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Jack Van Impes Attacks 911, Truth Charlie Sheen

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posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:53 AM
link evangelist preacher who is against obama...yeah (yawn) what a shocker. the shocker is that normal people actually listen to this guy. well...maybe they are not so normal.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:17 AM
i've heard his stuff and read some of his books over the years. he's not an evil shill for the papacy, he's just shocked over the concept. the idea of such a thing appalls him and he is having the normal reaction most people do when they first read the information.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by resistor

well i'm a christian and i don't dislike charlie sheen. i am not for or against the 911 truth movement, as i am not sure what to make of it. it does appear to be a demolition but i dunno if it was planned by the US or was it just a very savvy heist like the DIE HARD film - steal something valuable, blame it on terrorists and wire the thing to blow. could be wrong of course, just a theory. watch the movie again. here's the official trailer

[edit on 27-9-2009 by undo]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:47 AM
Yes he can be bit of a loon at times, but on the other hand he is aware if the NWO, the Bilderburg group, and the other secret societies along with of course 2012. He also knows what is going on in the world today. How many preachers let alone the average Joe can say the same?

On the other hand about 9/11 etc, well it’s still a free country ‘sort of’ for now and he is entailed to his opinion.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Pluto64

he's having the normal reaction anybody would have when first confronted with such a prospect. it scares the kajeebas out of people that anyone could do such a thing, ya know? it's incomprehensible

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:52 AM
I've never heard of this Impe guy, but at the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinion. No point getting upset about it

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Alethea

I agree. I am a christian, Never supported bush, and think they played christians for suckers.

Christians are not suppost to choose war, torture, etc.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by undo

I agree he is not evil. But He could have not just read the information. He had to at least heard about the conspiracy for years.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by undo

911 was both a heist and a false flag. The PTB were way too prepared to make the most of the political implications for it to be otherwise. The globalists are very good at turning whatever they do into a money maker.

I had forgotten about the 911 references in that movie, THX.

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