posted on May, 16 2004 @ 04:16 PM
i like my dad i really do but lately he has just pissed me off a lot, iwouldnt want any1 else for a father but he has been self centered lately, he
has been watering the lawn with the sprinkler 24\7 right by my bball hoop so it has been wet there and he has it out all day and are elictrical
wiring sucks gonads so when the sprinkler is on i cant use the computer, and he made me mow the lawn which is fine but it is only so long cuz he wont
stop watering the yard and i already cant play bball or use the computer and the he makes me cut the grass, he did pay me though and then i said
something about it and he had to get an attitude and tell me i cant use the computer but eventually i did get it back somhow i guess i should have
kept my mouth shut
but i was pissed i was like
and should have been like
:bash: im over it now