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Is it possible that those in 'power' will rid of the internet entirely?

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posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 07:31 AM
Buisnesses would still exist using Telegram techniques, afterall they spent hundreds of years without computers before the 90's revolutionised everything, i'm sure some of the older folk in the know would be re-trained to re-educate staff on how methods were used using pen and paper.

As for retails, well money is still avaliable and people would simply be forced onto the high street and buy their goods from the shops instead of online. It would be a inconvenience but not a meltdown, the only thing that would suffer is people who rely on computers as a means of communication. To force them into the REAL world wouldnt be such a bad thing in my opinion.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by gYvMessanger

I know it has no 'singular off switch' but tell the people not to log on and how many would listen? quite a lot, IMO.
If someone was to scream, Skynet is real and will unleash nuclear armageddon if we all log on tonight, see how many actually log on?

Its all fear mongering, and yes I agree that some bright spark would create 'black market' hubs, but IMO theres always a way round the problem, and to TPTB the internet IS a problem, its a mean for us likeminded individuals to find each other and communicate ideas, the best way to cripple an army is to destroy its communications? That way the soldiers can't get their orders and can't co-ordinate any offensives. Agreed?
Cripple or distrupt the internet and we're helpless , sure those in the US have their guns to be able to fight back should TPTB make their power play, but here in the UK, we don't, and I don't fancy waiting for the American public to finish their civil wars to come over and help us do you?

[edit on 29/9/09 by DataWraith]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by gYvMessanger

Exactly. With all people ressources togheter, we can recreate mini network in cities at the beginning. We all have the knowledge and softwares.

then, we would link cities network and so on.

What we must do I think is to keep softwares that would make us recreate it backuped somewhere.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 07:51 AM
I may be mistaken but didn't it get shut down "locally" in and around NY on 9-11 ?
I'm sure it did, along with all cell phones and such!
So yes they can shut it down, but yes it will still be running if you are in the scripting and know your data link #'s without needing to search for them.
I was in northern Jersey when this happened, and the only way I could get out "communicate" was by knowing the URL of my mailbox by heart.

I agree there would have to be a reason, because that many PC addicts cut off that fast would be wanting answers very soon!
Thats when they will just wag the dog IMHO most likely something like terroist flu or claiming homeland security...

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 07:53 AM
It would be done with an E.M.P FROM A ??????? ????

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
If this were to long do we have before 'they' shut us down?

I know this is speculation, prediction, and "what ifs", but
in your opinion, is there more or less probability of this happening?

Also, if it were to happen...then what?
Fear? Outrage? People looking for other ways to communicate?

Any thoughts?

uhmmm..... i worked in the computer field for 16 years, they can't "shut" down the internet. there are alot of programmers out there laughing. well...unless you cut all power off, then you could stop the internet.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

Honestly if things have gotten so bad that there is an enforced global information / communication lockdown. Your going to have a lot bigger problems than wondering how people in other cities are coping. Its also highly unlikely that it will happen globally with the speed needed to shut everyone out of the systems, or that they would be able to maintain control over any form of mass blackout.

If its something your really worried about then look into the alternative forms of communication, particularly dark nets which are already widely in use.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:42 AM
Just make sure you have or know a short wave operator.

Try to shut down the internet and the backup system comes back up.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by gYvMessanger

Im not worried about the net being closed down, true I'd miss out of my local porn sites but other than that? not really worried, think of all that email spam I couldn't get, what a joy, or those online bank statements I couldn't recieve, sorry Mr thieving banker I didn't get your demand, I can't give you any money for your fatcat bonuses.
And yes I'd probably have to invest in a CB radio, but thats ok.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

Exactly man a radio transmission device, plus a external hard drive full of porn, and your ready to take on the apocalypse

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