posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 12:13 AM
Well Swine Flu, H1N1 or as our pediatrician calls it Type A Influenza, has done a hit and run at my house and was/is making guest appearances around
the entire school community.
I have 2 children in elementary(k and 1st) and 1 in middle school, my middle schooler got the flu.
Here is my story...
My son started coughing on Wednesday nothing horrible, just a cough but it did get progressively worse over night and by Thursday morning he had a
horrible cough with a sore throat but no fever. He wanted to go to school so he went, the nurse called me at 10 am she said he was fine but could I
bring some cough medicine to school. I went to the school and decided to just bring him home, when we got home he slept.
Cough gets worse, sore throat gets worse but still no fever or other symptoms. Friday rolls around and he has the same horrible cough and sore throat
by midday he vomits and an hour later he has a high fever and now it is time for the Dr.
We go in, they run the flu test and it is type A influenza "which means he most likely has Swine Flu per CDC but we do not have the test for Swine
Flu only the CDC does that. With type A influenza we are most certain it is the H1N1 strain."
And my heart skipped a beat and I started to panic..."Oh My God! My child, MY CHILD has the Swine Flu" my mind was racing, I had already done all
the research, I knew it was completely blown out of proportion by our media, I knew it was being used for fear tactics, propaganda and distraction, I
said NEVER NEVER NEVER to that stupid vaccine but it did not matter at that moment because at that moment it was MY CHILD and all sense of rationale
was gone but only for that very small moment. Because the next moment my pediatrician started shoving some prescribed inhalant stuff that was
"supposed to lessen the symptoms of the flu but the side effects might kill him blah blah blah" and at that senses returned.
I said no thank you to the prescription, took my son home and put him to bed. After some chicken noodle soup, some OTC meds, lots of tender loving
care, 2 more days of rest and my son felt better. Cough was MUCH improved, sore throat better, fever gone. He stayed home from school Monday and went
back Tuesday.
Some thoughts...
This flu and symptoms are spreading like wildfire through our community but it doesnt seem to be that bad.
I actually feel like it was less severe than the actual flu but let me preface that with the fact that I have never had any flu and neither has anyone
in my family until now so i am basing my feelings off of second hand flu stories from friends.
But the kids around here are getting it, pretty much the same symptoms, getting better and moving on within a 5 day period but the spread of this
strain is very random.
My 37 year old friend did catch it from my son and hers did turn into bronchitis but a very mild bronchitis that only added about 3 days to her
What is funny is how this thing daughters, my husband and myself NEVER got it and we were all around it, submerged in it so to speak.
My friend who did get it from my son (I assume since the symptoms were the same and out of our little group those 2 were the only ones who got the
flu) was the only one in her family to get it, her 3 sons and husband did not even get a sniffle.
So in my close group of friends and their children only 2 so far but the extended community is spreading like crazy. The schools have actually
suspended the 5 day absence rule this year because of the outbreak. Thankfully nobody is talking about mandatory immunizations...yet.
Now our little ones, the youngest children in my group of friends all had a strange one day fever with no other symptoms right after my son and friend
had the flu. They all just got these high fevers that were gone within 24 hrs. Dont know if it is related???
So that is my unexciting swine flu story but I felt the need to share if only to relieve some other moms head and maybe bring a sense of sanity if
they ever do have a pediatrician telling them their child has the swine flu.
I had some more stuff but this is already much longer that I had planned, if anyone is interested I will add more tomorrow. It is just some of my
observances with the Drs., the school and the community.