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According to William cooper do aliens exist? Or are they just man made threat

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posted on Oct, 3 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
OH my God! William Cooper shot a cop while trying to save his own life! What a crazy maniac. Let's all just discard everything he's said about the government lying to the public now. He's crazy because he didn't let the police gun him down.

Let's excuse Cooper shooting cops serving a lawful warrant (Cooper had threatened and harassed locals) because he said things we want to hear. Let's just excuse his terrible behavior because he hated the government.

Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Tell us, what did Cooper "expose"? What predictions did Cooper make that have come true. And don't tell us he predicted 9/11 because that is not true.

And please, tell us why the government would want to supposedly silence him when no one, not even the fringe, of the UFO community took his claims seriously. Cooper was a marginal figure and only found sympathetic ears among the worst of the worst, the ignorant and the willfully blind, the same idiots still making excuses for him 8 years later.

posted on Oct, 3 2009 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by BlackRosEmyth

It never ceases to amaze me how some individuals are prone to accept weirdos as "heroes". While the OP didn't say Cooper was a hero of his, why else would anyone resurrect him?

"...In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Cooper claimed that John F. Kennedy was shot by the limosine’s chauffeur, using bullets filled with blowfish poison. ..."

I ask you, what's wrong with this picture?

[edit on 3-10-2009 by Skeptical Ed]

posted on Oct, 3 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by BlackRosEmyth
Well I have known that Cooper predicted 9/11, and the man was
assassinated in 2001, so he surely know somethings.

How did he predict 9/11?

And by assassinated you mean was skilled after he shot a cop in the head. Funny how that little detail is always forgotten. Not to mention the man's general belligerance, threatening and harassing UFO researchers among others.

But as for his opinion on the end he was saying it was all a lie, an NWO deception or some nonsense.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by DoomsdayRex]

Don't you sometimes feel like you're beating your head against a wall? You should see the dent I've made!

posted on Oct, 3 2009 @ 09:48 PM
William Cooper > Alex Jones

That's all I gotta say.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 05:15 PM
Take everything Bill Cooper said with a grain of salt. He was clearly mentally unstable, as many can attest to. There are many well-documented incidents displaying this. During my own correspondence with him, years ago, I faced his irrational wrath. We had been talking via e-mail for a while. On his website, he said radiation can't travel through space because space is a vacuum or something like that. In his responding e-mail he issued a verbal tirade of insults and called me a brainless sheeple.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

Im sayin dont throw the baby out with the bath water. Obviously you havent read one word of the book so you cant comment on what he speaks of. nThere's an awful lot of great stuff in it that I can't start laying out in this thread because it's a tad much. You are siding with a government that lies to you on a daily basis. You are the one who should be ashamed. And as for predictions; I'm saying the man was defending his life. I didn't claim him to be clairvoyant. I don't know why you're responding to me with that one.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain
Im sayin dont throw the baby out with the bath water. Obviously you havent read one word of the book so you cant comment on what he speaks of.

If I didn't read one word of his book, then how could I possibly know that he used articles from the Weekly World News as sources?

Originally posted by spinalremain
You are siding with a government that lies to you on a daily basis.

You are trying to derail the conversation with a red herring. It's not an either-or situation, you don't either agree with Cooper or the government. Exposing the truth about Cooper is not "siding with the government." All it is showing Cooper for what he was.

Originally posted by spinalremain
I'm saying the man was defending his life.

From what? Spell it out for you real quick, the man was a coward. He had no problem waving a gun in the face of his neighbors, threatening the lives of those he disagreed with, or anyone unlucky enough to just happen by his property. But when confronted about his actions, he turns tail and starts firing.

Originally posted by spinalremain
I didn't claim him to be clairvoyant. I don't know why you're responding to me with that one.

You keep claiming he "exposed" something, that he was a "whistleblower" and the government killed him for it. But you can't tell us what? You would be hard pressed to separate fact-from-fiction in his book, considering his known instances of lying and the fact even his friends said he had a tenuous grip of reality.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

Im not sure what you're looking for Doomsday. Do you want me to start posting direct pages from the book? It's 490 pages!
Generally, he speaks of Gov. agencies set up tp retrieve downed UFOs and that there were many many others than the Roswell and Kecksburg. He gives lots of details. Now if true, I'm quite sure the Gov. did not want any of that to be published. There's lots of interesting stuff in there. I haven't read it in 5 years but I remember tons of great stuff. Oh there's also some stuff on the supposed gray alien who met with the Gov. officials. I think his name was Krill or Krlll or somethin like that.
Ya know, ppl can be maniacal and speak the truth. Because someone loses it and stockpiles weapons doesn't mean they're full of it. It means they're dangerous. You have to seperate the two facets of the man. And he isn't my hero or anything like that at all. I'm merely saying that I believe there's lots of truth in things he discusses. He seemed to genuinely care about the truth and exposing the Gov. for being the lying, manipulating, money hungry bunch that they are. Nothing wrong with that except you'll probably be met with gunfire as a deterrent. That's common knowledge.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

And as for Red Herring accusation, I was clearly responding to what you said. I don't see how I detracted from the conversation. Had I said that your other posts suck or something I could see you using that, but common.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

What articles are you reffering to that were from Weekly World News?

I'm holding the book right now and in every Sources section, and every article and appendix there is nothing from that tabloid garbage. If I missed the article or source please correct me because I have no respect for that tabloid either.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by spinalremain]

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by autowrench

If you really have seen actuall e.t. beings I would love to chat with you about it.Would you care to discuss it more with me u2u?

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by BlackRosEmyth

According to William cooper do aliens exist? Or are they just man made threat to scare and control us? Need some clear answer for Cooper’s believes for my future research and understandings.

Bill Cooper first came to the public scene in 1989 when he gave his first public lecture. It was titled: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT.
In that speech, yes, Cooper did talk a lot about UFOs and aliens.

However, as the years went by and especially after he moved to Arizona and later on started getting himself involved in the one-man militia movement, Cooper began to disassociate himself almost completely from Ufology.
In fact, he even started coing the term Ufoology.

But as far as the publication of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE, it was too late because he had already included that segment in the book.

Norio Hayakawa

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by trey85
reply to post by autowrench

If you really have seen actuall e.t. beings I would love to chat with you about it.Would you care to discuss it more with me u2u?

Smart move, trey. Thanks for requesting the preferable u2u on certain topics. 'ppreciate it.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 10:20 PM
the alien threat...heh...

Well, most people speaking about aliens tend to catagorise them as friendly...however there is also talk of a pseudo-alien machine that is created by us to one day flip people out and see a threat, however manmade (false flag).

So, Aliens exist first off...the question is are they visiting earth and how often..the threat of actual aliens potentially visiting earth is minimal according to top scientists and philosophers considering we continue to exist...if a alien civilization capable of interstellar/galactic flight decided to war with earth, they would simply wing some asteroids at earth and wait for the dust to clear..since we are still alive, then it appears such beings either are not interested in killing all humans, or simply arent visiting us.

If one day I wake up and find out grays are reenacting a mars attacks scene in our major cities, I will more than likely not be even remotely convinced this is a proper alien...I mean, I will go shoot me up some greys of course, but my concept of friendly aliens wont die that day...but my concept of a friendly government may.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

Im not sure what you're looking for Doomsday. Do you want me to start posting direct pages from the book? It's 490 pages!
Generally, he speaks of Gov. agencies set up tp retrieve downed UFOs and that there were many many others than the Roswell and Kecksburg. He gives lots of details. Now if true, I'm quite sure the Gov. did not want any of that to be published. There's lots of interesting stuff in there. I haven't read it in 5 years but I remember tons of great stuff. Oh there's also some stuff on the supposed gray alien who met with the Gov. officials. I think his name was Krill or Krlll or somethin like that.
Ya know, ppl can be maniacal and speak the truth. Because someone loses it and stockpiles weapons doesn't mean they're full of it. It means they're dangerous. You have to seperate the two facets of the man. And he isn't my hero or anything like that at all. I'm merely saying that I believe there's lots of truth in things he discusses. He seemed to genuinely care about the truth and exposing the Gov. for being the lying, manipulating, money hungry bunch that they are. Nothing wrong with that except you'll probably be met with gunfire as a deterrent. That's common knowledge.

You've given enough reasons to declare Cooper mentally gone! Since no one has ever provided evidence to the contrary, I say that there is no government agency that exists to retrieve downed UFOs. There is no evidence of any downed UFO!

Roswell? A balloon train during the cold war.

Kecksburg: most likely the Russian satellite that fits the description and the writing probably being cyrillic. After wall why would "aliens" need to write on their craft? Ditto for Roswell's "hieroglyphs."

The way people express themselves, Cooper has a lot of company!

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

I just completed reading Behold a Pale Horse

It was probably one of the best books I have read in my life, and not because of the content, but because of how genuine the intentions seem to be of the author

If you have a problem understanding Coopers work I suggest you read his book with an open mind, and at least try to fathom the concept that maybe just maybe not everything he says is "insane." Even if 99% was false, that 1% of truth is still groundbreaking

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by WhiteDevil013

Alternative 3 is Not a Myth , but a Cold , Hard Reality . Whatever you may think of Milton William Cooper is besides the point . Be prepared for what is to come , because your Life will be at stake ................

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:22 AM
He was a very brave man, who dedicated his life to finding out what was really going on and helping others to do so. He literally sacrificed his life for getting the truth out and exposing the corrupt wicked system that we live in. He wasn't perfect, nobody is. He was a warrior for truth and freedom. That's a hero in my book.

If anyone missed it and would rather listen than reead, here's a link to Behold a Pale Horse, where Bill is reading from his own book. There's also a nice interview at the end.

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