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UK Plans for Swine Flu Deaths

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posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 10:38 AM
A Framework for Planners Preparing to Manage Deaths

This draft guidance paper 'Planning for a Possible Pandemic – A Framework for Planners Preparing to Manage Deaths' has been prepared by the Home Office. It sets out proposals on planning for the management of potentially large numbers of deaths during a pandemic influenza outbreak. The draft Framework is aimed at local planners preparing contingency plans for the extraordinary circumstances we understand are possible. This forms part of a suite of sensible contingency planning the Government has underway to prepare for pandemic influenza.

The Home Office are also seeking the views of professionals in the field – both representative organisations and individuals – and of the faith communities on:

* the practicality of the measures proposed;
* whether additional or different measures would be helpful and, if so, what;
* whether additional or different guidance might be helpful; and
* any concerns you may have about the different ways of working it is suggested will be necessary to deal with these extraordinary events.

Cabinet Office Document (PDF)


The British government has drawn up plans to create mass graves to deal with deaths resulting from the promised swine flu outbreak this Autumn. A newly drafted Home Office document, entitled The Framework for Planners Preparing to Manage Deaths, states that mass burial sites may be required to cope with the pandemic.

The 59-page document originates from a meeting of government officials and council leaders held last month to discuss emergency procedures in the event of a "second wave" of H1N1 flu. It states that the number of burials could more than double within a few weeks of a full-blown pandemic and suggests that cemeteries "may experience shortage of grave space, in particular in inner city areas".

"As a back-up option for higher fatality rates, cemetery managers should plan alternative ways of providing graves," the document says. A potential solution, "which can allow interments to be undertaken more quickly", according to the document, would be "a grave that is for a number of unrelated persons, excavated mechanically in advance and designed for efficient preparation and use."

Local government officials should consider the preparation of a "burial site for multiple graves and consecutive burials", the paper comments, adding a stipulation that "marking of the position of individual burials" must be carried out. The report also notes that such procedures "could not normally allow for the adjacent burial of family members."

The discovery of the published document was highlighted in reports from the Daily Mail, The Press Association, The London Metro and The Sun, which carry a scan of plans to increase mortuary capacity

[edit on 26-9-2009 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 10:53 AM
I'm sorry but I just have to say 'And'?
Pandemic planning documents have been around a while. I used to know someone on a disaster committee and the eventualities they had to plan for would make your hair curl.
The fact is, this is a mild disease in most but it is also very contagious. Unless it replaces completely the average flu there will be considerable extra deaths. And that's just with the mild version. So yes they have to plan. And yes they have to plan for a worst case scenario. It irks me to say it, but I sometimes feel for the authorities. Put this sort of thing out there and will always be some muppet from a conspiracy site crying doom. And if they don't and the worst happens, people will point the finger and accuse them of not preparing.
There is enough real stuff out there to get worried about.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by unicorn1
I'm sorry but I just have to say 'And'?
Pandemic planning documents have been around a while. I used to know someone on a disaster committee and the eventualities they had to plan for would make your hair curl.
The fact is, this is a mild disease in most but it is also very contagious. Unless it replaces completely the average flu there will be considerable extra deaths. And that's just with the mild version. So yes they have to plan. And yes they have to plan for a worst case scenario. It irks me to say it, but I sometimes feel for the authorities. Put this sort of thing out there and will always be some muppet from a conspiracy site crying doom. And if they don't and the worst happens, people will point the finger and accuse them of not preparing.
There is enough real stuff out there to get worried about.

I feel happy now that you have taken a glimpse into the future and enlightened me as to the second wave being mild and unlike 1976 there will be no deaths or long term effects from the vaccine.

It makes me wonder why some muppets come on to sites like this and even take the time to reply.

Some even go the whole hog by saying "my freind works in such and such a department so I know" just to big themselves up.

What is that all about ?

Just be honest, you have never known anybody in a "Disaster Committee" your making things up, its one thing to convince yourself but don't drag other people into your delusions.

You may not be interested in the "Home Office" Documents but others may be, but then again why would you be interested, you already know everything.

Please don't let my words worry you as you are not alone, the world is full of people like you....

[edit on 26-9-2009 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by unicorn1

What a smug git you are!

Seeing as how you have been a member of this board of muppets for less than a week, it really irks me when someone such as yourself posts comments such as yours.

Perhaps you would be better served reading the vast amount of threads concerning the swine flu debacle.

These authorities you feel so sorry for, are at the least negligent and at the worst complicit in a planned global population cull.

Read that is, providing you have have time with all the sympathizing with the authorities you are no doubt doing around the web...

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by spikey

Exactly my thoughts !!!!

You really can not reason with people like Unicorn, he's under educated and mis informed from info he gets from news channels rather than investigating himself.

I would be wasting my time mentioning Eugenics to him as words like that to people like him usually leads to the sound of wind blowing through his ears.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by spikey

He may be sumg but he has a point.

This is what Governments do, plan for stuff. There are plans in place for a whole slue of scenarios ranging from flu pandemics, to nuclear war and even asteroid impacts, all the way down to closing motorways because of fires or culling pigs because of disease.

They have plans in place for everything, they pay hundreds if not thousands of people good salaries to do nothing but plan and they have to justify their existence by coming up with even more scenarios to plan for.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by stumason

Usually the plans they make are for the problems they create.

Although they never make plans for the financial economy for the lower and middle classes.

You would think they would do since there is a recession every 20 years.

Why is that ?

[edit on 26-9-2009 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by EvilTwin666

Because boom and bust economics is a part of life, it is actually planned for. Just this time, the boom was huge, therefore the bust will also be quite severe. When you have markets that are largley tied to supply and demand, then you will have cycles. Nothing to sinister or even amazing at that.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by unicorn1

There is enough real stuff out there to get worried about.
what the, how much more real does have to get for you?
the fact they have a vaccine for something that isn't even killing people
and are digging mass graves at the same time dosn't set off any bells in
that stump you keep your brain in?
my only guess at what their trying to pull off. they are going to whack us all with something completely different from swine flu. swine flu is just a cover .
mass graves and millions of coffins in georgia the expect a lot of death from something and it isn't swine flu.
this is nuts just waiting for this crap to happen.
i don't like people have this much control over weather i live or die.

[edit on 27-9-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:33 AM
Why do needles remind me of Zeus's thunderbolts?

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by Alethea

Why do needles remind me of Zeus's thunderbolts?

and what the hell is that supposed to mean?
this is the beginning of a real nightmare only no one is sleeping until it's over.
if i don't do something now than i will have gone down with out a fight.
i can't have that, my ancestors fought with william wallace. i would be a complete disgrace.

i just flagged your thread evil, in the hope of getting it up and running again. i think it's a worthy post and thank you .

[edit on 27-9-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:59 AM
Compare this to a situations like Hurricane Katrina where people complained that a government actually didn't do enough or plan ahead. When a government plans something, it's wrong and suspicious. When a government doesn't plan something or plan enough, it's wrong and suspicious.

For the record - and it doesn't matter whether people believe me or not - but about 3 months ago I personally saw similar contingency plans specifically for hospitals, although I wasn't allowed to actually read them and I wasn't left alone with them either.

It's hardly surprising that governments actually plan for this kind of thing and, with all due respect to the OP, I'm not sure why there is any surprise or 'curiosity' in this.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:21 AM
To plan a "paper work " exercise is one thing, But when you see large army convoys of Royal Engineers is another, then if you notice RMPs going around on the pretext " We are new in the area and we thought we would say Hello " That's the time to start thinking off getting out of there IMO...
And your more than Welcome over here, We are a naturally Militant lot anyway LMAO

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