posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 10:20 AM
For the last ten years i've drunk more mineral water than the people of Khumbu village in nepal.
Every week i buy a 12 pack of scottish higlands mineral water. This left an unrepairable hole in my wallet.
By the way i would advice everyone to restrain themselves from Volvic, Vitel and especually Evian.
Drink local expensive water from beurocratic conservative people who produce it with dignaty.
ps. same goes not just for fluoride but for aspartame, all other sweeteners, all mainsteram vodkas, fast food, meat industry, antipersperant
deodorants and many many many many other things.
pps. where are the links for fluoridation in "GB"?
[Edited on 18-2-2003 by Tyler]