posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:02 PM
The sad truth is, airport security is little more than a dog-and-pony show to make travelers feel safer, and to scare off less dedicated terrorists.
A true Islamic martyr wouldn't fear an armed guard any more than he'd fear flying an airplane into a building. He's not there to survive the
attack; he's there to die, taking with him as many infidels as possible. By dying in this way, he automatically goes to paradise without having to
face Allah's judgement. He can't lose, according to his beliefs.
As for the security itself, it is pathetic. Sure, they X-ray your stuff and maybe make you take off your shoes. They make you pass through a metal
detector. Great, except there are plenty of weapons that will pass right through a metal detector, and that wouldn't look worrisome in an X-ray.
Also, the checking itself isn't very thorough.
Not long ago, I had to fly. I had a beard at the time, and looked kind of scary. So yes, each time I went through security they "randomly" had me
take off my shoes, just in case I had a bomb in there. Lucky for me, I didn't bring one with me, so I passed all the checks.
When I got home and was unpacking, I discovered that my carry-on bag had a half-dozen Exacto knife blades in the bottom. They had fallen out of their
container and into the carry-on, where I couldn't readily see them. Six blades. True, those blades make a poor weapon without a handle (and not
such a great one even with the handle). Even so, had they been caught during the X-rays, I'd have been in some trouble. I should never have been
able to get through security, but I did - in *spite* of them checking my shoes for explosives.
This is not such an unusual occurrence. I am constantly seeing articles about failures at airport security points, people getting through with bomb
parts and what-not. These people are sent through just to check how well the security works. It doesn't work well.
Another thing to think about. If a terrorist wants to kill a bunch of people, he doesn't need to do it on an airplane. Before a flight, there are
hundreds of people all gathered around the security point, trying to pass through and get on the plane. All a terrorist has to do is blow himself up
in the middle of that crowd. He takes out just about the same number of people, plus he gets a couple of security guards.
Airport security isn't about protecting the passengers. It's about protecting the airplanes. Those suckers are expensive. Travelers aren't any
safer as a result of security checks. Only the planes are.