Here is the video of the 'trophy' picture the riot police were taking with the 'protester' this legit?
I saw this mentioned on ATS a couple days ago. I did a search, but couldn't find this video on the other threads. If it's somewhere else
already....oh well.
And i'll be damned if there is as many people videotaping as there are protesting.
Half the time the protest is just a bunch of people walking around with cameras pointed at a small group of people, it just looks big cause everyone
is videotaping everyone videotaping everyone!
video is really upsetting. I'm not anti-cops, but sometimes, it's just like damn...
A bunch of cops getting a hooker to show her stuff and then they are dumb enough to photograph themselves. It'll come out in a few anf they will get
time off and the hooker will disappear.
The whole thing did look a little weird. Do you think this was just some sort of prank? The guy didn't seem to struggle, but he did seem to be this a hoax?
Extremely wierd, almost unheard of I suppose. If I where that man there is no way in h### I'd let the cops put me down like that and take a picture.
It would be more likely that I would be lying down on my face with tazer prongs in my back, you know the traditional way.
well, if that were really a protestor being forced to pose in front of a rank of riot police, the Abu Ghraib case should serve as a suitable legal
precedent to bring a prosecution under