posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 08:18 AM
There has been non-stop talk about the 2016 Olympics. (If 2012 is going to happen, isn't this all moot?) Most favour Chicago, Obama wouldn't be
there if it wasn't already decided.
But my bet is on Madrid. Just a hunch. With unemployment at 17+% it could/would welcome a stimulus. I know there are more serious things going on
in the world, but this could have repercussions.
Imagine IF Obama didn't sell Chicago, how would that look to an already weakened president (in the eyes of the world)?
My questions to ATS folk are these; Is it already decided? Was it decided before Obama went to Copenhagen? What is your guess/prediction for the
2016 Games?
I already stated mine. Madrid.
Is this going to be another black eye for Obama? Or is this going to be a lame victory for a president who has more on his plate than he can handle?
Especially for a corrupt city like Chicago.
I'll report, you decide. . .
We'll know in 4 hours regardless, but wanted to bring this up. . .
[edit on 2-10-2009 by mikerussellus]