posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 11:23 AM
I can well believe this is happening. Here in the UK, i went into my local chemist the other day and asked how things were, they said there didn't
seem to be normal flu any more, everything HAD to be swine flu.
The schools here have a lot of coughs and runny noses going around at the moment, my youngest has been off with it too. A couple of people have
mentioned swine flu, but 3 days of decent kids flu meds, decent food inside her and salt water gargles for her sore throat ever day, she's back on
the mend.
I know of a few parents that have taken their kids to the docs with a cough and high temp, and they've been given Tamiflu straight away.
The meds are still sat at home though as the parents won't risk them.