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I have a unique ability...

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posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 11:50 PM
I have a unique ability to bond with certain people, and I do not use the word bond casually in this capacity. When I say bond I mean it is like a celestial or spiritual bond that I cannot break even if I wanted to. In some instances I have tried but failed. Once this bond occurs somehow that person becomes a part of me, they live inside me. I then know their feelings, when they are in danger or I cannot get them out of my head. I know this is unique because I have only felt this way about a certain number of people in my life and I am 35 so this is not just an everyday occurrence for me. The feelings are not sexual but they are very intense. I have had this all of my life but just now am I able to put it in words or name the strong feelings or bond. I just thought I was picky about whom I liked a lot. These people can be young, old, male or female. The bond can sometimes be unique to the individual but just as strong regardless of how the bond manifests itself. I am protective of everyone I have this bond with almost too protective. I have a sixth since about them like when they are very sad or in danger I can feel it. I just wanted to put some feelers out there to receive some feed back. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Do you have similar experiences? Does it have a name?
Thank you, Melissa101

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 12:18 AM
Yeah sounds familiar. A few times Ive given my friends info about imminent danger and they avoided it completely, I only wish I had premonitions of my fate lol

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 01:01 AM
I'm going to guess this makes you an empath to some dgree. I doubt I could do that even if I was because my memory is pretty bad. But forgive and forget does seem to work with a bad memory to some degree. I'm also reminded of the biblical saying of knowing someone. Although, suggested another way, which I think is the wrong interpretation. Just because someone has a psychic ability, doesn't necessarily make them better than others. " You shall know them by their works"

The point is that religion can be based on an element of truth without being a worshipper of any group. There' still some mystical explantion we just don't understand yet.

Mothers and twins have been said to have that link. It may be that the supposed guardians or spirits of friends or relatives are letting us know somehow also.

Some stories of American Indian chiefs were said to have dreams as if fathers to protect their tribe and children.

I wonder what this gift of yours would do for you at a chidrens hospital.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 01:31 AM
Empathy is a big part of it for sure.

When we connect with a person we create energetic lines and attachments to them. It is through these attachments that the information about them flows. When a person is in your mind it is because they are thinking about you, kind of like getting an email thorugh the senses.

These connections can be severed, and at times you will have to do so when anyone is not having your best interests at heart.

[edit on 30-9-2009 by Tayesin]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by Melissa101
Does it have a name?

It's called love isn't it?

Quite normal, not unique, happens between close friends and family.....enjoy.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

In the wiccan tradition there is the 'silver cord': the connection between the body and the astral or higher self. But it is also called the "mother cord": the bond between a mother and her child (which is where motherly instincts come from). In some sub-traditions, this kind of cord or bond can be established with any other person, with or without consent.

Now ofcourse most new age traditions say that everyone is connected (which I believe is true), the problem is that most people are so shielded, as if they live with a brick wall around them, that most emotion or feelings (all energetic impulses) that don't come from themselfs, can't get trough to their conciousness.

An empath, which I think you are, let's in a lot more then the average person, especially from those he/she is closest to.
It's a very nice ability if you can master it and keep it under control, but it's not unique.
In fact, everyone can learn how to do this and it isn't even as hard as it sounds

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by GypsK
reply to post by Melissa101

In the wiccan tradition there is the 'silver cord': the connection between the body and the astral or higher self. But it is also called the "mother cord": the bond between a mother and her child (which is where motherly instincts come from). In some sub-traditions, this kind of cord or bond can be established with any other person, with or without consent.

Now ofcourse most new age traditions say that everyone is connected (which I believe is true), the problem is that most people are so shielded, as if they live with a brick wall around them, that most emotion or feelings (all energetic impulses) that don't come from themselfs, can't get trough to their conciousness.

An empath, which I think you are, let's in a lot more then the average person, especially from those he/she is closest to.
It's a very nice ability if you can master it and keep it under control, but it's not unique.
In fact, everyone can learn how to do this and it isn't even as hard as it sounds

I see where you are comming from point is I like very few people and have very little patience or empathy for very few people . I am cinical and well some say on the cold side but at times I have this strange bond even when I do not wish to. This is the weird part. I do have a special place in my heart for people with mental or develpmental disablilities like people with Downsyndrom or other forms of MR but other than that I am not a touchy feely weepy oh poor baby kind of girl trust me...Oops almost forgot I do not entertain any form of Pegan beliefs including Wikin, no offence intended.

[edit on 2-10-2009 by Melissa101]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:22 AM
I agree with some of what is written above so won't go too much into it. But, I know that if you chose to, for whatever reason, you could get rid of the connection.

It would be interesting to do astrology charts for yourself and the people you are connected with. There may be an exact degree/minute of some planet. is a site you could check that out.

I really feel what you're talking about. I sort of live in that world of connections. Sometimes it's annoying but generally means, in my life, that I have something to teach, or something to learn, in the relationship with that person.

By the way, I have synesthesia - a cross-over of sorts between senses. Like feeling a color when seeing a specific letter, for example. Do you have that as well?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by notreallyalive

I do not think I have that, if so it something I have not noticed before but then again I was not conciuouse of any of my abilities for a long time. I do stuff like; I was sitting in my moms truck one day waiting for her to come out of the movie store and I being nosey even as an adult opened her glove compartment and I had a fleeting thought of being rearended, She came out we left and before we got to the next red light bam we were rearended. Um another example is a year before my sister in-law was diagnosed with Lukemia I was taking a shower and I collapsed with this overwhelming feeling of sadness and I was hysteracle. All I could think was my sister-in-law is in danger and something terrible is going to happen to her, three years later she died of Lukemia. I knew it before she was diagnosed. Another instance is when my little girl went with her friend and her friends grandparents skating. She was supposed to be home at 9 ae 8:30 I became very agitated and I knew something was wrong so I went to the rink in my PJ's and found my baby girl six at the time walking around alone holding her eye and crying. She had been left with her friend at the rink ALONE (yes the grandparetns I trusted just dropped them off!!!) and some punk kid had punched her in the eye and took her money. I put the fear of GOD into the kid and he wet his pants LOL (sorry I am not about being mean to kids but this punk hurt my babay girl) and I took my baby home. I knew she needed me. This is the kind of stuff I experience. And I also have flashes of stuff that is in the future for no reason, I will be doing my normal thing and I will start seeing something (like watching a movie) ans usualy it makes no since to me at the time but later when it happens I go DUH, that is what that meant. I could go on and on but this is a brief synopsis.

EDIT spelling

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

It's called "family."

Everyone experiences these feelings.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by CleverNameHere
reply to post by Melissa101

It's called "family."

Everyone experiences these feelings.

Well arent you just a ball of information... not... I am well aware that family have some of these feelings to a degree but you are not grasping what I am saying I gave the examples above and they relate mostly to family but I can be this way with people outside of my family as well, when I meet someone on the street I can have this and not know them from Adam. Also they include not just feelings as stated above but visions. Why I do I even care? Why am I trying to validate myself to you. Sorry no ofence but enough said.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by Melissa101]

[edit on 24-10-2009 by Melissa101]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:03 PM
I'm going to go with empathy as well. Fit's best with what your describing, but empathy itself isn't celestial or spiritual in nature either. Some people are more empathetic towards others and some aren't. I can feel empathy myself towards certain people in my life and nothing for others, it just depends I suppose. I don't feel there is any real need to spiritual-ize the matter though.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:13 PM
Everyone has this ability, yet few accept and nourish it. The above posters saying it's love or family are essentially correct. Family does not have to mean genetically, it can be a reference to someone so close, they become family.

I personally don't know of anyone who hasn't experienced this happening at least once in their lives. You are a unique individual that has amazing abilities, but so is everyone else.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

I agree that everyone has the ability to have visions or strong feelings even for people they do not want to like or that they just meet and know nothing about, and I agree that few except the or hone the ability. Maybe I am so detached from my feelings as a result of gaurding myself that I lost reality with the fact that everyone has this ability and I think it is strange. Hum, interesting concept. I also think sometimes we know these people on a deeper level, sometimes I wonder if we new them in the past or something?

[edit on 24-10-2009 by Melissa101]

[edit on 24-10-2009 by Melissa101]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 09:17 PM
Just a small thought on this...what first comes to my mind is the idea of soul groups. Now I know you are a Christian, and I respect that....the belief of soul groups does not have to be a 'new age' label. There is history of spiritual tribes believing that they have incarnated here due to being of the same soul grouping, therefor they will have a bond that seems to be something that can not be broken. Well we can scrutinize this idea further and ask...what would be the purpose to this? We might come into this world with others to receive personal catalysts from another 'self' of us (another part of our soul group). On the flip side, the others from that soul group will be there for eachother when no one else is. Many possible reasons we would incarnate together, to raise the chances of us 'awakening' to our highest potentials.

I once had a vision of what I thought was my guide at first...but the more I relaxed, I saw there was not one....but many. They stood in a crescent moon shape behind me and I just knew that somehow, these others were me. Not sure if that meant that they were past selves or not...but the 'group' seemed to make a 'one' which at that time, was 'me'. Something else to add to that seemed I felt the group 'blush' (a feeling) to me when I noted in my thoughts 'WOW, there is so many of you....and it seemed also as if I felt them send a vibe of a 'smile' once I felt them blush because I was just so humbled to the experience.

I feel I have met alot of what I would call my 'soul group'. And please note, I use this labeling very lightly. I dont like to label things, because it might limit something.

If none of that resonates with you...then just disregard it...only takes what sits right with ya.

Happy seeking!

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Melissa101

I've been rummaging through my old threads, and when I saw this one (below) I was reminded of this thread of yours.
Because it's about a man - a highly reputable mind - who felt that his late wife was somehow "hard-wired" into him after her death.
And it is a real - very real - story, told in the following book:

"I am a strange loop"

I don't know why this thread ended up on BTS, the graveyard of ambitious threads (not that this one was "ambitious" - but I am sure there would have been more discussion about it, had it stayed on ATS).
Quite frankly, I suspect somebody who did not read the book assumed - by its title? - it was some sort of off-beat piece of minor literature.

Anyway, I don't think his experiences are necessarily related to yours - I suspect they aren't - but I thought you might like to read it anyway.

Oh, and by the way: I also feel certain people - both alive and departed - somehow "hardwired" into my own self. And telepathy is alive and well in my home, wherever that may happen to be.

I do not seek it - if anything, I flee it.
Empathy is and always has been both my greatest asset and my Achilles' heel.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Vanitas

To whom ever said I should not have tied this into a celestial thing: I was not trying too it was just my failed attempt of explaining my ability.

To LoeVirgo: Yes I am a christian meaning I believe in God as our creator and Jesus as my savior but I cannot debunk re incarnation necause I am not 100% sure, I think there is much that we are not aware of.

To Vanitas: I feel you I do not imbrace this ability very well it used to give me panic attacks when I would have a vision and then it manifested into reality. The book you listed id interesting I will try to find the time to read it.

Melissa 101

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