........

I leave this thread with one question for everyone...........

If the H1N1 virus has mutated since the original DNA/RNA sequence was given to the different drug manufactures almost 3 months ago ...(Yes the WHO admits that the virus has mutated)......And we know that that vaccines can only be effective if it matches the DNA/RNA structure of the current make-up of a particular virus.............

Why would anyone take a vaccine for any virus that the vaccine does not match the DNA/RNA structure or take a vaccine that has not been tested (short term vs long term)?

By the way do you know what the effects will be for someone that has had the H1N1 virus this summer and they now get the vaccine which contains a live virus of a mutated version of what they originally had?

Deny Ignorance..........Interesting you say that??

[edit on 2-10-2009 by Cloudsinthesky]

[edit on 2-10-2009 by Cloudsinthesky]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by CloudsintheskyIf the H1N1 virus has mutated since the original DNA/RNA sequence was given to the different drug manufactures almost 3 months ago ...(Yes the WHO admits that the virus has mutated)......And we know that that vaccines can only be effective if it matches the DNA/RNA structure of the current make-up of a particular virus.............

Why would anyone take a vaccine for any virus that the vaccine does not match the DNA/RNA structure or take a vaccine that has not been tested (short term vs long term)?

That depends entirely on what the RNA mutation changed. Here is my understanding from 4 years of Biology classes. Vaccines help our body arm itself against a particular virus by giving our body enough information (via proteins, or dead or disabled viruses) to synthesize anti-bodies and other components that will disable the virus long enough for the white blood cells to destroy it. If a virus mutates, but that mutation does not change the signature used to generate antibodies, the a vaccine would still be useful. Of course, that is a big IF.

Here is my take on this:
1) A vaccine is only good while the virus is not mutating its outer shell
2) A vaccine does not prevent you from getting ill. It only prepares your body to defend itself
3) A vaccine DOES NOT cure you from the illness. If you are already ill, a vaccine will simply make it worse
4) A vaccine does not prevent you from spreading the flu. It can live on surfaces for more than a few hours and can be passed from person to person through contact vectors.

So, basically, take care of yourself.. stay hydrated and eat well. Get plenty of sleep and keep clean. That is the best way to stay healthy.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 02:31 PM
Byrd "Super Mod"

One question directed at you........Since you said you can't wait to get the vaccine............

Why would you take a vaccine that is not "tested" (as other proven vaccines) ?

Canada is Rushing Approval For Untested H1N1 Vaccines

On average, in both Canada and the U.S., it takes a little over a decade for a drug to move from preclinical development to the marketplace. Before a vaccine enters human testing, the developer conducts laboratory (in vitro) and laboratory animal (in vivo) testing to determine whether the product will be safe enough for researchers to proceed to clinical trials.

Oh... I know the FDA approved our vaccine........but it was only approved by the direction of the White House........not by the so called "testing" that was performed in less than 30 days............

I guess if you walked out of the clinic that gave the vaccine in the test "alive".........the US Gov considered the test a success..........

Good luck with that!!!

[edit on 2-10-2009 by Cloudsinthesky]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by bismarcksea

When I work in Utah in organ recovery (in other words, you are a "donor" after death, I skinned dead people....) I remember CLEARLY...around 1994...that a woman who was pregnant died from the flu...and she was not alone.....

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 02:40 PM
These statistics smell like a pile of old toupees.....dirty and FAKE, that is. (horrible joke, I am well aware
) Anyways, this reminds me of that one time when the flesh-eating bacteria was going to kill us all....or the one year when Avian flu was going to kill us all....or the Hong Kong flu in 1968.....or the FIRST swine flu scare in 1976....or the Russian flu in 1977.

My point being, these almost-but-not-quite-pandemics happen semi-yearly, and a bunch of you are duped into getting vaccinated every single year.....and while those who get 'vaccinated' get sick around me, I almost NEVER get sick....and never longer than a couple of days.

The oh-so-gullible seem to be plentiful in the US, eh?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 07:22 AM
This vaccine comes in two flavors. One with mercury and one without mercury (which is given to pregnant women and children or those who know to request it). Considering the long termed studies done on the effects of mercury and our bodies, especially that mercury is a bio-accumulator that can be passed through a future mother's breast milk to their developing child, why don't they make all vaccines without mercury? Why is mercury still used in these vaccines when the non-mercury vaccine is supposedly just as efficacious?! Are they mad as hatters?

There are other things that don't make logical sense about this vaccine but I don't have enough time ATM. There's too many red flags on this and it amazes me how many of my co-workers (healthcare) don't really question/study what it is they are so willing to put into their bodies. Their eyes light up like kids in a candy store when these vaccines are offered and they just stare blankly at you like zombies when you bring up anything about this stuff, (most of them anyway). I guess they don't want to think critically about it... easier to follow the status-quo than to question and think for yourself. That's the real epidemic.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 02:41 PM
This thread´s title is unnecessarily alarming, if you actually read the link you provided yourself, from around 700 pregnant women, 100 or so got into intensive care, and 28 apparently died.

Its not 28 out of 100...

This is just another flu. Scare tactics to get as many as possible to get vaccinated. If you vaccinate a pregnant women, you get double the mileage.


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