posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 06:41 PM
Ritual is just symbolic. It can be anything you want it to be. It should from your own perspective have some value relative to what it is intended to
For some boys it's that first paycheck, first deer taken, first fear overcome, first championship won, etc... Regardless of what the symbolic ritual
or moment is it is always accompanied by a greater lesson either overtly or covertly. A lesson that teaches independence and humility, respect for
others and pride in oneself, justice and compassion, etc...
It can be just about anything at all as long as you place that symbolic value on it.
Trouble is that as I look around fathers and sons aren't even bothering to make something up. Way too many whiny 20 somethings still at home wasting
their days playing Halo. They arent looking for a symbol because they'd rather not grow up. Their father's arent giving them a ritual because they
themselves didnt have one or they've just given up on their perpetual children.
I believe this is a major contributing factor to the over-aggressive out-of-control type males that embrace "thug culture." Other thugs are their
fathers and their rituals consist of violent and criminal acts.
One one hand we have boys coming of age like wild animals and on the other we have boys who refuse to come of age. The weaker set will be overrun by
the violent set. No real men on either side. Just the two extreme examples of the two sides of men unbalanced and out of control. Id and ego run amok.
The super-ego nowhere to be seen.